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[0.21+] Kosmos Spacecraft Design Bureau: Updated (9/27/13)


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It's got the same interest really but the time is less. My jobs hours finally increased since someone quit where as before they were so few I had all the time in the world. Plus i am dating someone sort of and thusly I am more motivated to get a career now and finish losing weight. And since 3d modelling is not a career that will be blessed upon me I have to do something else unfortunately.

Glad to hear the game has the same interest for you. Hopefully the more work hours means more money as that is usually helpful in life. Congrats on continuing to lose weight. With your talent I would think 3D modeling would eventually pay off for you.

And absolutely best wishes on that new relationship. If you need any dating tips, why I'm sure there are plenty of experts here on the forum who are more than willing to help. :D

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I won't offer any dating advice. I'm married, so obviously I did something wrong somewhere along the line. :D

cBBp, you've got my respect on the weight loss. I lost 60 pounds a few years back, so I understand what a trial that can be. Keeping it off is no picnic either, pardon the pun. The reward is worth the effort!

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So Jack, your wife doesn't read the forums I take it. :cool:

Not if I can help it! :wink:

But after 21 years of marriage, I've gotten very good at ducking.

Edited by Jack Wolfe
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Ive a problem with the Balka solar wings, when I extend them and I they are extended and im going to the space center, and then I load back my space station with the balka solar wings, they are not extended anymore, but if i click on it with my right mouse button, it says it is extended and directing sunlight, is this a bug?

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Ive a problem with the Balka solar wings, when I extend them and I they are extended and im going to the space center, and then I load back my space station with the balka solar wings, they are not extended anymore, but if i click on it with my right mouse button, it says it is extended and directing sunlight, is this a bug?

Congratulations, you're the lucky first person to owe 1€/$/£ to cBBp after being the 1 000 000th to ask it. Just read a few pages ago or even the entire thread and you're going to find the answer

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I too have observed the issue with the Balka Solar panels reverting to their closed state after switching flights, and according to a post earlier in this thread, my understanding is that it has something to do with KSP not being able to save multiple animation states in one part.

I do hope CBBP gets back to us with an ETA on a possible fix - perhaps simplify it by having just one toggle button controlling the two solar "wings"?

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I too have observed the issue with the Balka Solar panels reverting to their closed state after switching flights, and according to a post earlier in this thread, my understanding is that it has something to do with KSP not being able to save multiple animation states in one part.

I do hope CBBP gets back to us with an ETA on a possible fix - perhaps simplify it by having just one toggle button controlling the two solar "wings"?

1. Never ask an ETA

2. The solution with less animation has already been said but cBBp doesn't

3. There's a plugin that allow more animation for a single part

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1. Never ask an ETA

2. The solution with less animation has already been said but cBBp doesn't

3. There's a plugin that allow more animation for a single part

about 3.

yes, there is, however I don't think it works with solar panels

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When I create a small space station with these parts it lags already very much, and I don't have that with other mods, maybe because you didnt switched to .tga?

Edited by onlinegamesz
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Ey guys. . . for some weird reason. . . the docking port WORKED~! :0.0: You just HAVE to get it at the right angle for it to work, and even though MJ docks it perpendicularly (I don't know why, and I bet I never will), all you have to do is just get it at the perfect position and dock it in. I'm sorry for not being so persistent in docking the thing. . . I just presumed it never will. But after I loaded the same save again. . . and tried to correct the position. . . it was a perfect mating~! :D The only thing left for the devs to do is to support that more-than-one-animation-per-part-is-not-possible for the twin-wing panels to work like a charm. I'm afraid I'll have to de-orbit a few more stations to use the docking port LOL.:confused::D

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Neither MechJeb nor the Docking Camera will work with the Kosmos docking ports, there's a bug that makes them think it's rotated 90 degrees to the side.

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Neither MechJeb nor the Docking Camera will work with the Kosmos docking ports, there's a bug that makes them think it's rotated 90 degrees to the side.

Yeah it does. . . but after you've gotten as close as you can using the autopilot. . . you can just switch to the lighter craft (since if you use the heavier one for docking it'll just be harder), and adjust the ship and complete the docking.

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Aspergers and women just don't mix. So yall want Rocket parts eh? painted like stock to match stock parts or angara color scheme?

keep in mine flight engines can match stock very simply. They aren't all painted pretty and white. personally I have put a lot of thought into painting them like stock parts. They would match the stock much better that way. I look forward to your rapidly posted opinions.


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