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(0.23) Wayland Corp. Development and released download Thread (new parts)


What classic ship would you like to fly next? these are in production...  

48 members have voted

  1. 1. What classic ship would you like to fly next? these are in production...

    • Biodomes from "Silent Running" w/animated doors and delivery system
    • ALIENS Marine Dropship (fully animated]
    • ALIENS APC Transport
    • ALIENS: The Sulaco
    • Star Wars - YT-1300 Milennium Falcon, Low poly, fully animated (landing ramp, cargo bay etc)
    • Star Wars - Boba Fett SLAVE1 (fully animated)
    • Star Wars - Rebel B-Wing fighter.
    • Star Wars - Original X-Wing.

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Ill test the sulaco if you want dude

We'll see, it's a pretty big ship, depends how good your pc is really, its not so bad by itself but when you add the apc and dropship, there is a fair few parts there.

Anyway, im off to bed..

Here is a small video of the dropship, using some temporary pegasus tailfins for now until I finish the dropships ones..

(make sure you have the sound turned up.. )

"Were in the pipe, 5-5-5"

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My pc will run it i have had at least a 1000 parts in space at once

Well, think of it this way.

Before the Sulaco can be tested, the Dropship has to be.

Before the Dropship can be properly tested, the APC has to be tested.

and then they have to be tested all together, which means they gotta essentially all be ready. x3

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Well, think of it this way.

Before the Sulaco can be tested, the Dropship has to be.

Before the Dropship can be properly tested, the APC has to be tested.

and then they have to be tested all together, which means they gotta essentially all be ready. x3

That's pretty much it :)

I know all 3 work, but it's assembling them all together and then actually trying to use them all in conjunction.

I'll behonest, it's working better than I expected.. Bay doors are finished and now I am testing a new decoupler, that has an ejection force of 2500 - or as high as I can go without breaking something, which is generally my rule of thumb :)

Also, you have to think about your host vehicle. I know we have mods to move kerbals between pods, which is ideal and I recommend it, but I always try my hardest to make mods that don't really require anything else. The only mods so far I have ever used as a pre-requisite is Mechjeb for engine toggling and now Damned Robotics for the rotating engines on the dropship. You cannot move attached objects that are attached to an animation, it doesnt work - so damned robotics is the only solution to have totally variable VTOL control.

I apologize for not getting the dropship to you guys last night, im still catching up on a late night from the weekend, im gettin too old for this sh*t :)

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We'll see, it's a pretty big ship, depends how good your pc is really, its not so bad by itself but when you add the apc and dropship, there is a fair few parts there.

Anyway, im off to bed..

Here is a small video of the dropship, using some temporary pegasus tailfins for now until I finish the dropships ones..

(make sure you have the sound turned up.. )

"Were in the pipe, 5-5-5"

I'll test it, I got a decent PC.

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I'll test it, I got a decent PC.

I have a good testing team at the moment, but i'll let you know how this lot goes.

The last test run I did was really dissapointing. I handed it out to 12 people, some of which practically begged for it, then gave me absolutely no feedback, and I mean zero :( so the test piloting days are more restricted now.

Currently, Logan, Ultravires, Ohm and WCOLE are the brave souls and also the Cardinal is joining us.

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Any chance the Cheyenne will come with a white texture pack? I love your mods, but the variety of texture colors really makes them look out place with the rest of my fleet or incredibly mismatched when parts are used with stock style parts, or even mixing matching between your own ships. WT-51 for example.

Either way, great work and looking forward to future downloads :)

Edited by UNSA
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try these eagle asas settings and get rid of the sas settings in the command pod they seem to be stepping on each other. this should fix the dip and smooth everything out. works pretty well with mechjeb2 as well.

// --- SAS parameters ---

rotPower = 80

linPower = 80

maxTorque = 80

Kp = .50

Ki = 0

Kd = .35

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try these eagle asas settings and get rid of the sas settings in the command pod they seem to be stepping on each other. this should fix the dip and smooth everything out. works pretty well with mechjeb2 as well.

// --- SAS parameters ---

rotPower = 80

linPower = 80

maxTorque = 80

Kp = .50

Ki = 0

Kd = .35

By "get rid of the sas settings in the command pod I assume you mean this section here? --

// --- pod/rcs parameters ---

rotPower = 5

linPower = 1

Kp = 1.0

Kd = 1.0

What do we replace it with? Do we just remove it entirely?

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By the way, has the X-2 been fixed so it dosen't tip nose down under power anymore? Because it's hard to perform a burn when you have to pull up at full to get it to fly straight.

I have a good testing team at the moment, but i'll let you know how this lot goes.

The last test run I did was really dissapointing. I handed it out to 12 people, some of which practically begged for it, then gave me absolutely no feedback, and I mean zero :( so the test piloting days are more restricted now.

Currently, Logan, Ultravires, Ohm and WCOLE are the brave souls and also the Cardinal is joining us.

Sorry to hear that.

To give you eg of what my rig is like, I run this fairly smoothly:


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By the way, has the X-2 been fixed so it dosen't tip nose down under power anymore? Because it's hard to perform a burn when you have to pull up at full to get it to fly straight.

