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Kerborations 2 [0.19.1] --- CLOSED DOWN


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Due to this server catastrophe (or not) all the data created after October 2012 were lost. I ended up with only 6 threads then the past to start, and with even less posts.

I did managed to find the cached version of the Lost Thread (The original Kerborations thread). All the lost memory can be searched and found by Google, but enter the cached version.

Here is what Holo said in the last thread:

  Holo said:
After milankragujevic unfortunately closed down his KSP Commercial, I wanted to create my own version. However, quickly I realised that the modifications I want to make would alter it greatly. So, I decided to rebrand it as Kerborations. It will be a similar type of gameplay, but with more features.

Just like in the old one, there will be a shared persistence file. The first will be uploaded on the 1/15/2013, after I finish my flight. After any player finishes their flight, they must upload the persistence file and I will place it in the OP.

If it is your turn and yesterday's persistent file is not available, use the next most recent.


Instead of performing space missions for a country with territory, you will perform missions for a kerboration. You may join an existing kerboration (in which case you will gain instant access to all the science points of the kerboration) or found your own and try and stake out a living in the competetive kerbal economy.

Every new kerboration starts with 5 science by default, to allow them to do the first few space missions.

To found or join one, simply ask. Whether you can join one is up to the KEO.




When a mission is performed, a kerboration can aquire science points. This represents the total amount of engineering and long-term kerbal flight skill the kerboration has.

Each mission class (e.g. orbit, flyby) has a certain amount of science awarded for achieving it and each target has a bonus science multiplier, so Eeloo missions are more valuable than Mun missions (for example). Each mission class also has a certain science requirement to perform.


Only one flight may be performed per day. If you do more than one flight in a day, you can upload the persistence file but the science will not be added until the next day. This is to prevent two people from massively increasing their science by posting in quick succession.

For planning your missions, you can use this spreadsheet by Designer225:


Target Bonuses


For example, say you are planning a manned Eeloo landing. A basic manned landing required 100 science to pull off. Eeloo has a 20x science requirement multiplier. Hence, a Kerboration would require 2000 science to perform a manned Eeloo landing and return.

The bonus for an Eeloo mission is 4x. The science for a basic manned landing is 20 science. Hence, a manned Eeloo landing will net you a nice 80 science.


Shares are a way for KASA and other kerborations to collaborate on missions, combining the science to fly insanely difficult missions. KASA has decided on a way that the ratio of the science earned will be determined. The ratio will be determined by stock shares. It has a maximum of 100.00 and a minimum of 0.00. The amount that the other kerboration earns is the percentage of the stock shares. For instance, if the KASA stock is 75.00, then KASA earns 25% of the science earnings, and the other kerboration earns 75%. So the higher the better. KASA stocks will start at 60. Changes in stock will greatly depend on the amount of science other kerborations have.

When 2 kerborations create a joint mission with different stocks, the mission stock is the average of the 2 stocks. The kerboration which gets the most science is the one with the higher stock, to keeps things even and generous

Due to the loss of memory stock dates are reseted to April 19, 2013, but the stock prices remained unchanged. Other than that, the rest are fine.


  • Kerbin Aeronautics and Space Administration [KASA] | CEO ROFLCopter64bit | Members ROFLCopter64bit | Science 110.12
  • Kerbal Launch Alliance [KLA] | CEO Designer225 | Members Designer225 | Science 104.88
  • Waterbe Space Operations [WSO] | CEO Holo | Members Holo | Science 27
  • Lynx Orbital Systems [LOS] | CEO InspectorBumHat | Members InspectorBumHat | Science 16
  • Pegasi Space Enterprises [PSI] | CEO Schweehog | Members Schweehog | Science 11
  • Kerbal Space Research Administration [KSRA] | CEO Bigboy734 | Members Bigboy734 | Science 11.3
  • Backyard Space Probes [bSP] | CEO ADV-SAS | Members ADV-SAS | Science 7.1
  • Star Industries [sI] | CEO The Jedi Master | Members The Jedi Master | Science 5

Mission Classes

  • Unmanned Flyby - 1 science - 2 science required
  • Unmanned Impact/Suborbital - 1 science - 2 science required
  • Unmanned Orbit - 2 science - 5 science required
  • Unmanned Landing - 5 science - 10 science required
  • Unmanned Sample Return - 10 science - 20 science required
  • Manned Flyby & Return (or suborbital, for Kerbin) - 5 science - 10 science required
  • Manned Impact - -2 science, you murderer - 0 science required, but please don't do it, it's unsafe
  • Manned Orbit & Return - 20 science - 50 science required
  • Manned Landing & Return - 50 science - 100 science required
  • Manned Station - 1 science per RL month per kerbal - 100 science required - Offer a cumulative 5% bonus to any science rewards from the body it orbits
  • Manned Base - 2 science per RL month per kerbal - 200 science required - Offer a cumulative 10% bonus to any science rewards from the body it is located on
  • Other Types of Mission - 50% of the science reward of the highest mission you can currently attempt for that body. 75% can be given if it is a test flight and detailed data is given.

