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Infinite Gravitational Potential


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You would need one heck of a wheel. Water falling down continuously in closed loop would eventually hit terminal velocity. And you are not the first man to come up with such idea. Terry Pratchett in one of his Rincewind novels described similiar, magically created setup.

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Yes. However, the portals can't exist because they don't use any energy to transport things, so you get creation and destruction of energy.
Aren't technically portals wormholes? Or does that apply to wormholes too?

Portals aren't really wormholes, but you could imagine creating wormholes that worked in a similar fashion. Furthermore, energy conservation in GR is a strictly local (not global) phenomenon, so nothing about this particular setup violates energy conservation per se. However, (although I'd need to sit down and do the math to be sure) I rather doubt that it's possible to set up a pair of static wormholes such that there was an asymmetric gravitational potential between them.

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Not every geometry conserves energy, but any physical setup will, once you take into account interaction between whatever masses you use to create wormholes, etc. GR absolutely does not allow for infinite energy generation.

As far as what happens if you place two ends of a wormhole at different elevations, I'm pretty sure there is going to be a compensating gravitational field within the wormhole. You will lose the energy you gained falling from top portal to the bottom one somewhere. In contrast, if the portals are looked at as a teleportation mechanism, energy would have to be supplied by something. There is no other way around it. Of course, that would also result in quite a significant draft circulating between the two portals due to pressure differentials.

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you have to consider how much energy that would be required to keep these wormholes active and falling into each other... the universe never loses or gains energy but it eventually gets more and more useless to us so over time u may think your getting more but your not

eventually the water generating friction on the machine that you would be collecting your Gravitational/kenetic energy with would transfer that in to heat and then it would be irradiated out as IR radiation and be useless yeah you could make a machine that could collect it but then even if you could collect it all, that said machine would end up losing some form of energy into the universe and so on and so on

entropy is B***H of the universe always persistent and never relaxing when the universe is a googol lightyears across and every atom has separated out into pure energy and is nice and evenly spaced with a temp just about 0*

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