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LLL - Lack Luster Labs - Development Thread


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Also, I made some wind turbines. Spin round all fancy like (although I think they might actually go round the wrong way, need to find some videos of turbines).


Too bad there's no wind in KSP to make them realistic...

Also- Lack, can you maybe make a 2X2-to-2x1 short adapter? I've been making this (possibly overly complicated) Munar Base that's gonna be a test-bed for my future Duna colony and the "care package" (includes one Automated Kethane Mining Unit, a Kethane converter and a manned rover/buggy with a KAS arm, along with some KAS containers) really needs to use the 2x2 cargo hold...

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Also, I made some wind turbines. Spin round all fancy like (although I think they might actually go round the wrong way, need to find some videos of turbines).


will these generate power and if so will they only do so and rotate on planets/moons with atmosphere?

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Lack, whenever I build something with these parts and detimewarp, it freezes for 5 seconds. I looked at the debug log, and it spams failed collison because of some reason, also this afterwords


EDIT: Great! It now freezes for 20 seconds when I tried to rendevous, and switching over to the other craft, it just ripped itself apart! :-/

Edited by The Destroyer
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So I just finished watching "The last days on Mars". And wow. In terms of the plot i don't think it was very good but the vehicles and base is pretty damn cool. I recommend you watch it, Lack.

P.S If you ever have a go at wheels, PLEASE replicate the rovers in the film! :P

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Thanks so much for the Eagle pod, Lack! You're awesome! It's perfect! The only (slight) problem is that you can't turn the lights off on the windows, but there's a couple of ways around that that I can take care of on my end. But more importantly is that it works and it significantly cut down on my part count on the Eagle.

It also allows me to do something pretty neat that I couldn't before - place one of B9's shielded standard size docking ports dead center on the bottom side of the pod.



I couldn't fit anything down there dead center before properly because of the way the pod was constructed before and I really needed to to keep the COG correct. Now with a standard size docking port on the bottom and a "Junior" on the top truss, this Eagle can dock with nearly anything (at least in orbit).

If I may make one further small request? You know the Blended CBM replacement that you made to cut down on the lag? Could you make a non-blended version as well? The blended version sticks out around the body (though not the truss) of the Eagle. And I'd like to use the skinny version if it could be made without the docking guides that make them lag.

In fact, come to think of it, it might make some sense to make both blended and "original skinny" versions of the Airlocks and CBM both. There are times when either one is better. Having more tools in the bin is never a bad idea to my way of thinking.

Also I have an interesting observation - those skids you made? I played around with the scale and at 0.5 scale factor they actually make good landing gear for the Eagle pods. Sort of. For some reason the hydraulic bits stick out a little bit too far from the base so that there appears to be a visible gap between the ends and the base at full extension. Also the collision apparently gets a touch wonky. Could it be that the collision mesh is still at the bigger size when I rescale them?

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Lack, whenever I build something with these parts and detimewarp, it freezes for 5 seconds. I looked at the debug log, and it spams failed collison because of some reason, also this afterwords

EDIT: Great! It now freezes for 20 seconds when I tried to rendevous, and switching over to the other craft, it just ripped itself apart! :-/

Does it use CBMs? If so, try the updated version I posted a few pages back:


Also I have an interesting observation - those skids you made? I played around with the scale and at 0.5 scale factor they actually make good landing gear for the Eagle pods. Sort of. For some reason the hydraulic bits stick out a little bit too far from the base so that there appears to be a visible gap between the ends and the base at full extension. Also the collision apparently gets a touch wonky. Could it be that the collision mesh is still at the bigger size when I rescale them?

Try re-downloading the skids, I updated the link after I noticed that problem initially. Collision mesh should scale with it, but the actual size of the mesh when re-scaled may be causing the problem.

Yeah, I couldn't get the window lights to work properly, so I figured if it was an annoyance you could just remove them from the cfg.

Edited by Lack
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So I just finished watching "The last days on Mars". And wow. In terms of the plot i don't think it was very good but the vehicles and base is pretty damn cool. I recommend you watch it, Lack.

P.S If you ever have a go at wheels, PLEASE replicate the rovers in the film! :P

SumGhai has said he plans on making this type of vehicle based on NASA's SEV concept. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/30803-WIP-FusTek-inspired-station-module-variants?p=668918&viewfull=1#post668918

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I finally got around to working with the truck parts and they are perfect for ground support equipment.

I have my refueling vehicle and fixer, now I just need to come up with a convincing fire fighting truck and maybe one of those "Follow Me" cars.

I'm thinking about using that blinking aircraft light mod for the fire truck's emergency lights.




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The Aviation Lights mod is pretty neat Tommy, and doesn't use very much memory, I highly recommend it! Your trucks need tail lights etc! Cause the rest of them look awesome! :) Plus the white strobes in constant "on" mode, are great for self lighting those far away spacecraft! Can't wait to see what you come up with for a fire truck!

We've got Support Vehicles, Eagle Cargo Pods, and Kethane Rigs... Now all we need is for someone to use Kerbtown to make a real MoonBase Alpha... and our journey to the dark side of sci-fi nerdy-ness will be complete! XD... I'm looking at you Lack... (lol just kidding :P)

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Thanks, I do have red lights on the back and front, but B9's red lights are very subtle and almost look white.

I think "Aviation Light's" mod are redder and I hope they have orange and yellow too?

yeah, Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, and White, constant and Strobe versions of each I think. I quite like it... Gives your ships and planes just a little more feeling of being "real" seeing the lights blink... :)


there's the thread, show it some love... :P

But back onto the topic of Lacks parts... OMG- Trucks! I wonder how long it will be until I use the huge wheels to make a Monster Truck, with which to destroy and humiliate lesser Trucks... Right now :cool:

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ok i am confused as to whats going on. i have just went and fresh installed Kerbal Space Program and the only mod i have is this mod, i can build ships in the VAB and the SPH but when i click launch it just stops (only ships with parts from this mod), not freeze just stop. all buttons on the screen won't work and the only way to get unstuck is to alt tab. but all that does is make use of buttons available again but i can still not launch.

I just feel like there is a simple fix and i am just over thing an answer.

any help is appreciated.

[Edit]i can load the pre built vehicles but not custom ones.

Edited by Chessehead17
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I LOVE LOVE LOVE the look of these parts

but unfortunately, for some reason, whenever I use ANY LLL parts, no matter how small, the game runs INCREDIBLY SLOWLY

if I attempt to load a craft in the VAB with a LLL part on it, it takes AGES

if I go to launch a craft with LLL parts, it takes AGES to load, and then if I realize I forgot to put the right kerbals in the driver's seat, and revert to the VAB, the game crashes

if I am in the VAB, load a ship with LLL parts, and then attempt to load a DIFFERENT ship with LLL parts, the game crashes...

if I go to the VAB, load a ship with LLL parts, then immediately exit to the tracking station, and load up a ship with LLL parts in orbit, the game crashes.

and just in general, launching ANYTHING with LLL parts is a 2fps nightmare.

but I did suffer through it to launch this awesome ship I built in my career save

I spent almost an hour building it, I at LEAST wanted orbit shots.





I don't think I can use this pack, though, which is a huge bummer. I really want to use it!

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