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[0.22] B9 Aerospace Pack / R4.0c / New pods, IVAs, engines, fuselages & structures


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Thank you, I thought I was going crazy... I've spent hours trying to get that plane into orbit! I've read comments in this thread about how the plane has fuel to spare, but with SAS on the nose dives and without SAS, near the edge of intake air cutoff, it rolls around wildly while I have to constantly keep the nose up manually.

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drifting on the runway plagues wheels that are not perfectly flat together on the same surface. example: if the front wheel/s is/are not completely perfectly placed (even by an splinter) then weight will prefer to lean on one side more or maybe your getting a little bit of air because your actually not facing dead 0^o therefore lifting the front just a little and the craft shifts its weight and lift around a little; proving instability.

Yes but he did say he used mirrored symmetry mode for everything, which should prevent that. I've noticed it with stock parts and wheels too, it's not strictly related to this mod.

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Could I get some advice on how to properly use the D-30F7 turbojet engines? The advertised thrust is a lot lower than what I'm getting. I thought it might be due to pressure or velocity, but after experimenting with both I have not noticed any significant difference, and certainly not even close to the advertised thrust.

EDIT: Nevermind, I figured it out.

Edited by satcharna
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Can someone help me? I did everything I should've yet I am still missing someparts and none of my ships will load. Please help!!

Be sure your running the latest KSP. you must have all the plugins installed in gamedata folder. Gamedata/B9 and Gamedata/exsurgent,Firespitter,kinetech and resgen plugins

so it should look like this

Gamedata/B9,exsurgent,Firespitter,kinetech,resgen <------------no particular order and ofcourse all your other mods

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With the new VTOL balancing mod from ZRM, the B9 VTOL engines get a new lease of life, but they could do with some work...

As it stands, the engines pivot about the point of thrust, which works fine if the engines are mounted horizontally. However, that is not the "smart" way to align them.

If you mount horizontally, you can thrust down, up or prograde. Well down and prograde are useful, but up is pretty useless.

If you mount the engines vertically, you could burn down, prograde or retrograde - much more useful!

However, if you mount the engines vertically, the pivot point being offset from the attach point makes it cumbersome to line up the engines such that a prograde burn is in line with the CoM.

Any chance we could move the pivot point to where the attach point is?

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Does anybody know if the R1A compressed air thrust nozzle works on other planets? i.e. Eve. I'd like to use some renewable RCS via air intakes while on Eve, but I don't want to get there and find out the mod only allows for air on the homeworld.

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Does anybody know if the R1A compressed air thrust nozzle works on other planets? i.e. Eve. I'd like to use some renewable RCS via air intakes while on Eve, but I don't want to get there and find out the mod only allows for air on the homeworld.

Anyplace an air intake works the R1A will operate. Just FYI, these things are AWESOME for airship manuvering, way better than RCS.

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Anyplace an air intake works the R1A will operate. Just FYI, these things are AWESOME for airship manuvering, way better than RCS.

Sweet! You read my mind - that's exactly what I wanted to use them for.

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Is it just me or are the SABRE engines kinda OP? I could easily shoot my space station core into space with one SABRE engine under a yellow tank , which would usually take a lot more brute force

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I don't know exactly what is causing it, but the Mk-27 cockpit causes a odd stuttering lag on any craft I put it on. No matter how simple or complex. I don't know what the issue is as the debug menu isn't showing any errors or exceptions.

I'm running 2.4ghz I3-370m Intel processor, 6gb DDR3 ram, Intel HD Graphics 128mb Vram. Its a issue that only appeared in 0.20.2 so I don't know what changed to cause this issue for me.

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Question from a B9-space-plane-always-failing-enthusiast:

Could you please tell me the proportions of fuel for sabre M and Sabre L to deliver the plane into orbit?

