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Cannot add any science to custom action group

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Playing un-modded KSP1 on a Windows 10 PC.
In Career mode with all facilities at Level 2.
I am Trying to add Science actions to a Custom action group but I am not getting the drop down option to log temp, log pressure, observe mystery goo, or collect Sceince Jnr. etc.
I CAN add these science pieces to "Selection", but no drop down options are now appearing underneath.
 - For Science Jnr & Mystery Goo..... I only get "Deploy Limit" option
 - For Temp & Pressure measures I get no drop down options at all.
I CAN successfully add lights to the Lights action group etc.
I have tried to quit & restart - no help
Anyone know why it's stopped working please??

Edited by gooie
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If I understand you correctly, the following does not work for you anymore?

In VAB/SPH, go to "Actions" tab.

Select the Action Group for science (I use [8]).

Click on the experiment to be added.

In "Selection" column, click on the "Log XY Data" or "Observe Mystery Goo" / "Conduct Materials Study" / "Crew Report" action (depends on the experiment).


Bonus tip: I like to add the "Collect All" action of the Experiment Storage / Remote Guidance Unit to the same hotkey. Then I press it twice to perform the experiments and transfer the data to storage, resetting the experiments.

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Thx for your help Duke & FasterThan....
Very interesting & now sorted hopefully.
After clicking the Action tab.......
1. I am only get a Custom option under AXIS GROUPS initially & clicking it first will only give me the Deploy limit option if I THEN click Mystery Goo.
[see pics 1 &2]

2. If after clicking the Actions Tab I NEXT click Mystery Goo, I get a much more complete list of possible actions,
with all possible Mystery Goo options now available me.
[see pic 3]

Thx so much for steering me in the right direction guys +++
I'm off & running again now.

gooie ;)


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