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[0.23.5]General Propulsionâ„¢ SOLD


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  Zuni said:

I've never done skinning, but I'm good at the whole art/texture thing, if someone could introduce me to it...

And what does a Unity Rigger do?

skinning is basically texturing...but with a better sounding name. You edit the texture map of a model and give it a texture(Examples included in the GP engines and fuel tanks.)

a unity rigger prepares the parts for use in KSP, using Unity to add thust transforms, hitboxes, ect...(I tried this, I was horrible at it.)

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  AntiMatter001 said:
nope i install your mod and the i try my half track design again and it vears to the left a ever so slowly. when i crank up the speed it goes left faster...

i think it's the suspension but i'm not sure

only semas to happen with the tiny and small tracks. not the oval meduim or the large tracks.

You have pics or craft files? Are you using a flight stick? You might want to increase the deadzone if you are. Mine tends to pull a little too if I'm resting my hand on it with the default deadzones. It's also perhaps an issue with the symmetry.

  Pontiac said:
I have to say that I'm glad this has been picked up. I installed this back in 0.20 and built a mammoth Kethane rig. It was so huge, it was screwing up MJs decents. Was rather epic. :] Needless to say, I'm going to have to say I have to PASS on installing this particular mod, because even though these things are freak'n awesome, I don't want to start building mammoth tanks as launching them is just crazy. :]

Oh who the hell am I kidding... *bookmarks page*

Look into the extraplanetary launchpads mod...lets you build things onsite! now all you have to do is move a huge frigging launchpad to the Mun before you can build your huge frigging tank-o-miner-ma-jig.

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  Vladthemad said:
You have pics or craft files? Are you using a flight stick? You might want to increase the deadzone if you are. Mine tends to pull a little too if I'm resting my hand on it with the default deadzones. It's also perhaps an issue with the symmetry.

Look into the extraplanetary launchpads mod...lets you build things onsite! now all you have to do is move a huge frigging launchpad to the Mun before you can build your huge frigging tank-o-miner-ma-jig.

so THAT'S how you got that mamoth tanktred of a thing up there! i have it installed but to be honest i don't really use it :/ i just launch probes to each planet and not risk kerbals XD

no it's not symertry and if i send you the craft files you'll have to download like a zillion mods ontop of the ones your using (basicly too much effort for a simple solution, which is: don't use them.)

thanks for your help anyway!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Having a problem with the tracks, I have a halftrack which is halfway to the north pole, and the tracks don't provide any torque, therefore no propulsion. Yet testing the same craft on the runway, it works fine. Any idea whats causing this problem?

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Will anyone be fixing the plugin for proper .23 support?

If anyone wants faster tracks you can try these torque curves

Max speed Over 100m/s



key = -300 1.0 0 0

key = -70 6 0 0

key = 0 18 0 0

key = 70 36 0 0

key = 200 24 0 0

key = 1000 16 0 0


Max speed about 70m/s



key = -300 1.0 0 0

key = -70 6 0 0

key = 0 18 0 0

key = 70 36 0 0

key = 200 24 0 0

key = 1000 8 0 0


Max speed about 28m/s



key = -300 1.0 0 0

key = -70 6 0 0

key = 0 18 0 0

key = 70 24 0 0

key = 200 16 0 0

key = 1000 4 0 0


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  The Space Man said:
Will anyone be fixing the plugin for proper .23 support?

If anyone wants faster tracks you can try these torque curves

Max speed Over 100m/s



key = -300 1.0 0 0

key = -70 6 0 0

key = 0 18 0 0

key = 70 36 0 0

key = 200 24 0 0

key = 1000 16 0 0


Max speed about 70m/s



key = -300 1.0 0 0

key = -70 6 0 0

key = 0 18 0 0

key = 70 36 0 0

key = 200 24 0 0

key = 1000 8 0 0


Max speed about 28m/s



key = -300 1.0 0 0

key = -70 6 0 0

key = 0 18 0 0

key = 70 24 0 0

key = 200 16 0 0

key = 1000 4 0 0


grah. i came back thinking this would work but NOPE. tracks still vear to the right ANd left now :/ oh well

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I have an idea. Not sure how feasible it is to do, but I think it'd be kinda cool: Tracks that can steer like the rover wheels do. Kinda like those tracks you sometimes see on modified off-road trucks. Only because I would like to be able to drive something around that had tracks on all four corners and steers like a car instead of a tank, given that it's rather hard to turn tanks at high speed.

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  Madrias said:
I have an idea. Not sure how feasible it is to do, but I think it'd be kinda cool: Tracks that can steer like the rover wheels do. Kinda like those tracks you sometimes see on modified off-road trucks. Only because I would like to be able to drive something around that had tracks on all four corners and steers like a car instead of a tank, given that it's rather hard to turn tanks at high speed.

actually tanks can turn quite fast... if you strap rockets onto it and the end result being sick kerbals and a cartwheeling heavily armoured vehicle

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  Galacticruler said:
those are likely to be RAM crashes.

list of mods?

