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(0.23) Wayland Corp. Development and released download Thread (new parts)


What classic ship would you like to fly next? these are in production...  

48 members have voted

  1. 1. What classic ship would you like to fly next? these are in production...

    • Biodomes from "Silent Running" w/animated doors and delivery system
    • ALIENS Marine Dropship (fully animated]
    • ALIENS APC Transport
    • ALIENS: The Sulaco
    • Star Wars - YT-1300 Milennium Falcon, Low poly, fully animated (landing ramp, cargo bay etc)
    • Star Wars - Boba Fett SLAVE1 (fully animated)
    • Star Wars - Rebel B-Wing fighter.
    • Star Wars - Original X-Wing.

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I'll give it a try in the morn!

Or, y'know, whenever I get a chance.

Speaking of which, tomorrow I'm going on a trip to CA, so I'll be back about Monday.

Sorry! And I can't take my comp with me - that'd be SILLY. XP

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Enjoy your trip! never been to America, wouldn't mind one day... there is something odd about Arizona and the desert that appeals to me, I say odd because I live in Australia, which is practically a desert.

I was having some serious problems with my KSP, I couldnt test anything, play for 10 mins and get a black screen and PC resets.. (does not happen in any other game, and I play alot of games...)

I still don't really know whats causing it, im running 64 bit windows, 16 gigs of ram (which KSP will only use 3-4 anyway) and a quad core processor, which sadly only gets 1 of its cores used in KSP... (the more I think about it, the more this game and engine will suffer as time goes on, they are going to need to multithread this soon.. it's actually really starting to piss me off to be honest.

So last night, went about removing everything again, going from vanilla with only DEMVmk5 and Hyperdit as my only plugins, and BAM black screen again and crash..

Turns out the new Hyper edit is a krakken, I don't recommend it. Im a bit pissy about it, Khyperia says it doesnt need the hyperedit part in your parts folder anymore, and that is just not true.. it doesnt work at all without the part there (for me anyway) and if I use the new hyperedit .dll, my game crashes HARD...

which is a shame, as I really loved the quick access to test landings etc, guess it's back to ol mechjeb.

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try these graphics settings. ive already tried just about everything else. this combination seems to be pretty stable and still look good.


make sure to unpark all your cores. the biggest difference is the full to half res on the texture quality that alone nets you about 300 megs. but its all in the base game. ive loaded vanilla and all mods still same 300 meg difference. Ive been using AFR for my crossfire setting. scissors and supertile I cant seem to get working correctly.

turn off the VAB crew. that helps with the lag there. but what I don't understand is my cpu and gpu's are all running 20-30 percent and that's while playing an almost 400 part ship, streaming to twitch at 1080p having the preview up on OBS and the preview up in the twitch channel and still at 7-30fps. 80 percent of my machine is available but not being used. I hate it when a great idea comes out and the implementation kills it.

let me know how those changes work out logan. might need to turn the rotpower and linpower down just a tad if it gets too darty. but I think the big thing is the asas is actually working now and helping a lot more than it was before.

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Let me know how those changes work out Logan. might need to turn the rotpower and linpower down just a tad if it gets too darty. but I think the big thing is the asas is actually working now and helping a lot more than it was before.

Actually I should've been more clear in the above post - I am pretty sure the changes DID help. If you look at the above video that I linked, I think it's pretty clear that I have more control (and confidence in that control) to boom down that river valley with the rear/main engines going 95% of the time rather than turning them on in shorter bursts like I did the first time. It got dicey a couple of times, but I had enough torque to bring the nose back up even without RCS on a couple of times when it dipped dangerously close to the water.

Also - near the end - you may notice I almost spilled it when I turned off KILL ROT to turn on SURF and had not yet input and locked in my heading, I hit "Execute" about a split second before the Eagle would've hit the water, and the extra torque snapped the nose up. (That would've been embarrassing. Not actually fatal though. The Eagle is almost indestructible in a splashdown on it's core elements, though it would've stripped the hull bare and I would've lost the RCS blocks and VTOL engines.)

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Because it uses mumech engines, they use fuel differently.

Now that I am more versed on liquid engines, im converting the PX-2 and the Eagle to liquid engines.

I don't understand, whats mumech, and is there a way to show fuel recourse or is it unlimited ?

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I don't understand, whats mumech, and is there a way to show fuel recourse or is it unlimited ?

MumechVariableEngines are a part type you can use if you are using Mechjeb. They allow engines to be toggled via the onscreen GUI buttons.

Fuel recourse is denoted in the part.cfg, but when you use mechjeb engines, they don't show the fuel level (sometimes they do, sometimes they don't, guess its a bug maybe)

So what I was saying, was that the engines I will be using from now on will just be stock liquid engines and the toggling will be done from the Action groups.

I also intend to intergrate The Hydrotech plugin to my craft, this will allow me to create a new way of propulsion based on monopropellant. Now AllI need to do is

invent jet powered RCS thrusters.

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MumechVariableEngines are a part type you can use if you are using Mechjeb. They allow engines to be toggled via the onscreen GUI buttons.

