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The New Bobcat Colonization Challenge

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My attempts at offword HOME bases so far:

A pair of survey teams at the Duna pyramid. 2 Units, habitat and recon, 1160m apart, and both with demv ant. Each unit has 2 kerbaly scientists.

Duna Survery A, with kerbals arguing over who gets to drive


and survey B


both units in a wide shot


and finally, my first attempt, a triple home habit unit on minmus, also 2 occupants


My calculation,

each duna survey, with habitat, recon, ant and 2 kerbals,

37 points X2 = 74

2 distinct sites for 10X2= 20 points, plus duna bonus of 35,

Total 129 for Duna.

and on minmus, 3 habitats and 2 kerbals, for 47, plus minmus` 15

total 62 for minmus

altogether 191 points. If I have calculated incorrectly please let me know :)

Dropping those 2 duna units was hair raising to say the least, and kept me up to 2am on a work night haha, but a lot more to come.

Next is the Duna station, followed by the Eve prison colony... mwahaha

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Not much here just my first attempt, hopefully to be expanded shortly!


Just a standard HOME base with a few extras next to the neil armstrong memorial!

mun: 10 points

habitat: 15 points

site to behold: 50 points

Total: 75 points so far :D

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  soranno said:

My calculation,

each duna survey, with habitat, recon, ant and 2 kerbals,

37 points X2 = 74

2 distinct sites for 10X2= 20 points, plus duna bonus of 35,

Total 129 for Duna.

and on minmus, 3 habitats and 2 kerbals, for 47, plus minmus` 15

total 62 for minmus

altogether 191 points. If I have calculated incorrectly please let me know :)

You've actually only got 32 points for minmus (plus the minmus bonus of 15 for a total of 47) because the habitats only grant points when crewed by at least one kerbal.

An Eve prison colony sounds sounds pretty interesting, given the difficulty of getting off-planet once there.

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Actually, by my reckoning, you earned as follows:

Duna (35)

2 Habitats (30)

2 Recons (20)

4 Kerbals (4)

2 Sites (20)

A Site to Behold (50)

Total: 159

Minmus (15)

3 Habitats (45)

2 Kerbals (2)

1 Site (10)

Total: 72

Grand Total: 231

So yeah, you underestimated your score by a bit.

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More stuff!! (Pictures Galore)

Added a second module to my Eve base,


And set up the first module of Moho base Hermes,


My next module was originally going to head to Pol, but this happened when I did my transfer burn,


How I managed to get a Laythe encounter shortly after leaving Kerbin SOI is beyond me, but I decided that Pol could wait.

Laythe Colony Poseidon.


Eve: (30)

- 2 Habitat modules (30)

- 4 Kerbals (4)

- 1 Site (10)

Subtotal: (74)

Moho: (90)

- 1 Habitat module (15)

- 2 Kerbals (2)

- 1 Site (10)

Subtotal: (117)

Laythe (90)

- 1 Habitat module (15)

- 2 Kerbals (2)

- 1 Site (10)

Subtotal: (117)

Unchanged bases:

- Mun: (104)

- Minmus: (59)

- Duna: (62)

Grand Total: 533

Edited by hawkinator
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It's not much, but it's home:


One HOME habitat module: 15 points

One HOME Recon Module: 10 points

One HOME CDS: 5 points

Structure Total: 30 points



4 Kerbals: 4 points

Personnel Total: 4 points

Total for Mun Colony: 34 points

Unfortunately, I'm not near any sites currently (the closest is 30km away!) so I can't get that bonus until I land a couple more of what call Cores (Habitat/Recon).

Could you update the front page with the new site bonus? It says that the bonus is 50 points but you seem to tally it with 10 so...

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  Andellmere said:
Could you update the front page with the new site bonus? It says that the bonus is 50 points but you seem to tally it with 10 so...

