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[0.22.X] BobCat ind. Historical spacecraft thread


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BobCat, I just wanted to know are you almost done with the Constellation and if you already have a relative due date (between which two dates). I just can't wait to be able to downlaod it.

I'm also pumped for it's release, but you have to remember that Bobcat never gives release dates.

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I'm also pumped for it's release, but you have to remember that Bobcat never gives release dates.

Very true. BobCat's release schedule is much like Squad's; somewhere between an hour from now and whenever it's ready.:)

And you know what? That's fine by me.

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trying to dock two soyuz in orbit around Kerbin. switching with square brackets [ ] between the ships instantly destroys whichever ship I am switching to. same thing if I switch back afters. instant explosion. no other mods on. only soviet pack.

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It would sound logical...why keep those nice godies (J2-X and SRB for me) collect dust if you can release them earlier?

EDIT:Yeah,I know, maybe you missunderstood me, I wanted to say that WHEN Ares I + Orion are ready to go, it would be nice if hed release them at THAT POINT. I havent meant that he should bring out every part as soon as it gets ready...

Edited by dimovski
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Use the updated Romfarer plugin from his thread and delete the one in the Plugins folder.

thanks, did as you said, but it didnt work. i gotta admit im confused about what goes where to install this one, since everything isn't inside one GameData file. Aaaaanyway.....i did get them to stop exploding, but only by moving everything back to the old file structure, and by not using the Spaces folder - so now i get no portraits, no internals. Have I've missed something fundamental in the install???

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LOL , maybe also me need release every texture varinants?


I could use some pointers on why my text turned into a square, is there a alpha layer or something?

Allso, i got problems finding the correct side placement of the buran rear cargo section.

Im more than willing to help with textures, i just need some pointers :)

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LOL , maybe also me need release every texture varinants?

You did not understood me it seems :(

Im not such a **** that I would say something like that, also I havent said you "need" to do anything, I appreciate your work a lot, you are awesome, and I would never demand anything from you (and it would be pointless anyway...Would you like me to google translate it from croatian into russian, thats much more common grammar, you might understand me better then...

EDIT: ï ÿрþÑÂтþ хþтõû ÑÂúð÷ðть, чтþ ÑÂтþ ñыûþ ñы ÷ôþрþòþ, õÑÂûø þýø òыÿуÑÂúðûøÑÂÑŒ "ÿðúõтð", úþóôð ÑÂтþ ÑÂôõûðýþ, úðú у òðѠò áþòõтÑÂúþü уÿðúþòúø, тðúøõ úðú áþю÷ úþüðýôýþóþ üþôуûѠѠR7 рðúõты, тþ ßрþтþý чðÑÂтõù Ãœøр ø тðú ôðûõõ ... ï ýðôõюÑÂÑŒ, чтþ òы ÿþýøüðûø üõýѠûучшõ, Ѡуòðöðю òðшу рðñþту, ø Ѡñыû ñы öðûь, õÑÂûø Ѡþñøôõû ...

Edited by dimovski
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I have a problem with the Proton rocket that is bugging me a bit. I built a fairly standard Proton rocket with a MIR core module payload (all done following your manuals) and sent it to the pad. I use MechJeb 2.0.8 for launch guidance so I set my orbit paramaters, engage the autopilot, hit the spacebar and.... it didn't go anywhere. It sat on the pad at full throttle and didn't move.

So, I thought this must just be a niggle with the bottom of the rocket. Instead I lifted it up and fitted some stabilising towers. at various places and something really wierd happened. I launched, all was fine, the Proton gets to around 6-8 km above the ground and BOOM thing exploded. I then noticed something totally odd, the falling third stage and payload passed the *launch stabilisation towers* on the way down and they were hovering at 7km, possibly right where it exploded? Like they re-spawned/moved and either collided into or ripped the rocket in half?

I changed to 6 stabiliser towers at the base between the first stage boosters. For a couple of launches it was okay, I got my MIR module to orbit and it was all dandy (I'm testing various things regards getting it up there and in the right orbit/altitude/trajectory etc.). I went around for a new launch to a 55-degree orbital inclination (similar to ISS) inclination and it did it again. Explodes and the towers appear way up in the air.

This may be a 0.20 bug or a bug with the Proton. I don'y know where to look to find out.

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I have a problem with the Proton rocket that is bugging me a bit. I built a fairly standard Proton rocket with a MIR core module payload (all done following your manuals) and sent it to the pad. I use MechJeb 2.0.8 for launch guidance so I set my orbit paramaters, engage the autopilot, hit the spacebar and.... it didn't go anywhere. It sat on the pad at full throttle and didn't move.

So, I thought this must just be a niggle with the bottom of the rocket. Instead I lifted it up and fitted some stabilising towers. at various places and something really wierd happened. I launched, all was fine, the Proton gets to around 6-8 km above the ground and BOOM thing exploded. I then noticed something totally odd, the falling third stage and payload passed the *launch stabilisation towers* on the way down and they were hovering at 7km, possibly right where it exploded? Like they re-spawned/moved and either collided into or ripped the rocket in half?

I changed to 6 stabiliser towers at the base between the first stage boosters. For a couple of launches it was okay, I got my MIR module to orbit and it was all dandy (I'm testing various things regards getting it up there and in the right orbit/altitude/trajectory etc.). I went around for a new launch to a 55-degree orbital inclination (similar to ISS) inclination and it did it again. Explodes and the towers appear way up in the air.

This may be a 0.20 bug or a bug with the Proton. I don'y know where to look to find out.

That's an issue with the Romfarer mod that enables the docking cameras and the Buran arm. Update the Romfarer Lazor Docking Camera mod using the 0.20 version from the Spaceport. That should solve the problem. (The fix is having the supports self-destruct on launch; the old Romfarer .dll didn't do that when moved into 0.20.)

EDIT: Also, I think the updated Soviet pack includes a plugin folder with the Romfarer.dll. When you update as above, you need to REMOVE this and the romfarer file in the "plugin data" folder. The updated Romfarer mod uses the new file system, so the one BobCat embedded in the pack isn't needed after updating.

Edited by daver4470
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EDIT: Also, I think the updated Soviet pack includes a plugin folder with the Romfarer.dll. When you update as above, you need to REMOVE this and the romfarer file in the "plugin data" folder. The updated Romfarer mod uses the new file system, so the one BobCat embedded in the pack isn't needed after updating.

One question comes into my mind. What if I use several mods with the same plugin ? Should add it in each mod subfolder or should I make a special subfolder for this plugin ? I still haven't updated to .20 because I'm waiting for several mod to be updated so I can't test by myself.

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No, only one instance of the dll is required. It can be shared by many parts. It's usually best to only use the latest one.

So is the plugin only subfolder a good way of doing it ?

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