Fuel recourse is denoted in the part.cfg, but when you use mechjeb engines, they don't show the fuel level (sometimes they do, sometimes they don't, guess its a bug maybe)

So what I was saying, was that the engines I will be using from now on will just be stock liquid engines and the toggling will be done from the Action groups.

I also intend to intergrate The Hydrotech plugin to my craft, this will allow me to create a new way of propulsion based on monopropellant. Now AllI need to do is

invent jet powered RCS thrusters.

Ahh right ok thats cool, thank you v much for replying :)

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Hi, newb here, just a thumb's up for your excellent work on the Eagle there devogen. Many thanks to you and your group. With all the fuel and that, what a great way to get into ksp and get sorted out before i start my program proper. The RCS fuel is separate is it? i ran out with just one burn left to get moho orbit earlier today lol.

I've been trying to do descent paths from orbit with nose up vtol, badly, I've not tried the additional control systems mentioned above but am finding the flying nicely hard. I keep breaking the main engine off. It turns out mountains and high regions have non zero altitudes. Who knew. I then scowl like konig. I just got to eeloo and did it again grr.

ksp is great.

For any potential wishlist i'd love to see the Scorpio off blake's seven, or that salvage 1 (vulture?). Are there any folks working on big engineering in ksp do you know? Momentum exchange particularly.





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MunBase Construction Report: Proceeding in typical Kerbal Fasion!

My Mun Base made it to the surface alright, and then promptly fell over! I've been designing modules to dock onto it using Lack's parts, and hopefully they will all dock together. You can see in the Screenie, I'm using the Eagle, with a KAS winch. In the Dark too! :) I actually did get it upright again but when I disconnected the winch, the Kraken showed up and Exploded my MunBase :0.0: Didn't get a picture of it though... It is an elusive creature! :cool:


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Nice! You attempting to make a Moonbase with a central "Main Mission" building there?

I was going some experimenting with LLL parts and B9 flat panels the other day just seeing what might fit together and came up with the following concept as something like the "Main Mission" tower of the original Moonbase Alpha.

I want to stress - this is NOT launchable, NOT practical, NOT low part count, and NOT even very stable long term. Would need a LOT of internal struts and different way of being put together to even approach being workable.

But I think it shows what COULD be done if worked on.


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And welcome, Meteor! Glad to see you've been enjoying the game and the mods!

You just reminded me of something as well. I've been meaning to make a short video on how I de-orbit and land the Eagle. I should do that today after I get some other stuff taken care of.

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spot on Logan! I'm trying to build something like Alpha with Lacks parts, it won't be as big, but I hope it will be functional. I have some of the modules ready, Kethane bay for mining, and a fuel depot/landing pad. But as you can see, I'm gonna have to get a Tractor up there or something to move the parts around, I didn't use landing gear, cause I wanted it to look like it was built there... but that may not have been the wisest choice.... Who knew it would be this hard to find a flat spot of ground on the Mun??? :confused:

and likewise Meteor! Glad to see more people enjoying the Eagle! Stay tuned... the Mk. 3 Version is just around the corner... once other things are up and flying as well.

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i have crashed many eagles but i am determined to get it to fly right for me! eventually would like to use it as a lander for delivering HOME modules to moons and planets once i get the damn thing to fly level and with a degree of control for me lol

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cheers chaps. Yea, I've not liked a game this much in forever.

And welcome, Meteor! Glad to see you've been enjoying the game and the mods!

You just reminded me of something as well. I've been meaning to make a short video on how I de-orbit and land the Eagle. I should do that today after I get some other stuff taken care of.

that video would be excellent to see cheers logan. Your modifications and uses are well interesting. Knockout.

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Nice Spacecowboy, I think they did that configuration in the tv show, it was a really modular craft, very well designed.

Logan, Ohm, WCole Ultra.. check your inboxes, have fun

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Nice Spacecowboy, I think they did that configuration in the tv show, it was a really modular craft, very well designed.

Logan, Ohm, WCole Ultra.. check your inboxes, have fun

I remember that config too. It was from the large plastic toy that was a "playset" that came with action figures. I used to have that as a kid. And you could take off the pod and the engines and fit them together like that. In the actual show itself, I know the command pod could come off and maneuver with small rockets and RCS built into it (as seen in the episode "Dragon's Domain"). But I don't think the engines were removable as a unit like that normally. Still - it makes for an awesome little ship! Great stuff! :)

And I just downloaded the dropship from Devo for testing. Let's see how this goes!

"We're on an express elevator to hell! GOING DOWN!" :D

EDIT: Have tested the Dropship. Crashed about 5 times trying to take off (with no death! It may break but the actual cockpit area is TOUGH!). Got to suborbital once. Decided I needed to add MechJeb. Added MechJeb. Also set up action groups for the major features (wings, legs, ramp). Then started messing around again. Between HydroJeb and MechJeb figured out how to lift off, get into orbit, and adjust said orbit.

Made one orbit then attempted to do the classic straight power down thrust entry to KSC as seen in the movie. Seemed to be going well until I needed to pull out for landing preparations then all went to hell as I tried turning off/adjusting Hydro and MechJeb. Started to tumble badly and THANK GOD FOR THE TAIL PARACHUTES!! Got her straightened out, wings deployed, legs down and made a smooth landing.