There's two separate point scores involving sites. First is the site bonus, which is granted for each recon/DEMV-linked location further than 1KM away from another colony location (those are worth 10 points; every colony gets at least one of these since every colony has at least one site). The other is A Site to Behold, a bonus which is granted if you set up your colony at or within reasonable visible distance of an anomaly. That bonus is worth 50 points.

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  SkyRender said:
There's two separate point scores involving sites. First is the site bonus, which is granted for each recon/DEMV-linked location further than 1KM away from another colony location (those are worth 10 points; every colony gets at least one of these since every colony has at least one site). The other is A Site to Behold, a bonus which is granted if you set up your colony at or within reasonable visible distance of an anomaly. That bonus is worth 50 points.

That makes much more sense. I kept wondering why people were getting A Site to Behold without any Sites...

Thank you for clearing that up. Now, to expand my currently unnamed Mun colony! Curse you, hawkinator, for taking the Greek Gods! Curse you!

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Here I present to you my newly landed Munar mining complex, where Songan Kerman and Burthal Kerman are working around the clock to extract the precious kethane for their homeworld. This complex is special that the main tower hosts the main kethane deposit and a large converting module. At the belly of the tower there is the Kerbal Attachment System (KAS) attached to Clamp-O-Trons to dock with the mining truck, a modified DEMV Mk2 with a small kethane tank and 3 drilling pieces attached to its rear. The KAS umbilicus provides electricity and receives kethane from the truck in a 50 meters radius. Should mobile mining be required, Burthal Kerman will undock with the KAS port and drive off to search for extraction sites with the on-board kethane detector. The trunk powers the 3 drills with 2 Gigantor solar arrays when working offsite.

The whole mining complex weighs 60 ton, and it was a challenge to launch into space. It then rendezvoused with KSS Infinity Station in Kerbin orbit to refuel. Afterwards it is propelled by four nuclear engines to reach the Mun. Landing was bumpy but successful, and the KAS cable was able to hold the 7-ton truck in place. The mining complex is equipped with two kethane engines of which Songan and Burthal Kerman will test out in the next few days. At least one habitat H.O.M.E module is due to arrive shortly so that the crew won't need to cram inside the landing can. The complex is equipped with many parachutes to allow for atmosphere reentry back to Kerbin.


Mun = 10

DEMV Mk 2 = 10

Kerbals x2 = 2

Gas Guzzler= 50

Opt Out Clause = 50

Total = 122


The whole complex in view with the truck mining with the KAS umbilicus and Burthal Kerman checking the landing strut


Offsite mining


Returning with a full load to dock (I can't help thinking about C&C now)


View up in the tower

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  hawkinator said:
You could always use the Roman Gods :sticktongue:

Let's name my colonies for the planets they are on!

Actually, I just started asking people for suggestions. I think my Mun colony shall be named Wingtip. Because that's the only name I got that didn't have the word Moon/Lunar in it!

May I just say that you work damn fast, hawk. I keep having to restart launches after nigh-catastrophic failures somewhere in transit.

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Quicksaves are the key to victory!! That, and proven, simple launch vehicles that pretty much work every time. Plus it helps that the lander design works well just about anywhere. You may have noticed that the bases are pretty much the same in all the colonies. Only Jool and Tylo will be requiring special attention in terms of how the lander for the Habitat module is constructed. The brilliance of it is that it has all three major means of landing on things, parachutes for worlds with thick atmospheres (Eve, Kerbin, Laythe), rockets for medium to medium-low gravity worlds (Most of the planets fit this description), RCS thrusters for very low gravity worlds (Gilly, Bop, Pol), and Duna is a somewhat special case, but the combination of rockets and parachutes takes care of it. This only leaves Tylo with it's high gravity and lack of atmosphere and Jool, which requires special airship colonies.

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In an effort to not let this thread fall any further back, I give you my second update on Munar Colony Wingtip!

