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the 2nd armour thread


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seeing as the last one was obliterated when the server crashed I made a new one. In this thread we talk about tanks, tankettes, or other AFV's. Seeing as the stats of the IS-7 are pretty unhistorical I propose that the Object 277 replace it with these stats


Weight: 55 tons

Engine power: 1000

Horse power to weight ratio: 18.18

maximum speed: 57Kph

Main armament:130-mm rifled gun M-65

Firepower: 490 alpha with a ROF of 4.7 which gives it a DPM of 2303

Health: 2150

Penetration AP:265, APCR:400

Armor: front hull 140. Turret 290

Edited by pharoahjared
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the thing is that if they made all tanks historical, they would have to completely redo the teirs that they are assigned too, and some tanks would not be as fun because of the reduced armament, like the Hetzer with out the 105...

Also i had a great game in my kv1 with the 122


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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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