Not bad for my first hour in the thing! (Sorry for no screenshots or video. Was too damn busy! :P)

Edited by Logan.Darklighter
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So when can we be expecting a release for dropship

I want to get some feedback from the team, once they are happy, i'm happy.

Since that is done, the sulaco just needs some finishing touches now, so I may release both in the same pack.

Here is some spoilers for the scale of the sulaco..

The dropship you have seen in the videos so far was modelled at human scale, then shrunk down to 64% for kerbals, thats just the easiest way to get all the scales right

(like having cargo bay doors lower from the dropship and touch the ground at the exact same level as the lander legs etc.. not easy..)

So as you can see the Sulaco is not small...


"omg that will lag my pc!!"

No it wont :)

I didnt cheat and use someone elses mesh, I took a very complex mesh that had been made (more than 15 years ago, so not even sure who the author was) then cut it up into pieces.

Then, I took each piece, one by one and put them off to the side while at 0,0,0 I remodelled a replica of that piece, made out of primitive shapes.

I didn't see why the piece below needed to be 50,000 polys, as it could be made with simple cubes, so my version turns out at about 400 polys instead. So basically, I did this with the entire

ship, piece by piece remaking the cut up sections from the complex model - it's like painting something with a reference picture in the top corner...

except with blender, you get to put the piece right there in your painting for a reference. This is great for getting scale right, just mirror the dimensions

of the piece you are trying to replicate. The idea with these big ships is not to lag the crap out of KSP. It's bad enough on a slower pc as it is, I would like my mods to be accessible to as many people as possible.

No, this is not quick process, so far the sulaco has taken nearly 6 months to remodel each piece :( I do stop every now and then to do other projects, sort of need to to keep interest.


and some VTOl action...(a fun, but not very fuel efficient way to take off..)

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Test Pilot Reporting in! :cool: Just been playing around in the space plane hanger, and I can't actually build one myself. The craft file loads fine, but if you try to build one from scratch the folding wings, and cargo bay are not attachable... I tried every which way I could think of, even using a radial attach point, but no go. Still testing the whole ship, but with the parts I could attach, I made this for fun :cool: I call it the Ugly duckling... I can confirm the engines work fine, and the rota-tron is nice! (never used DR before) The attach strength between the command pod and front wing section seems a bit weak (I'll test some different settings) landing gear work (and look) great too! You make some good animations Devo :D

BTW... I have no words for your work on the Sulaco, Devo... that is OUTSTANDING.

Fear not, Kerbals, You'll be ready to go Bug Stomping in Style soon! :sticktongue:

...and I just realized what this looks like... anyone play "Warhawk" for PlayStation back in the day??? It's unintentionally in KSP now :cool:





Jeb LIVES! Rocket Exhaust Rainbow!

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No pics right now, but the dropship is great! Little bad at controlling though. VTOL's are abit overpowered in my opinion. Oh and maybe mechjeb engine control like the Eagle would help. Translating between VTOL and Conventional has been difficult for it on my computer.

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Nice work, Ultra Vires! I gotta say - I think YOUR placement of the VTOL engines makes more sense! LOL :D

(Not a dig at Devo BTW - that's a criticism launched at the makers of the original design.)

Anyway - I made a twitch video showing off a test of the Dropship And a de-orbit of the Eagle.

I did promise to show how I de-orbit the Eagle so as to avoid re-entry effects and have a smooth, controlled approach. Why? Because... well look at the Eagle! No heatshield! LOL. It HAS to do powered re-entry! :D

Here I do that and show off a trick for circular-izing orbits that just makes things almost casually easy. Even considering the Eagle's propensity to want to nose-dive.

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thats why I didnt intergrate the engines as part of the back section and have them auto rotating :) the original design was a bit bogus, but I was trying to get it as close to the movie as I could and still be able to fly it.

The dropship will also nose dive from orbit, but that was how it is designed, it will act like a spear when the wings are retracted.


VTOLS are overpowered? Have you loaded it up yet mate? dont forget, its empty.. it needs to lift up to 10-20 tonnes. The APC alone weighs like 5 tonnes and the fuel is about 30t

no, they seem pretty spot on. You try and get out of orbit just using them, you will chew nearly half your fuel. They are for getting the craft off the ground and hovering into a forward conversion, like an osprey, they also are designed to stop you when you enter the atmosphere too fast, by rotating them and applying reverse thrust.

Getting 40 tonnes to stop from 1000ms+ to 150ms when you are 500 metres from the ground is not fun (thats what should be happening if you are dropping this correctly) So the rotating of the VTOLS and applying

a full reverse thrust is one of the only ways to almost do a complete stop and then safely gover down and land on the lander legs and drop the cargo bay.

I also included to parachutes at the back of the craft, but the ones I used here were very overpowered and didnt break off, ill send you guys the part.cfg

@logan off to watch more logan TV now...

we'll be right back after this commercial...

errr, your twitch video link is bad....

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