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[0.21+] Kosmos Spacecraft Design Bureau: Updated (9/27/13)


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  CardBoardBoxProcessor said:
Thanks. But I am pretty tired of KSP to be honest. It is just not fun anymore...

I hear ya.

This is one of those titles I play in short, intense burst, I'll be all about KSP for a week, then it gathers dust for a week or two. After a little while, it feels like the game is working against you, as it's simply not finished yet. The big thing for me is the performance/instability with lots of parts. We need either a 64 Bit engine behind KSP (I'd upgrade to 16GB of RAM tomorrow if that were the case!) or a better parts system where there don't have to be several different lengths/sizes of the same part taking up space in the memory foot print. EG; we don't need a bunch of different trusses, design the game so that a strut can be 'cut to length' in real time, so we only need one part in the memory foot print for that strut.

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Originally my goal of texturing KOSMOS in the manner that I texture it was to try and persuade other mods and stock makers to perhaps try and add alittle more detail into their work as well to raise the game out of the cartooniness just enough to make things interesting looking and not gray cylinders. floating around in space. Things that look nice and match the rather detailed worlds you can visit.

However with the hiring of B9 (though I will say his IVAs are amazing and his work can surely be even more amazing when not trying to be KSp parts) it seems I have failed in my movement.

perhaps it is time to conform the the stock parts and give up this effort.

Edited by CardBoardBoxProcessor
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Each modder, artist must find their own path. Each sees the world or KSP in this instance, through their own lens. Your vision of greater detail is appreciated by many of us. Does it fit Squad's vision of KSP? No, but that does not reduce its value at all. True our cosmonauts may be little green cartoonish creatures, but the spacecraft they fly do not have to be. So I encourage you to use your considerable talents to look beyond historic spacecraft and to give us Duna habitation modules or the next generation of space station parts as only you can. You build them and we will fly them. That I can guarantee you.

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it says that installation instructions are in the readme file but there is nothing about instillation in there so currently the file is just sat there in my computer...

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  wof42 said:
it says that installation instructions are in the readme file but there is nothing about instillation in there so currently the file is just sat there in my computer...

Go into the "parts" folder in the download select all the folders inside then drag them into the "parts" folder in KSP.

Go into the "internals" folder in the download then the spaces folder select all the folders inside "spaces" then drag them into the "spaces" folder which is a subfolder of "internals" in KSP.

Then that's it, you're done. As there are no plugin components. Just internals and parts.

Start KSP after installing and enjoy playing with cBBp's awesome parts!

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  CardBoardBoxProcessor said:
Originally my goal of texturing KOSMOS in the manner that I texture it was to try and persuade other mods and stock makers to perhaps try and add alittle more detail into their work as well to raise the game out of the cartooniness just enough to make things interesting looking and not gray cylinders. floating around in space. Things that look nice and match the rather detailed worlds you can visit.

However with the hiring of B9 (though I will say his IVAs are amazing and his work can surely be even more amazing when not trying to be KSp parts) it seems I have failed in my movement.

perhaps it is time to conform the the stock parts and give up this effort.

I think you, bac9 and Lack (and some others) strike a good balance between "stock" (mostly novasilisko+one other person, right? anyway it's not nearly as self-consistent as bac9s pack, it seems intentionally slightly mismatched) and your own personal styles, such that it all works together quite nicely in-game. It's more a matter of skill than style I think; the stuff that doesn't work well [with other stuff] in game is just made by beginners and people of lesser talent, which is fine, it's not fair to judge them by the same standards, it will put them off and we'll have less modders and less mods.

And I disagree that KSP's worlds are detailed. They're not, imo, they're almost ludicrously low-res in comparison to the beautiful craft some people make, they're almost Operation Flashpoint (2001) levels of detail. I assume they're placeholders.

Was someone complaining about the texturing of KOSMOS? What started this vein?

Edited by comham
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Press once on one extend panels,WAIT,till the animation is over,repeat with the other 2 animations, and do the same (just backwards,so,retract them) after you want to leave them, so that they arent looking "closed" but generate electricity.

Oh yeah,I just noticed with the APAS 69,ever single time I try docking it gets ridicoules,if I do it manually, the parts are not put "straight" but are "hanging" on one side, and if I use,say,ORDA,it constantly aligns them so that the fins are going to touch each other > youre not gonna dock.

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  dimovski said:
Press once on one extend panels,WAIT,till the animation is over,repeat with the other 2 animations, and do the same (just backwards,so,retract them) after you want to leave them, so that they arent looking "closed" but generate electricity.

Oh yeah,I just noticed with the APAS 69,ever single time I try docking it gets ridicoules,if I do it manually, the parts are not put "straight" but are "hanging" on one side, and if I use,say,ORDA,it constantly aligns them so that the fins are going to touch each other > youre not gonna dock.

And MJ don't even figured them out ^^ But I've found the solution for this problem. Just add "docking port" in the name in the .cfg and it's ok.

And for the Balka panels issue, cBBp really need to put a warning in the 1st post and in the read me ^^

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  dimovski said:
Could you explain that "add docking port" thingy further?

MJ recognize a docking port if there's "docking port" or "common berthing mecanism" in the .cfg. But in the APAS' one, the name is just APAS-69 thus MJ don't recognize it as a docking port. But if you add "docking port" in the name, MJ will know it's a docking port.

Just like that

// --- editor parameters ---

cost = 975

category = Utility

subcategory = 0

title = APAS-69 Docking Port

manufacturer = Kosmos Spacecraft Design Bureau

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