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So I'm trying to dock my solar panels, buut its not doing it. They are perfectly aligned, they touched and everything, basically done everything I have done before, but its not docking. I am using these APAS69 fins and they worked before. But are not sticking.

Also I had an issue where my pitch or yaw or roll would stick at a certai position, I would realize till I turn on rcs and yeah it all goes belly up.

Did have something docked at this port beforehand, but eject3d it, changed my mind, but yeah dunno if itd affect anything.

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1.) The APAS-69, from CBBP's Soyuz Pack, has never worked correctly. I used them myself for awhile but got sick and tired of the issues, it was literally 90% of the time that they wouldn't work. Just switch back to stock docking ports, they don't look as nice but modded docking ports usually have problems.

2.) If you're getting stuck at a certain attitude, make sure ASAS is off. You might not even realize it's on- toggle it with "t".

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Well ive not had any issues lately aside this with the ports, the mo4e pressing concern is is that randomly my pitch, yaw or or roll freeze or stick at a certain degree. When im trying to dock it makes it next to impossible because because rcs thinks im trying to do something when im not. Its done it usually when I disengaged the sas. Only fix seems to be return to space centre and reload the flight, which sets it to a different oosition to where I left it thus taking much longer to dock deoending how often this occurs.

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So I'm trying to dock my solar panels, buut its not doing it. They are perfectly aligned, they touched and everything, basically done everything I have done before, but its not docking. I am using these APAS69 fins and they worked before. But are not sticking.

Also I had an issue where my pitch or yaw or roll would stick at a certai position, I would realize till I turn on rcs and yeah it all goes belly up.

Did have something docked at this port beforehand, but eject3d it, changed my mind, but yeah dunno if itd affect anything.

Yeah the only non-stock docking system that I've ever found to be even close to worth its weight in usefulness is the Common Berthing Mechanism..

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