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[0.22.X] BobCat ind. Historical spacecraft thread


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  BobCat said:
It have 16 side mesh and 10 side collider...

Yep , im need real lowpoly models from this project... too many ships in one place.

Would it be possible to make a high poly version of just the Orion? I

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I made an Orion/Ares a year ago, never finished it didn't had time once school started and after Cinema 4D wasn't working on my computer, but I think I'll finish it this year(hopefully before august).






(the Ares rocket body was only temporary)

But I got to say that I maybe put too much polygons XD I'm sure you will do better bobcat x)

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  Canopus said:
Do you have link for the video? Flying the Ceres again would be amazing:)

Sadly, I don't... And the post was deleted in the… um… incident…

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Oh...so no NK-33 for me...

(Starts haunting the Internet for the option of splitting a model and importing it back...and finding data on Soyuz I and other stuff which is supposed to use NK-33)

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  BobCat said:
Im make second Historical pack. Other country, other ships . other space programm.
  BobCat said:
im post only one picture

Oh, awesome! I always got the impression you only wanted to do Soviet/Russian stuff, at least on the historical side of things. :D Constellation is an awesome mission to reproduce, I look forward to it!

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Just to clear the air, everyone does know that the Constellation program was going to the moon first, right? There's more stuff about that than there is about the mission to Mars. If everyone knows this, then don't mind those sentences. I SAID DON'T MIND THEM.

Anyway, I've managed to work a way to use the Buran with the Mir modules on my computer. Don't warp it. Yep, I'm stuck with the 4x physics warp instead if I want to use the Buran to orbit a Mir module. However, I've gained some experience on how to rendezvous with the Mir station during my trials. Instead of waiting 3 hours, I can make sure it's below an hour. I have Mir at a 150x150 orbit (or close enough), and I launch the vehicles into a 80km orbit, then set up for rendezvous.


I also found out that the Kliper can't dock where I have it due to its wings hitting the Mir modules xP And yes, those are quantum struts you see.

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Looking good BC! Like how the shroud lines come out of the recesses. And saw the Lionhead panels myself earlier and thought well, there is one hurtle surpassed. Thanks for the pics. Can't wait to fly her.

Edited by Voidryder
Typo: my bad
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  BobCat said:
Im use Lionheart solar panels.


  Voidryder said:
Looking good BC! Like how the shroud lines come out of the recesses. And saw the Lionheart panels myself earlier and thought well, there is one hurtle surpassed. Thanks for the pics. Can't wait to fly her.

It's Lionhead Aerospace. I love the look of those panels, but as I recall, they don't track the sun (as you can see in the screenshot) and they don't provide electricity. They're just the panels from the Thor Polar Explorer that Yogui made into a separate [aesthetic] part due to popular demand.

EDIT: Apparently, Yogui actually updated the panels sometime earlier today. They do in fact have sun tracking and electricity generation, now. It does still look like BobCat was using the old ones in his pictures though, as they are not tracking the sun.

Edited by Yasutaka
outdated information
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You're right, the solar panels have been updated yesterday due to a long time demand. When I saw Bobcat making Orion, it push me to make this update.

Bobcat always push me forward ^^. Nice job, Bobcat, as always.

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