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LLL - Lack Luster Labs - Development Thread


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There is something. Physics. You'd either have to make up custom units which essentially behave like the real ones or just use the real ones. Also, some things ingame actually use real values (gravity on Kerbin is a nonsense example for this, but there are better ones I don't remember right now).

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Size doesn't really come into it though. Although I suppose you could try and show things are actually the length they supposedly are by measuring how long it takes them to cross their own length at a certain speed.

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I'm wondering if anyone else has run into an issue with this mod like I have.

If I build a ship using parts from this mod, KSP will do a solid freeze if I try to go back to the VAB and launch the same vehicle or any other vehicle.

I figure it's got to be a problem between this mod and another mod, only I can't find what other mod might be the problem. I know it has something to do with this one because it only happens with these parts.

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Size doesn't really come into it though. Although I suppose you could try and show things are actually the length they supposedly are by measuring how long it takes them to cross their own length at a certain speed.

At the moment you are right, size does not really matter. However on the schedule for update is a proper aerodynamics system like FAR has, at which point size and shape will mean everything.

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Could you possibly make a 2x2 Docking port? That would be nice because I want to be able to dock liners together better! it would be nice if you could do this!

easy, copy the part folder, rename it to whatever you want, open the config file within the folder with notepad find rescale factor, change it from 1.25 to 2.5, change the part title as well so you can tell its a different part and save. after that you got yourself a 2x2 dock

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Hey guys, love this mod. I noticed that the Kethane converter wasn't working for me after updating to the latest version of Kethane (6.0 or 6.1) so I went ahead and copied what PringleMan did before and took the module info (sans heatsink) from the current config and pasted over the old part of the config and it works. I uploaded the updated config file to my drop box here (right click save link as). Goes without saying that that you can use this, Lack, and thanks for the awesome parts! Hope this helps someone! By the way, this new config allows the converter to also convert xenon. This is the code in question I used -

name = KethaneConverter
SourceResource = Kethane
TargetResource = LiquidFuel
ConversionEfficiency = 1.03
SourceConsumption = 6.75
PowerConsumption = 12
HeatProduction = 600

name = KethaneConverter
SourceResource = Kethane
TargetResource = Oxidizer
ConversionEfficiency = 0.99
SourceConsumption = 8.25
PowerConsumption = 8
HeatProduction = 800

name = KethaneConverter
SourceResource = Kethane
TargetResource = MonoPropellant
ConversionEfficiency = 0.85
SourceConsumption = 3
PowerConsumption = 10
HeatProduction = 1200

name = KethaneConverter
SourceResource = Kethane
TargetResource = XenonGas
ConversionEfficiency = 0.25
SourceConsumption = 2
PowerConsumption = 8
HeatProduction = 300

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Ive been a bit distracted for the past week or so so I haven't been able to do much, however I've decided to share the comsat

BE WARNED this part is still a WIP an doesnt do anything just yet and I am aware of a few problems including a slight collision problem during the open and close animation

Com-sat WIP

for those of you that don't remember or don't know what I'm talking about here's a picture


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Ive been a bit distracted for the past week or so so I haven't been able to do much, however I've decided to share the comsat

BE WARNED this part is still a WIP an doesnt do anything just yet and I am aware of a few problems including a slight collision problem during the open and close animation

Com-sat WIP

for those of you that don't remember or don't know what I'm talking about here's a picture


Is this a manned ship or a unmanned probe? Just curious, as I don't imagine Comsats need a crew... well, most Comsats....

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Is this a manned ship or a unmanned probe? Just curious, as I don't imagine Comsats need a crew... well, most Comsats....

He meant to say Com Dish, I am sure. The part that he wanted you to focus on is the orange dish-like object on the side of the ship :)

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He meant to say Com Dish, I am sure. The part that he wanted you to focus on is the orange dish-like object on the side of the ship :)

Its still a little large for a comsat.... oh well. to each his own, since I tend to armor up everything I launch if its possible...

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Is this a manned ship or a unmanned probe? Just curious, as I don't imagine Comsats need a crew... well, most Comsats....

well its still a WIP so i can easily change the name, comsat was the first thing that popped into my mind as well

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Just a couple questions/requests:

1: is there a decoupler for the 2x1 parts? or even the 1x1 parts?

2: woudl like to see a few other options in the multicouples. like a 1-2x1 > 3-2x1. or a 2x1 bicouple that works vertically and connects to more 2x1 parts. (Like the round one before, but staying with these parts

havent' tried docking yet with these parts, hoping to be able to get stuff to align good. even got setup for 2 docking ports on the bicouple to make sure alignment catches ^_^ hoping it works ^_^

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Just a couple questions/requests:

1: is there a decoupler for the 2x1 parts? or even the 1x1 parts?

2: woudl like to see a few other options in the multicouples. like a 1-2x1 > 3-2x1. or a 2x1 bicouple that works vertically and connects to more 2x1 parts. (Like the round one before, but staying with these parts

havent' tried docking yet with these parts, hoping to be able to get stuff to align good. even got setup for 2 docking ports on the bicouple to make sure alignment catches ^_^ hoping it works ^_^

yes there is a 2x1 decoupler

yes there is an adapter that goes from 2x1 to 1x1

no there isnt a 3x? to 2x1 adapter

not sure what you mean with the connects vertically though

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What is it supposed to be? just curious.

I think its to show that normal lf/o engines work fine with the parts...they kinda look like KW engines.

Also...curious if yall have plans to add cargo bays to this pack. Seems to me if I had LLL cargo bays I could to anything with this pack I can do with any other parts in game.

Edited by KhaosCorp
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I mostly wanted to see if I could launch something using a weird design with LLL tanks and stuff. I just stuck a little nuclear rocket passenger carrier thing. It has something like 3500 m/s of Delta-V so it's pretty good.


Looks almost like a Eraser.... just saying!

also, I agree with Khaos, cargo bays would be a great addition to this pack!

Edited by Lazurkri
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