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[0.21] Kerbal LiveFeed: Passive Multiplayer Plugin/Client/Server v0.7.1


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SodiumEyes, massive props for getting this slick multiplayer mod out. I'll have to try it soon.

I have been talking to Frement and he is making a lot of progress as well on his co-op kind of mod. I'm not sure what it has in common with Caswal's work yet.

Edited by Hooligan Labs
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If I wasn't lazy, I could write a script that could display them in a meaningful way on a website. I may do this when I get some time.

I know one of the public servers already does this actually.

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Just a thought if you could apply some kind of a slider setting to adjust intervals for automatic screenshot share with a server side set limits to control abuse.

Looking good anyway.

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Oops... Main server down and klf.general-physics.de page doesn not exist anymore, can anyone tell me the Ip`s?

The only two I have on my favourite list are: klf.kerbalsp.com and klf.general-physics.de

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I had to fix the case sensitivity on "KerbalLiveFeed" directory for this plugin to work on Linux. Recompiled and it now works.


public const String INTEROP_CLIENT_FILENAME = "Plugins/PluginData/KerbalLiveFeed/interopclient.txt";
public const String INTEROP_PLUGIN_FILENAME = "Plugins/PluginData/KerbalLiveFeed/interopplugin.txt";

This is because KSP automatically creates this directory using the plugin name. KLFClient.exe needs to match case. It also checks to see if the directory exists and creates it.

public const String PLUGIN_DIRECTORY = "PluginData/KerbalLiveFeed/";
//Create the plugin directory if it doesn't exist
if (!Directory.Exists(PLUGIN_DIRECTORY))


  • I also noticed a minor warning in KLFVessel.cs, line 86-87. There is a duplicate assignment.
  • And something I don't understand in KLFManager.cs, line 1563. Was target_body_name part of an intended feature?
  • I tried putting the whole mess into the new 0.20 directory scheme and it works great: e.g. GameData/kerballivefeed/KLFClient.exe et cetera and wrapping part.cfg with PART {}

Edited by velusip
typo, forgot about part.cfg
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When I try to connect to a friend's server or viceversa the following error appears:

System.OutOfMemoryException: Se produjo una excepción de tipo 'System.OutOfMemoryException'.
en KLFClient.ClientMain.connectionLoop()
en KLFClient.ClientMain.connect()
Stacktrace: en KLFClient.ClientMain.handleReceive()
en KLFClient.ClientMain.asyncReceive(IAsyncResult result)

That part in spanish means something like "An exception was produced of type...".

What should we do?

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Alright, so I've installed this into my Gamedata folder and everything. The client works fine, the part and plugin seems to be loaded. I can chat in the client, but when I load the game the GUI comes up empty as if it's unconnected to the server, nor does it show my username. It's only been two days after the release of a new version, I know, but I'm wondering if anyone has any suggestions?

I've been using KLF for a month and a half now and absolutely love the plugin and the people you meet on the servers. It's a great mod!

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Random server crash without anybody connected:

System.ObjectDisposedException: Cannot access a disposed object.

Object name: 'System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient'.

at KLFServer.Server.hostingLoop()

at KLFServer.ServerMain.hostServer(ServerSettings settings)

Stacktrace: at System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient.GetStream()

at KLFServer.Server.sendMessageHeaderDirect(TcpClient client, ServerMessageID id, Int32 msg_length)

at KLFServer.Server.listenForClients()

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Just found this thread, amazing! I haven't tried it yet though....I did read that it shows your positions in space for other people to see in map view...does that mean if you were near another player's ship in NON-map view, you wouldn't see it...?

Edited by darkstrike
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Just found this thread, amazing! I haven't tried it yet though....I did read that it shows your positions in space for other people to see in map view...does that mean if you were near another player's ship in NON-map view, you wouldn't see it...?

No, you can only see them in the map.

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Can we please have the option to turn off completely other player's ships and orbits in map view? It's kinda lagging my game a little when there are 20+ ppl flying around and burning, warping and stuff...

Edited by elkar
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Can we please have the option to turn off completely other player's ships and orbits in map view? It's kinda lagging my game a little when there are 20+ ppl flying around and burning, warping and stuff...

The purpose of the plugin is to share those things...

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I just had a really interesting idea, but not sure if it's possible. What if you could embed a Twitch.tv stream in the interface? Then this could be a true LiveFeed plugin.

I got this idea when playing with my friend, after we first tried out the KLF plugin and being disappointed about a lack of actual video feed (no offense, but the screenshot does essentially scream video feed even though it's just a screenshot. But this is basically what me and my friend do; we use the KLF client still, but we also both have a 2nd monitor which has each others Twitch stream. Rather than being limited by low-res screenshots, it gives us an even more 'connected' experience.

I know you can embed a Twitch stream in websites, but not really sure if this would be similar enough.

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