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(0.23) Wayland Corp. Development and released download Thread (new parts)


What classic ship would you like to fly next? these are in production...  

48 members have voted

  1. 1. What classic ship would you like to fly next? these are in production...

    • Biodomes from "Silent Running" w/animated doors and delivery system
    • ALIENS Marine Dropship (fully animated]
    • ALIENS APC Transport
    • ALIENS: The Sulaco
    • Star Wars - YT-1300 Milennium Falcon, Low poly, fully animated (landing ramp, cargo bay etc)
    • Star Wars - Boba Fett SLAVE1 (fully animated)
    • Star Wars - Rebel B-Wing fighter.
    • Star Wars - Original X-Wing.

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You're considering a Thunderbird 2? Awesome. Classic 1960's marionette version (My favorite one, I have somewhere 2 of the metal toy Thunderbird 2's with the mini Thunderbird 4) or the one from the not-so-great 2004 live action film?

I know it isn't exactly a recent part, but do you have any helpful suggestions for lanching a vessel with a DEMV payload equipped with your DEMV quadcoupler?

I'd be using the DEMV Mk II if that makes any difference.

I use the Engines and fuel tanks from my Egg Pod, its in the first post in this thread. They are a little larger, but fit the overall style of the quadcoupler and provide rediculous lift.

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Well, thanks to Bobcat I finally discovered where I was screwing up in my rover wheels, so I have spent the day working on the APC. This is a little large, it will be scaled down to fit inside the Dropship.

Textures are not done at all for this APC, texture is just for testing. The wheel textures are done however.

Ok, now that the APC is actually moving (and as you can see from the video still needs some work lol..) thats what I'm doing at the moment. Once this thing drives well, I'll do the rest of it.

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Looks like it needs more weight, but I guess that would make it hard to air transport?

Right now im just concentrating on the wheels, they are the most complicated part of the whole thing :/ they break easy and I need to get the steering

limit and torque sorted, then Ill work on the weight.

At the moment if its too heavy the wheels break on launch, so once thats sorted yeah, she will be a a good 10t

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Looks like the wheels are pretty bouncy. Is there any way to tweak the suspension? It almost looks like it's using the type of springiness that you get from the DEMV 4. When what it really needs is the more "solid" feel you get from the DEMV 1 or 2.

10t sounds about right actually. Does it come as a single unit or do you assemble it like you do with the DEMV 2 and 4 as an upper pod and seperate chassis?

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Looks like the wheels are pretty bouncy. Is there any way to tweak the suspension? It almost looks like it's using the type of springiness that you get from the DEMV 4. When what it really needs is the more "solid" feel you get from the DEMV 1 or 2.

10t sounds about right actually. Does it come as a single unit or do you assemble it like you do with the DEMV 2 and 4 as an upper pod and seperate chassis?

Suspension is actually all part.cfg set, these are rover wheels. I did it with seperate body and seperate rover wheels, the body is the chassis. When bobcat did the DEMV he didnt have rover wheels, as all the demv so far have been pre- 01.9. I couldnt figure out the new rover wheels, so I asked him for some help and help he did.. I cant say anything about what he has coming up, but wow, he really is a talented guy.

Inbetween that video and now, I have fixed the problem. Now, she does not drive fast mind you but handles alot better. This is designed for NO atmosphere, not for hooning around on kerbin

Edited by Devo
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Do star trek ships!

When I have magnetic boots :)

Oh I fixed the suspension and other issues, so a little more work to go. I know I said I would release the dropship. but the APC is so close I might as well release them together,

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the APC looks great Devo! Are you going to animate the rear turret like in the movie?

Just checking in with some final notes on the Cheyenne... The one thing I would really like to see get redone are the attachment points, not only because it's still hard to build from scratch in the SPH, but it still seems structurally weak. If you bounce a couple of times on take off or landing the front wings are likely to drop off, had this happen several times. The parts themselves are strong and tend not to blow up when you crash, but they come apart a bit too easily. Other than that, I think we have it about nailed! :cool:

Been experimenting with the front Vtol engine, I agree with Logan that it started out a bit too powerful, I turned the thrust down to about 145 Kn and it seems to work much better now! I didn't even have to use HydroJeb! :) We do need to increase the fuel efficiency of the engines though... just a bit of flying around on Kerbin and your out of gas.


