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Kerbin to munar shuttle.

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That depends how many crew you want to move at a time. If you want something that can move lots of Kerbals at once then the Mk3 spaceplane passenger cabin would be my first port of call, followed by enough propulsion to get it there, docking gubbins, power gubbins and a heatshield on the front to aerobrake back down to LKO and save fuel.

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12 hours ago, Batavia said:

I think it's best to try designing your own, its part of the fun!

While I agree with Batavia, I can't resist the urge to push some of my designs :D

If you are only looking for orbit to orbit transfers, Runabout will be the most fuel efficient, it is basically a Nerva strapped to two MK2 passenger bays.


Cargo SSTO
2x Rapier
Launch mass: 24.8 tons (without payload)
Price: 40,058
Payload capacity: 15 tons to Low Kerbin Orbit (LKO)
Delta-V: ~ 400 m/s left after insertion of 13 ton payload into 75x75 Kerbin orbit
TWR: 1.5 in LKO (with payload)
Bumblebee comes integrated with
'Runabout II'
Tourist Lander

1x Nerva
Launch mass: 13 tons
Price: 59,205
Delta-V: 2881 m/s (vacuum)
TWR: 0.47 in LKO, 2.83 on the Mun
Crew capacity: 8



'Bird of Prey'
Passenger SSTO

1x Rapier
Launch mass: 20.0 tons (without passengers)
Price: 36,233
Delta-V: ~ 1500 m/s left after insertion into 75x75 km Kerbin Orbit (with 4 passengers)
TWR: 1.4 in Low Kerbin Orbit (with 4 passengers)
Crew capacity: 4

Cheap and easy to dock, good TWR. Only 4 passengers.



Passenger SSTO

2x Whiplash, 1x Dart
Launch mass: 30.4 tons (without passengers)
Price: 42,900
Delta-V: ~1570 m/s left after insertion into 75x75 km Kerbin Orbit (with 8 passengers)
TWR: 0.86 in Low Kerbin Orbit (with 8 passengers)
Crew capacity: 8

Good compromise between range, cost, ruggedness. Harder to dock (Junior port in cargo bay).




Passenger SSTO

2x Rapier, 1x Nerva
Launch mass: 38.4 tons (without passengers)
Price: 73,610
Delta-V: 5027 m/s in 2nd stage (with 8 passengers); 1st stage can insert 2nd into 75x75 Kerbin orbit
TWR: 0.30 in Low Kerbin Orbit (with 8 passengers)
Crew capacity: 8

This a a two stage design for long range missions.



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