Still working on that. I've been testing Col Neville's suggested changes this evening and I don't have actual numbers to report back, but I can tell you that just by "seat of the pants" it FEELS like I have better control.

Here - I just did another "Northern River Valley Run" and THIS time I did it almost all FULL POWER BURN to give you an idea of what it's like. Note that I have a pod attached. It's only the lightweight passenger pod, but it is under load.

Also - still learning new stuff.

For example. On my practice run (not filmed) I discovered that with KEEP VERT in the translatron and KILL ROT in the SASS and both sets of engines running, it is best to tap the "Pitch up" key equally with whatever control input you're trying to do to keep it from nose-diving as much as possible.

For example - in the above video, you'll see me race around a river bend with all engines running and I'm turning the Eagle flat on the same pitch. Let's say that turn is to the right.

I'd be either pressing or tap-tap-tap-tapping both the "S" and the "D" Keys at the same time.

(Actually I have my movement mapped over on the right-hand number pad. So for me it's actually 2 and 6. But I figured the WASD keys would make it more clear.)

The same thing applies if all I'm doing is doing a roll to the right. In that case I'd be tapping "E" and "S" (9 and 2) respectively.

So I applied that and what you get is a MUCH faster run of the River Valley. If anything I got a little MORE ballsy with it! Got down to less than 10 meters off the water at a couple of points. :D

I think the nose dive issue is never going to go away completely. I've been testing other VTOL craft including the Pegasus and a couple of Harrier recreations and I think when you have craft that have both VTOL and equally powerful rear thrust you're just going to have to learn how to fly it and balance it. It's easier when you have wings that give lift to counteract the nose dive for example, but it's still there if you pitch forward too much with both sets of engines going.

What we WANT to do is attempt to make the Eagle perform the same way or as close as we can get both with and without a load under the truss. That's the main thing. If you fly the Eagle, you want to know that it's going to perform within a certain envelope and not get unpredictable on you.

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Still working on that. I've been testing Col Neville's suggested changes this evening and I don't have actual numbers to report back, but I can tell you that just by "seat of the pants" it FEELS like I have better control.

Here - I just did another "Northern River Valley Run" and THIS time I did it almost all FULL POWER BURN to give you an idea of what it's like. Note that I have a pod attached. It's only the lightweight passenger pod, but it is under load.

Also - still learning new stuff.

For example. On my practice run (not filmed) I discovered that with KEEP VERT in the translatron and KILL ROT in the SASS and both sets of engines running, it is best to tap the "Pitch up" key equally with whatever control input you're trying to do to keep it from nose-diving as much as possible.

For example - in the above video, you'll see me race around a river bend with all engines running and I'm turning the Eagle flat on the same pitch. Let's say that turn is to the right.

I'd be either pressing or tap-tap-tap-tapping both the "S" and the "D" Keys at the same time.

(Actually I have my movement mapped over on the right-hand number pad. So for me it's actually 2 and 6. But I figured the WASD keys would make it more clear.)

The same thing applies if all I'm doing is doing a roll to the right. In that case I'd be tapping "E" and "S" (9 and 2) respectively.

So I applied that and what you get is a MUCH faster run of the River Valley. If anything I got a little MORE ballsy with it! Got down to less than 10 meters off the water at a couple of points. :D

I think the nose dive issue is never going to go away completely. I've been testing other VTOL craft including the Pegasus and a couple of Harrier recreations and I think when you have craft that have both VTOL and equally powerful rear thrust you're just going to have to learn how to fly it and balance it. It's easier when you have wings that give lift to counteract the nose dive for example, but it's still there if you pitch forward too much with both sets of engines going.

What we WANT to do is attempt to make the Eagle perform the same way or as close as we can get both with and without a load under the truss. That's the main thing. If you fly the Eagle, you want to know that it's going to perform within a certain envelope and not get unpredictable on you.

Have you guys tried the Hydrotech plugin yet??

I strongly suggest it.. specifically the Automatic RCS translation feature.. It has just made all our lives alot easier, especially getting the dropship to RCS burn directly downat the same time as you decouple it. I am pretty happy right now, that one plugin solved so many problems.

Also - VTOL take off instability is now a thing of the past, thanks to Hydrotech, I can apply a constant RCS stream to keep the craft stable at the nose, rather than keep having to press "W" to keep lifting the nose with small bursts...

Now.. you just set .. and forget! :)

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Actually no. I haven't tried that. But I think I have hydrotech installed. Let me put one of their parts on a test Eagle and see how it goes.

You wont regret it, I have removed mechjeb and hyperedit in favour of hydrotech. Landing/Take off with hydrotech is literally a dream in the Eagle. Can hover precisely and move very slowly and literally hover on top of any cargo you need to pick up... its a kick ass mod

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You wont regret it, I have removed mechjeb and hyperedit in favour of hydrotech. Landing/Take off with hydrotech is literally a dream in the Eagle. Can hover precisely and move very slowly and literally hover on top of any cargo you need to pick up... its a kick ass mod


I don't know how to use Hydrotech yet. I'm still trying to figure out the controls. Also - I may not have the most recent version. Let me check that.

Edit: Nope - didn't have anything close to the latest version. LOL

Updating now.

Edited by Logan.Darklighter
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