Target Bonuses:

[table=width: 500, class: grid, align: left]










































[td]Science Requirement Multiplier[/td]




















Note that when a missions is performed, you won't lose points unless you lose Kerbals. Instead, you gain points. How much you need is determined by the highest requirement you need.

For example, let's say you are gonna perform a lunar landing mission on Mun. It requires 150 points because a basic landing takes 50 points and the multiplier for Mun is 3x. But you gain 30 points instead because it does not cost you points (unless you killed your Kerbals), and because a basic landing nets you 20 points and the multiplier is 1.5x.

The reward points, however, will cumulates during a mission whenever you are doing something, to make it more fair.

To plan the flights, use my spreadsheet to do it. The old link is broken I'm afraid.



April 21st, 2013: KSS Expedition 1

May 2nd, 2013: Unmanned Orbiter 1

May 3rd, 2013: Eclipse (Persistent Pending)

No mods allowed.

Milestones (Time: date/month/year)

Kerbin Satellites

  • 1st Satellite: WSO's Kerbin Drone I, launched 21/02/2013
  • 2nd Satellite: KLA's Polar Explorer, launched 21/02/2013
  • 3rd Satellite: LOS's GeoSat1, launched 23/02/2013
  • 4th Satellite: KASA's Mass Effect Experiment I-IIII Probe, launched 25/02/2013

Kerbin Escapes

  • 1st Probe to Leave Kerbin: PSI's PEGASI DSE1, launched 24/02/2013
  • 2nd Probe to Leave Kerbin: PSI's PEGASI DSE2, launched 24/2/2013
  • 3rd Probe to Leave Kerbin: PSI's PSI FIFE MEMORIAL, launched 24/2/2013
  • 4th Probe to Leave Kerbin: KASA's Mass Effect Experiment II-I?, launched 25/2/2013

Solar Escapes

  • 1st Probe to Reach Kerbol Escape: PSI's PEGASI DSE1, launched 24/02/2013
  • 2nd Probe to Reach Kerbol Escape: N/A
  • 3rd Probe to Reach Kerbol Escape: N/A
  • 4th Probe to Reach Kerbol Escape: N/A

Manned Orbits

  • 1st Manned Orbit: KASA's Icarus III, launched 9/3/2013
  • 2nd Manned Orbit: KLA's Mercury-Atlas I, launched 10/3/2013
  • 3rd Manned Orbit: KLA's Columbia I (Mk1 Test Flight), launched 10/3/2013
  • 4th Manned Orbit: KLA's Columbia II (KSS Expedition 1), launched 21/4/2013


  • 1st Docking: KASA's Code Transmitter with CommSat I, launched 5/3/2013? and 4/3/2013 respectively
  • 2nd Docking: KLA's Columbia II with Kerbal Space Station, launched 21/4/2013 and 21/3/2013 respectively
  • 3rd Docking: N/A
  • 4th Docking: N/A

Unmanned Mun or Minmus Landings

  • 1st Unmanned Mun Landing: KASA's Icarus II, launched 1/03/2013, landed on Mun
  • 2nd Unmanned Mun Landing: KLA's Ranger I, launched 10/3/2013, landed on Minmus
  • 3rd Unmanned Mun Landing: N/A
  • 4th Unmanned Mun Landing: N/A

Mun or Minmus Landings

  • 1st Manned Mun Landing: N/A
  • 2nd Manned Mun Landing: N/A
  • 3rd Manned Mun Landing: N/A
  • 4th Manned Mun Landing: N/A

Planetary Landings

  • 1st Manned Planet Landing: N/A
  • 2nd Manned Planet Landing: N/A
  • 3rd Manned Planet Landing: N/A
  • 4th Manned Planet Landing: N/A

Space Stations

  • 1st Space Station: Kerbal Space Station, launched 10/3/2013, relaunched 21/3/2103, 160 x 160 km Kerbin Orbit
  • 2nd Space Station: N/A
  • 3rd Space Station: N/A
  • 4th Space Station: N/A


  • 1st Base: N/A
  • 2nd Base: N/A
  • 3rd Base: N/A
  • 4th Base: N/A



  • milankragujevic - Original version (KSP Commercial)
  • Holo - Original version (Kerborations 1)

I apologize for things that may not be understandable, but if you need to report that, do so. And sorry about the server catastrophe, for those who've joined after October 2012.

