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Command Pod changed texture?


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My command pod has turned from normal to a texture-less black. E.g., it's invisible in the menu except for the hatch handle, and is a non-reflective black when rendered in real world.

I thought this must be because of a mod, except I ain't installed any mods between the time when the pod was normal and the time when it weren't. None of the mods I've added change textures, either, so I don't know why they'd be having an effect. Any idea on which ones might be responsible, or this just some other issue?

*edit* Fixed! It changed on reboot; I guess the game fudged the texture when loading files on start-up. Now can someone tell me how to delete this thread so I can quit takin' up space?

Edited by IriathZhul
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Well, your fault for letting Jebediah paint the command module.

Other than that, I do not really know. It seems like a new glitch, have not seen of it or heard of it before. Tell what what led to it, and I will attempt to replicate it.

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Yes, this problem has happened to me countless times for seemingly random parts at any given load-up. Sometimes it's an SRB, other times it's a Kethane refiner, still other times it's a solar panel. I have no idea what causes this but it can be fixed by reboot. Know you are not alone.

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