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[0.22] B9 Aerospace Pack / R4.0c / New pods, IVAs, engines, fuselages & structures


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100 points to whoever can figure how to get a python script to do it automatically

For linux or cygwin users

find . -name 'part.cfg' | xargs sed -i -e '1iPART' -e '1i{' -e '$a}'

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....still curious if Bac'd do a purpose built escape/drop pod....

No plans at the moment, it's an awfully niche part. And it's more interesting to build custom escape systems with tiny parts and small pods than use one boring and static piece. Especially since 0.20 got a neat small lander can which looks perfect as an escape pod.

Edited by bac9
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No plans at the moment, it's an awfully niche part. And it's more interesting to build custom escape systems with tiny parts and small pods than use one boring and static piece.

Indeed, like this Nano-Lander. First thing I built in v0.20! :D


Edited by BigNose
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Meh, isn't there a faster way to put these lines into the cfg. files instead of doing them one by one?

I did like that (I'm using a mac....)

1) I reorganized all my mods into the GameData folder like that


then I executed this little script

//I'm using Unix so this a fast way to parse folder for files
exec('find GameData -name "part.cfg"',$result);
foreach ($result as $partFileName){
//I guess that Squad parts are already fixed, and don't deserve extra parsing
if (preg_match("#Squad#s",$partFileName ))
//check if the file is already fixed..
if (preg_match("#PART#s",$parseMe))
//fix and save
$fixedFile="PART\n{\n// fixed By fixPart script\n".$parseMe."\n}";
echo "can't save ".$partFileName."\n";

Now Is all OK and I can play my saves as usual

Edited by pinolallo
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Thought I could share a little shuttle design I was able to pull of with this mod.

Here you go

Can make it safely into a low circular orbit with still about 500-700m/s dv left I'd say. Can even make it back safe to the ground again, with the use of over 9000 parachutes though.

Waiting for 2.6 - wann use that sabre engine so damn hard.

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....still curious if Bac'd do a purpose built escape/drop pod....

if your lookin for pre-built escape pod try FusTek kappa pod. It even kinda matches the B9 stuff (both use that kinda off-white 'airliner' color)

This is one of the few mods im really watchin for update...I honestly can't make atmo-aircraft without it!!

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The 2.6 pack- is sexy- The new engines will be: Sabers, the F119's, Those sexy Large Jet engines and the smaller turbofans?

I was looking through the forums and those are the ones I found....


LINKZ: http://imgur.com/a/h5avq#0 http://imgur.com/a/eO8Io#966phz2

(I think it is ok if I have the links up, but let me know if that is against the rules)

EDIT: Looking forward to the update guys!

Edited by Mekan1k
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I hope the next update after the engines one will have some type of landing gear that would be nice to have a heavy landing gear

No plans for landing gear at the moment. The game lacks mirroring to support proper asymmetrical gear models and landing gear module lacks support for multiple wheel sets, which renders large gears a lot less useful. Maybe at some point in the future when these issues will be resolved, but no, not anytime soon.

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