If you add some launch clamps, you don't have to use the stock landing gear, they just drop off and explode when you take off... :D


Engine Test is go!


It's pretty stable now even with the gear down and bay open... I still might play with the part mass a little to see if I can fine tune the balance.


Off to cause trouble... ;)


Handles pretty well...


If you can tell from the smoke trail, that was 10 barrel rolls in a row (say that 5 times fast :) )


A nice shot of the mach and reentry effects here... and I haven't even been to space yet...


this is a pic from an earlier flight, to illustrate the structural weakness... I just bounced about 2 or three times trying to angle the rotatron right to balance out the thrust and lift off vertically, and the front wings came off!

Edited by UltraVires
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Why do you always replace the sound with that bizarre water loop track?

I do get this sudden urge to pee. :)

free royalty free music



When that APC came out of that dropship, I realized how big the ship must be.

Edited by Tommygun
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I do get this sudden urge to pee. :)

free royalty free music



When that APC came out of that dropship, I realized how big the ship must be.

thanks ill check it out,

The entire thing is scaled around the kerbals, the sliding door on the side of the APC for EVA entry (the hatch is actually in the cockpit inside, so you need to actually open the door, walk inside and board from the chair)

The size of the APC was completely based on the size of a kerbal with his helmet on, then the dropship scaled to fit the APC, then the sulaco scaled to fit the dropship.. (whew.. its almost done...)

To answer some questions above:

Yes, I did animate the turret gun on the back that slides down the rails and then slides back up when deploying. I am trying to intergrate Romfarers lazor system into it, so we can actually use

it in some manner. Right now it's just a prop . All guns are currently props and do not fire, this will be worked on later (but to be honest, warfare and firing weapons is not a focus of mine, and these will be the last militiaristic style of ship I do for some time, as I have many many other projects in the pipeline.

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To answer some questions above:

Yes, I did animate the turret gun on the back that slides down the rails and then slides back up when deploying. I am trying to intergrate Romfarers lazor system into it, so we can actually use

it in some manner. Right now it's just a prop . All guns are currently props and do not fire, this will be worked on later (but to be honest, warfare and firing weapons is not a focus of mine, and these will be the last militiaristic style of ship I do for some time, as I have many many other projects in the pipeline.

I understand Devo, I'm not really into weapons in KSP either, they are fun in other games, but the proper way to explode Kerbal's is with Science! (plus there's really no one to shoot at) :cool: I was really just wondering if the part was animated, that's all.

And I'm looking forward to the other things you have in your pipeline too! Can't wait to test fly the Valley Forge... that thing will be a beauty and a beast! :D Or have more parts from Space 1999... (hopeful puppy eyes) lol

Keep up the good work!

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APC completed, Dropship completed enough to release for now, just building final save .craft for the release and will upload.

Sounds good Dev. Of course I'm still trying to master the Mk2 Eagle. Hey! Maybe I can use the UD-4 as a rescue ship... riiiiiiiiiiiight. :D

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wooo something new i can fail at flying! with the added bonus of a tank i can crash into stuff! your stuff is amazing devo really dont know how you do it. and so fast. i have started messing with blender and.. its opened up a whole new world of just how good you are at this stuff. the dropship + apc + sulaco why will there been a need for anything else! been pondering having ago at the Betty could fit in nicely if i ever get good enough at blender lol

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Checking Spaceport every 10 mins Cmonn Dropship!

It wont be on the spaceport, I havent been able to upload anything there for ages, so have to rely on mediafire.

I had (am having) an issue with the EVA on the APC, so im trying to fix that right now.. hatch is becoming obstructed 5/10 exits, its a wierd one.. ive done many EVA's before so this is sort of peeing me off.

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