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KDF LYCAN - Walking Tank

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Steam - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3440934403

Kerbal X - https://kerbalx.com/InterstellarKev/KDF-Lycan


KDF Lycan

KDF Lycan Mobile Armored Suits. Now with new advancements in energy production, we can expand our arsenal with the next generation in our forces. Purely for Military applications


Action Groups

ABORT - Toggle power to all Kal1000s
Stage - Fire Guns Recommened Inf Propellent in cheat menu unlimited ammo
AG1 - Toggle Stand
AG2 - Toggle Walk
AG3 - Toggle kneel Mode
AG4 - Lower Raise Gun
AG5 - Lower Raise Gun and Shield
AG6 - Toggle Ladder
AG0 - Toggle Leg Split (not meant for walking)
Operations (PLEASE READ)

To Walk

Toggle SAS and set craft to (Radial In) and Press AG 2 to start walking. Control its direction by using a, d q and e keys. NOTE: when spawning in with craft Kerbal Space Program likes to tilt it backwards (do not panic) either try and recover by holding down the W key to tilt forward or if you do fall on your back press AG3 to enter kneel mode and roll over to your feet and press either AG3 Again or AG1 and your back on your feet. Press 0 if you want to split the legs when stopped make sure to Press 0 again before walking

To Stop ___________________________________________________________________________
Press AG2 to stop walking and reset your gait by pressing AG1. From here you can start walking again.

Sit/Stand Mode

Did you fall down? No fear! Can stand up easily on any planetary body.
Press AG3 (Sit/Stand) and rock your body until you are sitting upright (recommended unbreakable parts for this one but not needed) Press AG3 again to stand


Press Space bar to fire

By default the Energy Cannons are set off by default to allow you to first fire the Missiles (these missiles do work but they are stock so dont exepct them to always fly straight lol.) You can replace them with BD armory missiles if you want. WARNING: these have extreme force behind them and will make the Mech Tilt backwards. Fire one at a time and give yourself time to reset your gait.

A stock aircraft called KDF Lycan. Built with 568 of the finest parts, its root part is strutCube.

Built in the SPH in KSP version 1.12.5.


  • Type: SPH
  • Class: rover
  • Part Count: 568
  • Pure Stock
  • KSP: 1.12.5





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