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(0.23) Wayland Corp. Development and released download Thread (new parts)


What classic ship would you like to fly next? these are in production...  

48 members have voted

  1. 1. What classic ship would you like to fly next? these are in production...

    • Biodomes from "Silent Running" w/animated doors and delivery system
    • ALIENS Marine Dropship (fully animated]
    • ALIENS APC Transport
    • ALIENS: The Sulaco
    • Star Wars - YT-1300 Milennium Falcon, Low poly, fully animated (landing ramp, cargo bay etc)
    • Star Wars - Boba Fett SLAVE1 (fully animated)
    • Star Wars - Rebel B-Wing fighter.
    • Star Wars - Original X-Wing.

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Whew... tonight I've been working on something else. You know how you get started doing something in KSP and you think -

"This should be relatively straightforward. Simple really. Shouldn't take me more than about an hour."

And then 6 hours later you are kicking yourself for thinking that? :D

I found a fantastic reference site - http://catacombs.space1999.net

And I've been going through the site looking for stuff as reference for my project and finding a LOT. Too much really. I think a lot of my time was wasted just surfing the site! LOL. But anyway -

Devo - I've noticed something rather important. Check out this image:


I was looking at that and realized a couple of things. One - I wanted to try building the boarding tube structure on the side of the Eagle Pad.

Lackluster parts worked well to give me a good approximation. And this pad is still mobile. (though I could see making the whole structure into something launchable to land in a specific spot rather than roll there).




Now - the other thing. Scale - it's kinda off. The pad in the show is much bigger than it's been made here. Interestingly - the old Redspar Eagle is a pretty close match to your pad in terms of scale matching the show. I was wondering if you might consider making the pad bigger? Making the pad scale match that of the show would be fairly easy since it's only one piece.

Consider if you will that it would make it easier to land your Eagle on it? I mean - I can do it. But I still think it's a bit of a squeaker to get it all lined up. A more casual pilot might get frustrated with it. A larger pad would allow for a somewhat less demanding approach to landing.

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lol nice touchdown.. i wonder if I could get the drop ship there... hmmm ill be back in 10 mins..

p.s which engines do you want me to add vectors too? im not using the old style engines anymore, so just tell me which ones.

@logan, thos LL parts work so well I almost dont feel like doing the munbase now lol, they are done well, and really almost perfect for the part.

You can make the pad bigger if you want man, just rescale it and tell me what the final scale is and we'll release it as that. I just made it big enough to make it as close to the picture as I could.

I really need to start working on some emissive textures, I have the modelling side of things down, animations not so bad but yeah I need to get my textures looking better.

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WOW, ok Logan, I give up... you win. That is the coolest thing I've seen all day! And I know what you mean about spending time in KSP... That's why I'm typing this at 3:28am... :cool: You'll have to send me the craft file for that landing pad.


Sweet! The Eagle engines could really use some love, if you added thrust vectors to the vtols (angled like they are now, that really helps with stability) and I could have you a Mk.3 Resource using Eagle ready tomorrow night! And you could adjust the colliders so the parts actually touch... always bothered me, ain't natural :sticktongue: We could also use that engine as a place holder until you get a forward Vtol made for the Dropship. If you wanted to update the Peggy Engines as well, I could get the configs done for those as too, but it's not really pressing.

And personally I think your parts look great Devo, it's true, your still learning stuff, but we're all amateurs here, even the Dev's... :cool:

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WOW, ok Logan, I give up... you win. That is the coolest thing I've seen all day! And I know what you mean about spending time in KSP... That's why I'm typing this at 3:28am... :cool: You'll have to send me the craft file for that landing pad.

You know - I'll do that. In fact, I've been putting off getting a mediafire account. Time to go do that so I can post stuff like that for people to grab. Back soon!

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ive got a mediafire account, i just sort of would prefer they fix the spaceport, the whole point of the spaceport in the first place was to have a central repository for all the mods, but it got so messy, with all the craft files and what not.. I guess things will just revert to the old days where we host our own stuff, I dont mind personally, at least I can control the versions and updates.

oh yeah..

dont land on Eve...


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Okay - here are the files. Anybody want to check them out and use them - be my guest!

Basic Mobile Eagle Landing Pad - This is Devo's Eagle Launchpad, but with added parts that make it mobile so you can drive it off of the runway or launch pad. The part count is about 30 parts (about half of which are the lights embedded around the "cross" part of the landing pad). You'll need The DSM Pack and the old Clever Bobcat cart as well. Also uses landing gear from Devo's misc parts pack to lock the pad down once you've moved it to where you want it.

