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[0.21+] Kosmos Spacecraft Design Bureau: Updated (9/27/13)


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Kosmos Spacecraft Design Bureau

Kosmos, the latest addition to the Kerbal Space Program's stable of unstable contractors, is the product of two things- a grand vision of the future, and a lack of planning for today. Originally attracting investors throughout Kerbin for their promise of 'permanent manned-facilities' in orbit, this ragtag group of what Jeb likes to call 'college-jockeys' produced enormously heavy hunks of science for years before anyone in the investment game realized that no rockets available could propel them to orbit. The company then quickly went bust, and it disappeared from the public's knowledge. Years later, long after rockets became available that could lift the heavy loads, the Kosmos company warehouse was discovered fully intact, undisturbed, and full of dusty modules. The KSP was able to purchase the entire company (including the engineers, who were found living in the warehouse subsisting on tube-food and several types of rodent!) The station parts themselves were sold cheaper than the metal they were made from. Freshly employed and entirely grateful, the Kosmos engineers strive to continue to not live in a warehouse.

-Space Station Parts Pack-

As always, delete earlier versions of Kosmos from your parts folder before installing new ones.



Low resolution version for older machines: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/kosmoslite/

The Space Station Parts Pack contains everything needed to construct big, beautiful space stations. The pack includes the Kosmos VA capsule and TKS functional cargo block, a rugged and reliable vehicle for orbital operations, trusted by Kerbalnauts everywhere. Also included are the Salyut series of space station modules, which are split into customizable segments to build any station configuration. Using Kosmos parts, you can control your station without manning it by using the Pravilo computer system, or dock to it using the androgenous APAS-69 docking ring. Recent additions to the pack include the Balka series of ISS-style solar panels, truss pieces to connect your intersteller infrastructure together, and engines to propel you to new heights.

Version 4.7 (8/27/13)

- Changed many textures to .tga format, allowing users to resize textures and reduce memory requirements as needed

- Added several new small parts

- Added URM 1.25 meter parts package

- Now includes procedural fairings with matching Kosmos textures (special thanks to E-dog)

Version 4.6 (8/18/13)

- Includes updated Firespitter Plugin

- RD-210 mistakenly released in previous update changed to RD-275K

- Added new enhanced strut connector

- Some textures changed to .tga format for personal resizing and compression

Version 4.5 (8/10/13)

- Added RD-33NK and RD-0146 engines

- Fixed glitch with Balka solar panels

- User Satcharna has provided translations for the included flags: "For Peace and Progress" - "Glory to the heroes of the fatherland!" - "The Soviet People are Space Pioneers, Glory!"

Version 4.4 (7/30/13)

- Replaced final remaining first-generation Kosmos parts.

- Battery, ASAS, and reaction wheel modules added to various parts.

Version 4.3 (6/2/13):

- Files are repackaged to comply with post-0.20 KSP builds.

- Several silly flags featuring Soviet propaganda have been added.

Version 4.2 (4/19/13):

- Added smaller solar panels based on early Salyut series.

Version 4.1 (4/8/13):

- All reasonable pressurized modules now have crew manifest support for non-EVA crew transfers. Plugin available here: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/18-1-kerbal-crew-manifest/

- The VA Capsule now supports the built in Mechjeb 2 plugin.

- VA Capsule texture and UV Mapping has been redone to improve appearance.

- VA Capsule glows a bit brighter for reentry but effects are still missing do to a bug.

- Added the single TKS style RCS tank.

- Added Ladderless VA Lockdown for sleeker-looking spacecraft.

Who's responsible for this?

Kosmos is a project started by Normak, CardBoardBoxProcessor, with help from Xemit and NoMrBond, whom have worked together to recreate the innovative yet often forgotten Soviet/Russian space station programs. Others have contributed by testing, proposing bug fixes, and scores of modders have contributed indirectly by creating plugins and adding features to the game that have paved the way for our team. A warm thanks to all of you!

Kosmos and its derivatives are the property of Kosmos Team and is distributed under the Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported license. You are permitted to redistribute the parts in their original form, so long as this readme is bundled with them. You may not modify Kosmos parts without verified permission from Kosmos Team, and you will not be permitted to sell Kosmos-derived work. Please don't even contact us about this. Modified Kosmos parts will not be supported by Kosmos Team.

For more information on this license, please visit this page: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/

Edited by Normak
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I thought about something. What about a heatshield for VA and a radial parachute ? And BTW, sorry for asking, but as the server was rolled back, I can't find the post where you said it anymore, what is the rescale factor that makes your awesome pack fits with others ? 0.64 seems logical but I'm not sure and as my computer is extremely slow in launching the game, it'd be a pain in the ass to proceed by trial and error.

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I probably have a problem with a APAS-69 docking part. Two small ships and and a hour of "kissing". I was very accurate and carefull. Undock from two parts connected in hangar works fine. Any help or sugestions?

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So I've been having an issue where when I extend the giant panels, then move control to another ship or something outside render distance, when I come back, the panels say they're extended, but visibly look retracted. To get them back to normal, I have to completely retract them and extend them again, which as you know, takes a bit. There are two other parts from a different mod that have the same issue, so it's most likely something on my end...but just wanted to let you know. And keeping my fingers crossed that you might know what I can do to fix it. I friggin' LOVE the way my station looks with your panels and would love to leave them extended at all times. :P

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So I've been having an issue where when I extend the giant panels, then move control to another ship or something outside render distance, when I come back, the panels say they're extended, but visibly look retracted. To get them back to normal, I have to completely retract them and extend them again, which as you know, takes a bit. There are two other parts from a different mod that have the same issue, so it's most likely something on my end...but just wanted to let you know. And keeping my fingers crossed that you might know what I can do to fix it. I friggin' LOVE the way my station looks with your panels and would love to leave them extended at all times. :P

It's not on your end. If the pages were still there, you'd see that we know about this issue. Basically, KSP only saves one animation state per part. These solar panels, and that other part your mentions, have more than one animation state. It's something we will have to wait to get fixed. I think someone was working on this with a mod, but I completely forget who and what.

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It's not on your end. If the pages were still there, you'd see that we know about this issue. Basically, KSP only saves one animation state per part. These solar panels, and that other part your mentions, have more than one animation state. It's something we will have to wait to get fixed. I think someone was working on this with a mod, but I completely forget who and what.

Ahh, I see...that sucks. :huh: Thanks though, glad to at least see it's not my fault! Going to have to look for that mod now if it still exists...

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Panels issue is only a visual problem, but there is a another issue with big rotating solar arrays. I used a big station and extend one by one two solar panels, and extend a last rotary section. In this construction ASAS can't stabilize a ship, and it was behave strangely. Ship stabilize get a lot o time. I want to bump my last message about APAS-69 docking part. Need some hints becouce i can't dock by this two ports.

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