I actually run out of rocket fuel about halfway to orbit. Partially that is because i switch to rocket fuel too early. About 25 KM, 1100-1300 m/s

I heard that others managed to get their craft up to 40km high, but my crafts simply can't go fast enough at an altitude above 25 KM, because i have a paranoidal strong feeling of a flameout, and that's the very reason why i tune my engines down just a little bit and in about a minute my plane can't climb really well and tends to go a bit sideways and tip down untill it has enough lift and speed. That's about the time when i switch the engine mode, and end up at an apoapsis of 72-91 km, with the trajectory ark hugging about half of the kerbin AT BEST. Also i always have quite a lot of jet fuel to spare. I really need some help and advice about proportions of rocket/jet fuel per sabre, or any other advices. Maybe for such a rookies as me would be more effective using 2 engine types? Also, a little note: designing a cargo plane, the size is quite good. About as half as Strugatsky, maybe wings a bit shorter, and all in all a bit shorter. The goal is carry at least 1 jumbo tank into orbit. Quite successfully climbs throughout the atmosphere with a jumbo(36 tons) in it's belly untill 25-26 km, but getting into the orbit is the problem... It is armed with 4 Sabre-M's, and 2 additional jet engines which i added in my desperate quest for TEH SPESS. Also, it can't lift off earlier than the runway's end. Here's the screenie of the plane itself:


Pretty ugly, duh... Still, flies more than fine.

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Question from a B9-space-plane-always-failing-enthusiast:

Might be a dumb question, but when you switch to rocket mode, are you closing your air intakes? They provide substantially more drag when open than when closed. Also, if you still have a lot of liquid fuel but run out of oxidizer, you may wish to replace one of the inline liquid-fuel-only tanks with LF/OX; if all but one already are, try replacing that last one. Jets don't use much liquid fuel for the time they're active, so you can easily use a main tank.

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Question from a B9-space-plane-always-failing-enthusiast:


Personally I prefer the RNM/RBM intakes over the SABRE intakes. They are a good bit heavier (and therefor have more drag) but last a lot longer. Most of my SSTO planes reach 35 to 40+ km with a minimum of 1 RNM/RBM per 1 SABRE S or 2 RNM/RBM per 1 SABRE M.

I also try to run on jets to the absolute limit. I use an odd number of engines and place the center engine last causing that engine to flame out first avoiding a lethal spin in the process. As soon as the center engine flames out I switch to rocket mode. I rarely close my intakes as the air at 40+ km is so thin there is very little drag anyway.

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Hi, I have a strange problem with B9. I had B9 installed 3.1 installed and I build some good SSTO, all of them were having enough air for crusing to 30km just on jet engines. Then I installed FAR, but I didnt like it, so I removed it and reinstalled B9 with latest version. Now the same SSTOs are shutting engines at 24km. Did air intakes were nerfed (I'm using mainly S2W body air intake and those fighter-jet-like) or I have a broken KSP?


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Might be a dumb question, but when you switch to rocket mode, are you closing your air intakes? They provide substantially more drag when open than when closed. Also, if you still have a lot of liquid fuel but run out of oxidizer, you may wish to replace one of the inline liquid-fuel-only tanks with LF/OX; if all but one already are, try replacing that last one. Jets don't use much liquid fuel for the time they're active, so you can easily use a main tank.

Well, as a matter of fact closing intakes via action groups has already become a habit.

Personally I prefer the RNM/RBM intakes over the SABRE intakes. They are a good bit heavier (and therefor have more drag) but last a lot longer. Most of my SSTO planes reach 35 to 40+ km with a minimum of 1 RNM/RBM per 1 SABRE S or 2 RNM/RBM per 1 SABRE M.

I also try to run on jets to the absolute limit. I use an odd number of engines and place the center engine last causing that engine to flame out first avoiding a lethal spin in the process. As soon as the center engine flames out I switch to rocket mode. I rarely close my intakes as the air at 40+ km is so thin there is very little drag anyway.

Thanks, i'll try RNM/RBM intakes instead of SABRE's, going to keep on trying!

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