Mobile Eagle Landing Pad with Boarding Structure - This uses the Lackluster Labs structures to add the boarding structure seen in the above screenshots. You'll also need the Merlin Resource Transfer System (see below)

Warning! This thing is about 80+ Parts! And is slightly wobbly. The cart underneath also struggles to move this thing a bit. Also - for some strange reason, even though it has a probe body in the same location as the one above, the cart no longer works without "crew". This can be gotten around by just getting a single Kerbal to climb up one of the ladders and board one of the LLL airlock doors. No need to add a cockpit. It somehow magically makes the cart work again. Weird.

Also - it comes with a bunch of Monopropellent fuel and one of the MRT transfer nodes. (You could also use the KAS system - I recommend replacing one of the LLL Airlock doors on the side and put in the winch and nodes for that if you do.)

Eagle Mk 2 - This is a Wayland Eagle modified to my standards. It has side to side RCS translation and RTG power plants for extra Electricity. Also a Probe body for remote piloting without a crew! Comes with docking ports on the main truss on top and bottom. Uses the MechJeb 9000 part and the GPS unit from the ISA Mapset. Also has a Hydrotech module. You'll also need the Ion+Hybrid Engine Pack for the large RTGs. (See if you can find where I've hidden all the stuff! :D)

Eagle Mk 2 Rescue - This is one of my Eagles modified with the LLL Parts to have a passenger pod. Fair warning, this does like to nosedive a bit. But it's pretty light and it nosedives the least of all the pods. WARNING!! WARNING!! DO NOT UNDOCK THE POD!! It will tear the ship apart! On the upside - the neat party trick of this Eagle is that it can carry 18 Kerbals! 16 in the pod, and 2 in the cockpit. :D

Kethane Cracking Station Pod - This one's a DOOZY... Uses a combination of LLL parts as well as the flat panels from the B9 Aerospace Pack for its basic structure. Also - of course - uses the Kethane Plug-in. ALSO uses the Merlin Transfer System and ALSO has ports from the KAS system. ALSO uses the landing legs from the old ancient Rocktco Munar Lander! In fact, pretty much every mod I've mentioned and linked to above is in this thing! Is there a mod pack I HAVEN'T USED? LOL :D

You'll need to modify an Eagle with Docking ports fore and aft to dock up with this thing. SOP is to launch this from the VAB, then launch an Eagle from the Runway and then carefully land on the pad with the KCSP. Then adjust with a combination of thrusters and RCS scooting around until you can dock up. Set the front port on the KCSP as your target.

WARNING: This thing is kinda heavy! Don't attempt to get to orbit using the rear/main engines! VTOL all the way up to orbit! You might also consider setting the top docking port on the truss of your Eagle to "control from here" and manuever that way. But note - you can use the main engines in orbit at very low power levels - the lowest power setting in fact - in orbit for orbital maneuvering. DO NOT USE MECH-JEB TO DO ORBITAL OPERATIONS OF ANY KIND WITH THIS THING! Manual orbital transfer to the Mun! De-orbit and land using the VTOL engines only!

You can leave the KCSP in orbit to map for Kethane sites on it's own. But I'd leave the Eagle attached. I've never personally attempted orbital docking with this thing. I have no idea if that would even work! LOL. But once you have a Kethane site picked, go ahead and drop the pod for mining if you like. It comes with batteries and solar panels and a probe so it can operate on its own! The only thing you'll need is something to cart the fuel away in (that's why it has the Merlin and KAS transfer nodes).

Gojira with Station Core - This is the big one! This is the space station and the beast that launched it all in one go! Uses the Bobcat Home parts, DSM, Lackluster, B9 Aerospace, MPSS Nautilus, and BFT Form Tank parts. Oh. And the Gojira, of course. :D

If you load one of these craft files and it won't load due to a part pack I have not mentioned, let me know please and I'll edit this post to include it!

Edited by Logan.Darklighter
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Okay - here are the files. Anybody want to check them out and use them - be my guest!

Basic Mobile Eagle Landing Pad - This is Devo's Eagle Launchpad, but with added parts that make it mobile so you can drive it off of the runway or launch pad. The part count is about 30 parts (about half of which are the lights embedded around the "cross" part of the landing pad). You'll need The DSM Pack and the old Clever Bobcat cart as well. Also uses landing gear from Devo's misc parts pack to lock the pad down once you've moved it to where you want it.

