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Anno 2070


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It's great for boosting materials that you're short on, but extended use can get complicated and make the game more boring than waiting for resources.

I don't know what that'd do with a copy of the game linked to the internet since I play exclusively offline. So use at your own risk.

All that said. Use thermal powerplants if you have Deep Ocean as weapons. Place em within Tsunami range of enemy factions, it's SOOOOOOOOOOO enjoyable

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I bought it on steam when it first came out. It was great. It ran on steam. Then Ubisoft decided they didn't like me having the convenience of being able to run it from steam and said I needed Uplayer if I wanted to play the game I'd paid them for. Then they autopatched it so I couldn't play it.

I don't play Ubisoft games any more.

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