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Casting Voice Actors/Looking for Artists for a KSP Series


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My name is Paul Shelley. I am one of the creators of Treeskunk Productions, a machinima team of several years experience. Recently I have moved away from the console games which we used when we began and more towards other platforms, including the PC. Being a huge KSP fan I decided to try a machinima with KSP.

I have seen movies like "Mission to Duna" and other more traditional machinima and, while enjoyable, it isn't what I was looking for in terms of an entertainment experience. Taking inspiration from series like Marble Hornets, where they incorporate twitter and other media into their series, I have decided to start (well restart) a series I call "Program Directors Log." PGL incorporates a blog, videos, art and maybe some other media to give you something entertaining beyond a simple video, series or movie. It is told through the logs of the 'current' Director of the KSP, a hapless industrialist with little to no experience in space travel as he attempts to guide the KSP into the stars. This is an ambitious idea I have which is where I need some help.

I need voice actors and artists to help me with this idea. Seeing as I am myself not very wealthy I can't pay for the voice acting and can't pay much for the art so I figured I might be able to get some support from the KSP community. I put this call out before and got a few responses, if you were one of those people please reply again seeing as my account was lost with the forums going down, but that was before the steam launch and I think I placed it in the wrong place at the time. If you are interested or think you know someone who may be interested please message me here or contact me at the e-mail below. Thanks in advance and hope to hear from you soon.

Paul Shelley

[email protected]

Treeskunk Productions

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