Mobile Eagle Landing Pad with Boarding Structure - This uses the Lackluster Labs structures to add the boarding structure seen in the above screenshots. You'll also need the Merlin Resource Transfer System (see below)

Warning! This thing is about 80+ Parts! And is slightly wobbly. The cart underneath also struggles to move this thing a bit. Also - for some strange reason, even though it has a probe body in the same location as the one above, the cart no longer works without "crew". This can be gotten around by just getting a single Kerbal to climb up one of the ladders and board one of the LLL airlock doors. No need to add a cockpit. It somehow magically makes the cart work again. Weird.

Also - it comes with a bunch of Monopropellent fuel and one of the MRT transfer nodes. (You could also use the KAS system - I recommend replacing one of the LLL Airlock doors on the side and put in the winch and nodes for that if you do.)

Eagle Mk 2 - This is a Wayland Eagle modified to my standards. It has side to side RCS translation and RTG power plants for extra Electricity. Also a Probe body for remote piloting without a crew! Comes with docking ports on the main truss on top and bottom. Uses the MechJeb 9000 part and the GPS unit from the ISA Mapset. Also has a Hydrotech module. You'll also need the Ion+Hybrid Engine Pack for the large RTGs. (See if you can find where I've hidden all the stuff! :D)

Eagle Mk 2 Rescue - This is one of my Eagles modified with the LLL Parts to have a passenger pod. Fair warning, this does like to nosedive a bit. But it's pretty light and it nosedives the least of all the pods. WARNING!! WARNING!! DO NOT UNDOCK THE POD!! It will tear the ship apart! On the upside - the neat party trick of this Eagle is that it can carry 18 Kerbals! 16 in the pod, and 2 in the cockpit. :D

Kethane Cracking Station Pod - This one's a DOOZY... Uses a combination of LLL parts as well as the flat panels from the B9 Aerospace Pack for its basic structure. Also - of course - uses the Kethane Plug-in. ALSO uses the Merlin Transfer System and ALSO has ports from the KAS system. ALSO uses the landing legs from the old ancient Rocktco Munar Lander! In fact, pretty much every mod I've mentioned and linked to above is in this thing! Is there a mod pack I HAVEN'T USED? LOL :D

You'll need to modify an Eagle with Docking ports fore and aft to dock up with this thing. SOP is to launch this from the VAB, then launch an Eagle from the Runway and then carefully land on the pad with the KCSP. Then adjust with a combination of thrusters and RCS scooting around until you can dock up. Set the front port on the KCSP as your target.

WARNING: This thing is kinda heavy! Don't attempt to get to orbit using the rear/main engines! VTOL all the way up to orbit! You might also consider setting the top docking port on the truss of your Eagle to "control from here" and manuever that way. But note - you can use the main engines in orbit at very low power levels - the lowest power setting in fact - in orbit for orbital maneuvering. DO NOT USE MECH-JEB TO DO ORBITAL OPERATIONS OF ANY KIND WITH THIS THING! Manual orbital transfer to the Mun! De-orbit and land using the VTOL engines only!

You can leave the KCSP in orbit to map for Kethane sites on it's own. But I'd leave the Eagle attached. I've never personally attempted orbital docking with this thing. I have no idea if that would even work! LOL. But once you have a Kethane site picked, go ahead and drop the pod for mining if you like. It comes with batteries and solar panels and a probe so it can operate on its own! The only thing you'll need is something to cart the fuel away in (that's why it has the Merlin and KAS transfer nodes).

Gojira with Station Core - This is the big one! This is the space station and the beast that launched it all in one go! Uses the Bobcat Home parts, DSM, Lackluster, B9 Aerospace, MPSS Nautilus, and BFT Form Tank parts. Oh. And the Gojira, of course. :D

If you load one of these craft files and it won't load due to a part pack I have not mentioned, let me know please and I'll edit this post to include it!

ok this has kept me busy for a couple days :) nice work man,

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Ok so besides some frontal VTOLs for the dropship are we ok to go guys?

Well I think it would be a good idea for one more round of testing after we get that front VTOL. I think the ship is almost ready already. Certainly all the mechanical animations and bits work properly. Once you get it going, it glides great!

I think it would definitely be flyable with a load with more tweaking - but that's the sticking point. I think that front VTOL needs to be tested a few times. Don't even need a new craft file. You've already got a nice round spot that neatly defines where we can attach an engine if you just send that one part out for testing.

I'd be willing to recommend releasing it once I can confirm a lift-off and drop of a DEMV Mk 4 "RAT". (That's kind of my "go-to" testing rover.)

