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The New Bobcat Colonization Challenge

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  Deathsoul097 said:
if two modules are connected by KAS, do they count as one. Hopefully not, that's how I do resource transfers and hook up my power plants. ^_^

KAS doesn't make two modules count as one, no. Even if it did, it wouldn't matter, as each HOME component is scored separately no matter how many are attached to a craft.

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  fenderzilla said:
uh, am I missing something? the most recent download for HOME seems to work perfectly fine on 0.21.1, and so do all the DEMVs... why did you need to reconfigure all the stuff?

Odd, none of them worked for me... , well at least until I reconfigured them. Also the reconfigured ones have the new SAS system stuff. (reaction wheels modules and the like), so I guess they're better anyway. Will test this with a fresh install.

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so for the opt out clause do we need to be able to evac all the kerbals at once? I have SSTOs and crew shuttles for crew rotation on my mun base. I can't fit all the kerbals on at the same time, but eventually i could get them all back.

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Opt Out Clause requires that they can all get off the planet/moon in question and back to Kerbin within a reasonable timeframe. More than one trip off the surface to get everyone off is perfectly fine. More than one trip out to Kerbin is not if it's a round trip technique (ie. you go all the way to Kerbin, drop off Kerbals, then swing back around and head for the planet/moon your colony's on; that's a big no-way).

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Other than command module? (at least two kerbals got in command module) c'mon I get game little over week ago and allready base in laythe. I read the rules but missed that part.

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  fenderzilla said:
hold on a minute - you can't have balloon colonies on jool. you're not aloud to quicksave or return to the space center when you're in atmosphere, so it won't be saved.

Yes, I know this. You just have to fly a colony ship out to Jool and have it stable in the Joolian atmosphere. It doesn't have to be saved to file. That also means that a Jool colony will only ever have one building and of course no rovers.

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  fluffysnowcap said:
atchly you can do make slow to save with Hooligan Labs

That only works if you're touching the ground. Which is just a bit impossible with Jool. I guess you could try an airship anchor on a KAS winch, but last I heard, that way leads to madness. And explosions. And mad explosions.

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skyrender my interest has been peaked a cloud city on jool is now my ksp life work jeb is going to die so meny times

update: after a day of trying and looking for a way i have came up with none so i dont think it is posabal

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