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[0.21] Kerbal LiveFeed: Passive Multiplayer Plugin/Client/Server v0.7.1


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Hey, i'm having an issue with the plugin initializing. I am able to connect with the client to the server which is hosted on my computer, but when I do a /list command it shows me as innactive, despite my ksp game being loaded and a world being loaded. I've had issues in the past with plugins not working, anyone have any tips?

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I do not know of this has been said or not, but the saved keys for screenshot and hiding the KLF menus do not seem to save to the config file upon exit of the game and load to defaults F8. It's annoying taking a screenshot when trying to open the chat and KLF when you first launch the game.

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I do not know of this has been said or not, but the saved keys for screenshot and hiding the KLF menus do not seem to save to the config file upon exit of the game and load to defaults F8. It's annoying taking a screenshot when trying to open the chat and KLF when you first launch the game.

I changed the screenshot key to F9, and so far it has not reverted back to F8. Try that! ;D

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I changed the screenshot key to F9, and so far it has not reverted back to F8. Try that! ;D

I have been having the problem for a while, and just recently I tried deleting the klf folder in the pluginsdata folder with the config file and everything and I guess with a fresh copy of the config it started saving itself again :D

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Kerbals live feed is missing one very special feature..

When a player kills a kerbal, in the chat, a line saying "username" killed "N" kerbals!

And, on the main window, where it says if you are in orbit or what not, a counter with total killed kerbals (in that session)


Could this be implemented?

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Kerbals live feed is missing one very special feature..

When a player kills a kerbal, in the chat, a line saying "username" killed "N" kerbals!

And, on the main window, where it says if you are in orbit or what not, a counter with total killed kerbals (in that session)


Could this be implemented?

This would be a great feature, I would love to see this.

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It might just be my computer, but sometimes the screenshot "viewer" crashes KSP. I'm pretty sure it has to do with image data corruption as sometimes the shared images will have artefacts and scrambled colours. It could also have something to do with the high number of shared screenshots being shared through UDP? Also I'm using Mono to run KSP and KLF.

* I can avoid the crashes completely by not using the viewer, but that's no fun.

* No crash log is generated.

Reproduction steps are still unclear. I'm still looking for patterns. I just thought I would post it here incase someone else has witnessed anything similar.


Also when focusing on the chat input field, keypresses pass through and control the game too. This can be dangerous.

Edited by velusip
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Has anyone tried to just add the KLFM antenna module to existing capsules/cockpits/probes to give quick backwards compatibility?

Really only interested in playing with my one buddy, and neither would really want to start completely over I think.

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Ignore the antenna, you no longer need to place it on your ships at all. Just insure that you have updated to the latest version 6.1. Just having the stuff loaded is all you need

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Ignore the antenna, you no longer need to place it on your ships at all. Just insure that you have updated to the latest version 6.1. Just having the stuff loaded is all you need

Good to know. Might want that to be mentioned in the readme or something :)

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