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Well I think it would be a good idea for one more round of testing after we get that front VTOL. I think the ship is almost ready already. Certainly all the mechanical animations and bits work properly. Once you get it going, it glides great!

I think it would definitely be flyable with a load with more tweaking - but that's the sticking point. I think that front VTOL needs to be tested a few times. Don't even need a new craft file. You've already got a nice round spot that neatly defines where we can attach an engine if you just send that one part out for testing.

I'd be willing to recommend releasing it once I can confirm a lift-off and drop of a DEMV Mk 4 "RAT". (That's kind of my "go-to" testing rover.)

Ok, well the new 'Nipples' are done :) let me get home and ill send em to ya, couple of hours off yet..

I will also send the APC body OK?

Wheels are driving me a tad insane.

I just want the wheel to turn.. thats all.. my wheel colliders are sound, the bounds collider and dampener are ok.. but my wheels just won't bloody turn!! so yeah I guess that's what im back to tonight.

I feel like a freakin caveman..

All I want to make is a wheel..


If it fails tonight, stuff it, I am using Toshi's cart plugin and going back to my original APC -one where my wheels actually work!

Edited by Devo
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Ok, well the new 'Nipples' are done :) let me get hom and ill send em to ya, couple of hours off yet...

If only I could get that kind of delivery from a dating service! :D

You know... If we use two of those "nipples" on the front, then it would be like that ship from Battle Beyond the Stars and we could make it have a pair of...



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If only I could get that kind of delivery from a dating service! :D

You know... If we use two of those "nipples" on the front, then it would be like that ship from Battle Beyond the Stars and we could make it have a pair of...



A pair of??

oh my...


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(After recovery...)

You and me. We're both going to hell. You know this. :D

( And just in case the rest of you are wondering what the joke hinges on - well here ya go. You'll notice a particular theme. And it was produced by Roger Corman. So... yeah. :D )

heheh thought you would like 'them'

sent you a PM...

I think thrust at 195ish should be ok... I tried at 165, was too little, 300 way too much... so testing with 195 right now, which is what I just sent you.

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More seriously - first impressions.

That front engine may be slightly too powerful. I'll play around with the setting in the CFG file.

BUT - it definitely gives you more options!

Unlike the Eagle, I don't think this ship will ever be a true VTOL. It's an STOL that's CLOSE to being a VTOL. But you can't hover in place with any degree of precision or control. So don't treat it like a VTOL or a helicopter.

As for action groups - you'll want the main rear engines, the side VTOL engines, and the nose VTOL engines on 3 separate toggles. Yes - you'll likely want to use the nose and side VTOL engines in concert a lot. But there are times when you'll want to turn the front engine OFF, swivel the side VTOLs aft and use them in concert with the main engines for a speed/power boost. (Mainly useful for getting into orbit fast, though the mains can do it on their own.)

The dropship can still use JUST the side VTOLs and RCS to stay level, particularly if you've got the wings open.

Speaking of the wings. When you have them deployed and Hydrotech RCS control on, the Dropship practically FLOATS in the air. The Glide ratio is INSANELY good. You could drop down from orbit, level out, and not have to even touch the throttle until you get right down almost on the ground and then hit the VTOLs (with the side VTOL swiveled forward for braking thrust) to touch down nice and easy.

It's not a nimble craft though. To force it to be so would require a lot more integrated computer fly by wire in real time than what we have available. Earlier a quote was posted about it being about as graceful as a cow. That quote is the truth. I think what you saw in the movie with it dropping the APC down on a specific spot like that and then Ferro lifting off graceful as you please is probably just HER being a badass pilot! :D

For another illustration by way of comparison - I can land an Eagle smartly on the Eagle Landing pad. I know for a fact I can't do that with this dropship right now. And I have doubts about ever being able to do it reliably. Though I don't want to rule out the possibility entirely. If I practiced enough...

It's a resource hog too. I think it could make it to the Mun from Kerbin and land. But I'm not sure if I'd trust it to return on the fuel it has available.

The Eagle is a true versatile spaceship that can do many things. The dropship has ONE JOB. And it's good at that ONE THING. Getting a specific payload from orbit to ground and back (and if it were actually armed - to provide some of it's own fire support on the way down).

Don't ask it to do much more than that and you won't be disappointed.

Also - as stated before, I would love to try a version with jet engines as the VTOL thrusters. It might make it more difficult to fly at low speeds/throttle since Jet VTOLs have that throttle delay that rockets don't. But it would make the fuel stretch a LOT further in an atmosphere it could breathe.

Let's get feedback from the other test pilots. But I'm down for letting this be released as a Version Mk 1.

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