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KIDI- Kerbal Interplanetary Defence Initiative

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I doubt that I could compete with Zokesia. :P There is a reason they've come to dominate the rocket builders thread. :)

Plus minerman probrably wouldn't like that lol

maybe if there is the demand for it again but most have moved away from military ships again so there wouldn't be enough ppl to keep another company going. :P

EDIT - 500TH POST!!! :D

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Good, I'm not the only one who is mildly weary and not super happy about Zokesia being so dang huge. I think there needs to be someone that can balance that out, give people options.

Anyways, I thought about doing a kethane based company. Is anyone here actually interested in doing some kethane projects?

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Good, I'm not the only one who is mildly weary and not super happy about Zokesia being so dang huge. I think there needs to be someone that can balance that out, give people options.

Anyways, I thought about doing a kethane based company. Is anyone here actually interested in doing some kethane projects?

I'm intrested in trying, dunno how well I'd do =P

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Good, I'm not the only one who is mildly weary and not super happy about Zokesia being so dang huge. I think there needs to be someone that can balance that out, give people options.

Anyways, I thought about doing a kethane based company. Is anyone here actually interested in doing some kethane projects?

Believe me, being the only large company would be boring :( im glad you guys are around so i can share my stuff with yalls.

Back of P1000 Ratte. I'm just gonna let the scale sink in.


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maybe if there is the demand for it again but most have moved away from military ships again so there wouldn't be enough ppl to keep another company going. :P


I am just getting started making military ships, but they are nothing like what has been posted here


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I may make a new company called the United Kerbal Defence Force (UKDF) would anyone want to join?

Edit - Or UKSC (United Kerbal Space Command) Then it doesn't sound limited to just military. Though the name is based of a certain Sci Fi team. ;)

Edited by Comrade Jenkens
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I may make a new company called the United Kerbal Defence Force (UKDF) would anyone want to join?

I would, just not sure how soon or how quickly I would be able to post crafts. and the would not be anywhere near the quality of some of the ships i have seen


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Comrade Jenkens...

To fight those dastardly Insurrectionists, we are fielding some new pieces of equipment. Two fighters and a new ship, to be exact.

Remember, any attempts to leak these fighter will be dismissed as a preposterous rumor to the public ear.

I decided to make something else first. Introducing, the YSS-1000 Sabre Star fighter with around 2400 m/s delta v and high maneuverability. Medusa missiles and chain guns are under development, and a slv launcher is included. It can also fly in the atmosphere, but only for the YSS-1100 Sabre 2.

YSS-1000 Craft File: https://www.dropbox.com/s/p9ckobgiiqajt5o/YSS-1000%20Sabre%20Starfighter%20Prototype%202.craft

YSS-1100 Craft File: https://www.dropbox.com/s/au2cg4f77ccesa0/YSS-1000%20Sabre%20Starfighter.craft




















Introducing, the UNSC Stalwart Class light frigate. The new MAC gun for Earth frigates is currently undergoing development, and is slated to be fitted to the UNSC Gorgon, but will have to be improved.

(Craft file will be posted after I complete its development).

The armament includes a maximum of six super heavy torpedoes and 32 canister enclosed skirmish ranged missiles. The ranged weapons system offers effective destructive power in long and short ranged engagements.








Docking ports are now added.



I now have a fully functioning 320 ton 580 part ship. The SLV will be the final hurdle.

Edited by andrew123
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