Site 1 is pretty much done, save for a half finished Kethane mining operation (Accidentally used 'End Flight' on my refinery):




Habitat Module: 15

Recon with Attached ANT: 10

Charlie's Deli and Shoe Store: 5

DEMV MK 2: 10

Nuclear Powerplant: 15

Twelve(12) Kerbals with HOME Modules: 12

Mun Bonus: 10

Wingtip Site 1 Total: 77 points

Site 3 is the first of the waypoints between sites 1 and 2:





Habitat Modules: 30

Recon with attached ANT: 10

Nuclear Powerplant: 10

Three(3) Kerbals with HOME Modules: 3

Site Bonus: 10

Wingtip Site 3 Total: 63 points

Wingtip Munar Colony Total: 140 points

Which is hardly an improvement over my previous score as it only bumps me up a single place on the leaderboard. The care and affection I put into my delivery methods will soon prove for the best! My next target: Dunar Colony Slew!

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Could you provide a map shot so I can compare the distances between those two bases? I'm not saying you've got them too far apart, but it's kinda in the rules and all that if I can't see location labels telling me how far away the two sites are, I need a map shot to show that they're not half the Mun apart.

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No problem. Thought I was forgetting something. Here you go:


I also had a picture with the markers showing between the two but apparently KSP didn't take that picture and instead photographed the next launch...

Sites 1 and 3 are the two more central groups (Though Site 3, with the highlighted debris, overlaps due to how close the modules are...) the group in the crater is Site 2 which will eventually get in range after I set up Sites 4 and 5 in the future. I'm taking a break from the Mun though.

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Decided it was time to improve my Mun base, (Pic heavy post follows)

Added a CDSS


And a recon module w/ ANT


As well as a MK. I. The original Ant that launched with the recon was somehow destroyed, so I had to send a new one. Here you can see it parked on top of the MK. I (I decided to have a little fun by landing it on top of the other one :cool:)


And here is an overview shot of my Mun colony


Also, I established a new base on Gilly. (Named Hephaestus, after Aphrodite's husband. Chances are you didn't even know she had one. Exactly why you would name a Gilly colony after him.)


As you can see, it's landed on a very steep hill. I might change that later.

The score:

Artemis: Mun(10)

-2 Hab Modules (30)

-1 Recon Module (10)

-1 DEMV MK I (10)

-1 Charlie's Deli and Shoe Store (5)

-21 Kerbals, but only 12 have Hab module space (12)

-1 Site (10)

-A Sight to Behold bonus (50)

Subtotal for Artemis: 137

Hephaestus: Gilly(40)

-1 Hab Module (15)

-2 Kerbals (2)

-1 Site (10)

Subtotal for Hephaestus: 67

Unchanged Bases:

Apollo: 59

Aphrodite: 74

Hermes: 117

Ares: 62

Poseidon: 117

Grand Total: 633

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I see you're aiming for a colony per world if you can manage it, then. Also, I'm familiar with Hephaestus, believe it or not. This isn't even the first time I've seen the name pop up in something video-game-related (FF12 gets that distinction).

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  SkyRender said:
I see you're aiming for a colony per world if you can manage it, then. Also, I'm familiar with Hephaestus, believe it or not. This isn't even the first time I've seen the name pop up in something video-game-related (FF12 gets that distinction).

Precisely. If you want to take it from a role-playing perspective, the Kerbal race is better protected from potential annihilation by existing in as many places as possible.

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Latest update:

Two new colonies, Hestia on Dres,


and Demeter on Pol,


And I added a CDSS to my Apollo Minmus colony.



Apollo: Minmus(15)

- 2 Habitat Modules (30)

- 1 CDSS (5)

- 10 Kerbals (10)

- 1 Site (10)

Subtotal: 70

Hestia: Dres(60)

- 1 Habitat Module (15)

- 2 Kerbals (2)

- 1 Site (10)

Subtotal: 87

Demeter: Pol(75)

- 1 Habitat Module (15)

- 2 Kerbals (2)

- 1 Site (10)

Subtotal: 102

Unchanged bases:

Artemis: 137

Aphrodite: 74

Hephaestus: 67

Hermes: 117

Ares: 62

Poseidon: 117

Grand Total: 833

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