I don't get ram crashes until KSP goes over the 3.5GB limit, i have mine at 2.9GB using Active Texture Management and i remove parts i won't use so i don't think it's that. I do have tons of mods installed though so it could be a conflict with another mod.

Is there any mods that are known to conflict with this one?

Mod list.


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  The Space Man said:
I don't get ram crashes until KSP goes over the 3.5GB limit, i have mine at 2.9GB using Active Texture Management and i remove parts i won't use so i don't think it's that. I do have tons of mods installed though so it could be a conflict with another mod.

Is there any mods that are known to conflict with this one?

Mod list.


i know for a fact that KOSMOS is a pretty big mod... i just took the solar panels out of it and they lag my game pretty badly.

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Ladies and GentleKerbs. I am the original owner of these here tracks. I've been away from KSP for a good while (Been busy with client project, and working on my own things/getting a portfolio together etc.).

I've been reading through some of the comments here and it is evident that there are some issues with the tracks in the latest KSP updates. I have just tested the tracks (using all the original parts w/o any fixes and such) and the largest set does seem very off.

I will speak to EndlessWaves to see if he can update the plugin for this, I'd honestly have no idea where to start myself. Keep in mind that this no no guarantee that they'll be fully working and fixed anytime soon, since EndlessWaves may be just as busy as I am. While I have given distribution rights to GalacticRuler, I am happy for anyone else to take over the modelling side of this mod (lord knows the models need an update, they were only ever intended to be temporary).

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  electronicfox said:
Ladies and GentleKerbs. I am the original owner of these here tracks. I've been away from KSP for a good while (Been busy with client project, and working on my own things/getting a portfolio together etc.).

I've been reading through some of the comments here and it is evident that there are some issues with the tracks in the latest KSP updates. I have just tested the tracks (using all the original parts w/o any fixes and such) and the largest set does seem very off.

I will speak to EndlessWaves to see if he can update the plugin for this, I'd honestly have no idea where to start myself. Keep in mind that this no no guarantee that they'll be fully working and fixed anytime soon, since EndlessWaves may be just as busy as I am. While I have given distribution rights to GalacticRuler, I am happy for anyone else to take over the modelling side of this mod (lord knows the models need an update, they were only ever intended to be temporary).

Glad that you are back, and good luck!

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  electronicfox said:
Ladies and GentleKerbs. I am the original owner of these here tracks. I've been away from KSP for a good while (Been busy with client project, and working on my own things/getting a portfolio together etc.).

I've been reading through some of the comments here and it is evident that there are some issues with the tracks in the latest KSP updates. I have just tested the tracks (using all the original parts w/o any fixes and such) and the largest set does seem very off.

I will speak to EndlessWaves to see if he can update the plugin for this, I'd honestly have no idea where to start myself. Keep in mind that this no no guarantee that they'll be fully working and fixed anytime soon, since EndlessWaves may be just as busy as I am. While I have given distribution rights to GalacticRuler, I am happy for anyone else to take over the modelling side of this mod (lord knows the models need an update, they were only ever intended to be temporary).

i was just about to point out that this thread shouldn't evenHAVE a "0.23?" tag because it doesn't work with ksp 0.23 (well unlees you want really buggy tracks or tracks that sometimes work and sometimes don't for no reason at all)

i'm glad the original owner is back although GalacticRuler did do agood job of getting the mod to (sort of) work with 0.23 i don't think he has actually done anything to fix the issues of the tracks not moving other than messing around with configs (after a coupleof us pointed it out) and try and figure out what's causing tracks to not work with other mods (which is pretty tough to do)

anyway enough bad ranting... onto good ranting.

Models: don't change em! they look gooooood!

Tracks: if it'sthe Dll that needs changing i might take a peek... i didn'tthink to look at the dll at all o.o

overall playablility: the tracks are useful.... but onlyforcertain things if you don't want "magic torque" to get in the way of theings.

also the link tothe dropbox or whatever (the downlaod on the front page) is broken XD

Edited by AntiMatter001
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Well I've shot off a message to EndlessWaves, although his profile says he was last online back in December so I'm not too hopeful for a reply anytime soon. I do have the Unity scenes and scripts myself, but I am not a skilled programmer (And the little I DO know is in javascript, these track scrips are in C#, it all goes way over my head), and Im not sure what the rules are here regarding editing plugins in the absence of their creator.

That said, if anyone knows how to contact EW outside of KSP forums, please let me know.

Edited by electronicfox
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