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Lifting Fuel

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Hello all, I'm looking for a link to a ship capable of lifting a lot of fuel into orbit. I finally designed a ship capable of lifting a full orange take to the station I have in orbit but it still makes for a lot of trips to fill it. I'm sure someone has designed a ship that can lift large payloads. I need some ideas.

Also, the ship I designed CAN get a full can up there, but usually I need to re-launch about 4-6 times to get "lucky" that it doesn't fall apart during ascent....


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Here's a ship I designed for a challenge thread "Best Stock Liquid Fuel Rocket Efficiency: 1 full Jumbo 64 + FL-R1 to 80 km orbit"

http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/46616-Best-Stock-Liquid-Fuel-Rocket-Efficiency-1-full-Jumbo-64-FL-R1-to-80-km-orbit (*Note* it's probably been lost in the great crash of 4/13*)

The ship can lift a full Jumbo64 and a Full 750liter FL-R1 RCS tank to orbit without using any of the fuel it's lifting.

The craft file is here:


Video of the ship in flight:

It's a bit laggy on liftoff but gets better quickly as stages are used.

liftoff with 100% throttle and then cut back to about 90% when overheat warnings appear. Return to full throttle after separating the last asparagus stage.

I find it a good idea to turn on stage lock after separating the final booster stage (the one with the poodle engine & rockomax 32 tank)

Edited by TinfoilChef
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Hello all, I'm looking for a link to a ship capable of lifting a lot of fuel into orbit. I finally designed a ship capable of lifting a full orange take to the station I have in orbit but it still makes for a lot of trips to fill it. I'm sure someone has designed a ship that can lift large payloads. I need some ideas.

Also, the ship I designed CAN get a full can up there, but usually I need to re-launch about 4-6 times to get "lucky" that it doesn't fall apart during ascent....


I think you need moa struts on your ship. :D

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I was working on this as well...

My goal for payload delivery was 1 x Jumbo-64 and 2 x R1 RCS. The resulting platform proved both inefficient and unwieldy.

Going back to the drawing board I decided to try and improve an existing gem that while beautiful to handle, only had a Kerbin delivery payload of 1 x X200-32, and 1.5 X R1 RCS.

The 'enlarged' result was much more ungainly and awkward on thrusters, but provided ~1.7 X X200-32 and 1.2 X R1 RCS (relying on nuclear thrust only after final staging). I can give you designs if you want, however I do acknowledge the fact I'm pretty new/not very good at this. All models are stock and I don't currently use Mechjeb.

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You just need twice as much rocket!


This 307 part abomination was designed to land a full tank on the Mun, to serve as a way-station for my Munhopper. You need to ascend with the throttle set at half to avoid exploding, and wait for BOTH engines to stop firing before separation since the staging is a mess.

.craft file is here: http://www.speciesgame.com/Downloads/Other/Refueling%20Station.craft

Edited by Quasar
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It doesn't take that much to lift an orange tank if you get your asparagus staging down pat:


Zenith V for example can lift a full orange tank and two large RCS tanks to orbit and still have enough fuel in itself to deorbit the final stage, all within 159 parts + how ever many parts you use for the payload.

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