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Kerbokaur: A Case Study (Now Complete!{Sort of})


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Scientific Name:Gigantiscia mutanti.


Facial Profile


The Kerbokaur is a demonic evil being, the manifestation of terror. It has extruding bone ridges along its body, which are extremely prominent on its face. It has thick, almost impenetrable leathery skin, and a huge hunched spinal protrusion behind its head. It has a thick appendage that resembles a tail, and this appendage is spiked heavily. It has two fairly proportioned legs.

Height:A fully grown Kerbokaur can reach up to 20 feet tall.

Weight:More than 10 tonne!

Locomotion:The Kerbokaur moves with a slow, lumbering gait that is consisted of the Kerbokaur leaning forward and stepping, counterbalanced by the tail appendage. It can also burrow at extreme speeds, up to 127 kilometers an hour. The Kerbokaur has, until recently, nothing to fear in attack terms, but when nuclear weapons were introduced for population control, the Kerbokaur had to adapt to be underground.

Eating Habits:The Kerbokaur is carnivorous, and is very picky about it. The only thing it will eat is a sentient being. As such, it can be safely introduced into the wild without upsetting the balance too much, but should be kept at bay from civilized areas. It will eat like a large lizard does, ripping and tearing its meat. It does not have a place in the food web, as nothing can really eat it, and it will only eat one category of the web.

Habitat:The Kerbokaur will live anywhere on the land surface of a planet, and anywhere underground as well, but it is seen more commonly near volcanoes, and is seen less commonly near water. The Kerbokaur is also afraid of sunlight, and as such, will only be active at night.

Adaptation:The few adaptations to the Kerbokaur physiology to suit the environment, are the fact that they learned to burrow to escape radiation, and the fact that colouring of the Kerbokaur is relative to the environment.

Life Cycle and Reproduction:The reproduction of a Kerbokaur is fairly simple. All Kerbokaur are a single gender, and they reproduce completely asexually. They produce an egg every 2 days, and can quickly infest an area.

The life cycle of a Kerbokaur is equally simple. Once an egg is laid, it will hatch after 2 days, depending on incubation conditions. The young, known as spawn, will rapidly grow and reach adult stage within 2-3 weeks. An adult Kerbokaur can live naturally for exactly 200 years after it lays its first egg, before it develops an unvarying fatal hemorrhage in its combination brain/heart.

Species Survival Status:Endangered, due to being nuked from orbit to control population issues.

Classification:Kingdom Animalia, Phylum Chordata, Class Reptilia, Order Squamata, Family Coelurosauria, Genus Gigantiscia, Species Mutanti.

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@millst0ne The thread was locked because the thread was still being built.

@your mom I haven't gotten that far yet... :(

@Epsilon Why? Jeb isn't in any danger.

@jgiscool Why do you want one again?

Exactly my point, he can just blow it up if it gets too close.

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I need some Hyper-Explosive-Nuke-Gel! Load torpedo tubes on board the KSP Ravager!

<Some minutes later>

'Torpedos loaded!'

What torpedos? We don\'t even have torp tubes!

'Uh oh...'

'Launching torp tubes'

<Several massive explosions later>

Captain? Status report!


Crash into the kerbokaur scum!


'Collision course detected. All emergency aborts being destroyed.'

For Kerbin and KerbalKind!

<echos> 'For Kerbin and KerbinKind'

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