Due to KSP upgrade we are no longer able to use the original save anymore. And so, the chronicle ends here. Until later...

Edited by Designer225
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Kerbal Space Station Status:

16 planned, population 3, capacity 3

KSS Expedition 1:

Ship: Columbia 2

Jebediah Kerman --- KSS Commander

Jorrie Kerman --- KSS Scientist

Jerford Kerman --- KSS Engineer

(Bill and Bob are not dead --- they are standing near the runway...)

Current Status: Docked to KSS

Point reward: KASA 9.45 points so far, KLA 11.55 points so far.

Total Points: KASA: 99.95 points so far, KLA 97.05 points so far.

Persistent: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B4tG_PxGhuGIT1dMUkltNmtJUUE/edit?usp=sharing

Screenshots over the course of the mission: (WARNING: MANY PICTURES!)

It's another great day in KSC, and we are gonna launch the first KSS expedition toward the well... KSS!


Don't worry, Bill and Bob are safe. They are watching as Jeb and his crew, Jorrie and Jerford, ride the rocket to the Kerbal Space Station. Can you tell which one is which?


Alight, 3, 2, 1, and LIFTOFF OF COLUMBIA 2, CARRYING THE FIRST EXPEDITION OF KSS INTO KSS! (MC's note: Hey, I installed Romfarer Lazor's mod, so it would appear like the launch clamp exploding.)


Oh god, I overshot from the launch profile!


Oh well, no pressure.


And we've reached orbit! (Technically it is a return orbit...)


Later, during the docking operation... (MC's note: Hey, I'm not that good at rendezvous, but...)


Easy does it...


Easy, and...


And we have docked! (MC's note from the last parenthesis: ... but I'm fine at docking!)


After the crew transfer...


That's it for now. Good luck with the future mission, and...

  Scott Manley said:
Fly safe!
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Sorry, but some people are purists, which means they don't want any mod parts installed. I once launched a ship with a mod part, and the save ended up losing the ship and left a Kerbal stranded in space and I have to rescue him.

So I'm sorry, but no mods can be used in a flight, even if the mod is installed or not.

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  ADV-SAS said:
Ok , BSP was my company, but i couldn't play because... Well i had remotetech and the probes would not load

Will launch a orbital probe soon, wish me luck! :D

Edit: I asked for mechjeb because i didnt know how to land, now im pretty good at it :P

Wait, were you going to agree that we needed remotetech?

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  ROFLCopter64bit said:
Wait, were you going to agree that we needed remotetech?

No, i dont like remotetech, im lazy to create a HUGE amount of probes so i can get domething to mun

Also, if the unmanned orbit needs 5 points, but i get 2, how do i get extra points?

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I did confirmed that no mods are allowed.

  Designer225 said:
Sorry, but some people are purists, which means they don't want any mod parts installed. I once launched a ship with a mod part, and the save ended up losing the ship and left a Kerbal stranded in space and I have to rescue him.

So I'm sorry, but no mods can be used in a flight, even if the mod is installed or not.

I'm sorry, but it would make a mess out of everything.



What? I'm gonna check it out on a new save.

EDIT 2: I remember that the last time I did, the save still work and the missions are still there.

Edited by Designer225
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  Designer225 said:
I did confirmed that no mods are allowed.

I'm sorry, but it would make a mess out of everything.



What? I'm gonna check it out on a new save.

EDIT 2: I remember that the last time I did, the save still work and the missions are still there.

Fixed! I was on 0.19., not in 0.19.1, im starting on a shiny new save that SHOULD work!

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Alrighty, I'll add your score to the OP, as well as the mission to the list.

For now, your score is 7.1 points! (Due to the station effect that's in effect...)

EDIT: Added it to the list. I'm gonna test whether the flights are still there. I used a backup save.

EDIT 2: Yup, it worked. By the way, the look of Bill and Bob standing on the launch pad must bored them out. I'll be transferring the save to my main save.

EDIT 3: Transferred. Continue mission. I'll be planning a launch toward Jool as soon as possible.

Edited by Designer225
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  Designer225 said:
I have actually looked at my list. Tell me your probe's specific data and I'll add it up there.

Here ya go:


This probe has begun exploration since today..

This probe has revolutionized our power.

Launched: 7:21 PM May 3rd,2013.

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  BigBoy734 said:
Here ya go:


This probe has begun exploration since today..

This probe has revolutionized our power.

Launched: 7:21 PM May 3rd,2013.

Can you update the persistent file? Other than that I have enough data to grant you extra points, as well as achievements.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry, you've probably not heard me on this thread since the last post. I have to re-install the KSP because of all the unwanted stuff, which means I have to download the last archive. New mission will probably happen soon on no later than Sunday.

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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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