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Frameshift and FTL Drives– Puffin Technologies


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Actually, that tiny rotation seems to work! I'll apply it to every offender and update the Sketchfab model to make sure it works. :)

Edit: Yep, that did it!

Have to love when shots in the dark actually hit something, lol. Glad to be of assistance ^^

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Have to love when shots in the dark actually hit something^


I recently had an idea for the solar heating bit of the Thermostabilizers plugin- instead of raycasting to the object in question from the sun, I should try raycasting from the object in question TO the sun, heating the part if the raycast hits the sun! I still have to apply this to the code, but I believe the stock solar panels do something similar (along with checking the dot product of the raycast along the detection face's normal and the cast directly to the sun) in order to make sure they're illuminated.

Edit: Major Unforseen Issue!

I'm not sure whether or not I'll actually be able to grab the references I need to program with MonoDevelop. I'll look up any possible solutions tomorrow, but there is a chance I will be unable to program on Sierra... :(

The real problem here is not being able to see inside the KSP application like I can on OS X plus not remembering how to actually grab .dll files as references... I think I know how to do it but I'll have to see what I can do.

Edit 2: Nevermind, got it working. All I had to do was download the OS X version of KSP and investigate the KSP.app folder to find what I needed. Coding shall continue!

Edited by OrbitusII
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How is the frameshift plugin going?

Just got Monodevelop working, so no progress so far. Apparently the Linux version of MD doesn't even come with the built-in compiler! It was one command to remedy this, but I probably still have some setup to do before I can get anything useful done.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It should... In theory. Both OrbitusII and I are rather busy, with OrbitusII getting his comp finished, and I am moving (and I have exams within 2 weeks), but the general idea is Yes. It should be able to be handled by Mechjeb, although there will be ALOT of testing before that is released to the general public.

In theory. Of course, this is assuming that the pilot makes sure to have the control area pointing in the same direction as the engine is intending to push the ship, but that's a minor detail.

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Computer's been finished for a while, see my newest blog post for info on why I've been relatively inactive lately. (Go to my profile, then click on the blog tab. I'm not a fan of typing or copying long amounts of text on an iPad)

MechJeb should handle the Frameshift drive. Since it uses the throttle level to determine how much force to apply and MechJeb changes the throttle to accelerate at a certain amount, it should work without any significant code changes.

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[Dramatic Fanfare] Introducing the WIP version of the Fractal Space Containment Canister! [/Dramatic Fanfare]

As you can see, I've started to extrude some details on it; more will come on the top cylinder and some on the icosphere in the center (yes, I intend for the final mesh to use that icosphere). As for the drive itself, I just need to finish UV mapping and then I can start texturing. It's going to be epic! :cool:

On a side note, I should really work on some concept art for you guys... just so you have some inspiration for crafts to build. :wink:


It's going to be epic! :cool:
Haha! No. I now have a gif that explains it better.

The new Frameshift is going to be


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hmm same concept part was here.

This is what i was doing


I suggest my model to you.


however, My model wont become selected after the installation on ships. and texture doesn't work.

It works in unity. but why..

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And the thread sunk under.

Don't worry, I'm not abandoning Puffin Technologies, I just need a break from modding for a while. :)

hmm same concept part was here.

This is what i was doing


I suggest my model to you.


however, My model wont become selected after the installation on ships. and texture doesn't work.

It works in unity. but why..

Did you give the mesh a collider? And next time if you could please send me a PM (click on my name and choose "Personal Message") to ask for help that would be great. :)

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Well, now I feel EXTREMELY stupid... I accidentally deleted my entire mod folder, so unless I can find some way to recover it or redownload the models from Sketchfab I'm screwed over. Any changes I did to code (which is fortunately almost nothing) are gone entirely...


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Well, now I feel EXTREMELY stupid... I accidentally deleted my entire mod folder, so unless I can find some way to recover it or redownload the models from Sketchfab I'm screwed over. Any changes I did to code (which is fortunately almost nothing) are gone entirely...


Do you have a recycle bin?

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Yes, but I clean it out every day or so. My guess was that while I was working on trying to get Tekkit to work during the break I was taking I accidentally deleted that folder as well.

Well you might as well look.

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As sad as I am to say it, I'm going to have to step down as an addon creator until further notice. I guess I've seen it coming for a while, first with my new job and my senior year starting in under a week, and now the loss of my files is just the final nail in the coffin. I really hate to do this to you guys, especially with so much stuff incomplete, but I simply won't be able to maintain a job, multiple intense AP classes, and trying to recover what I've lost. I'll see what I can do to recover the lost files (I think I've found a way) and I'll post them once they're back, in case someone else would like to take over.

I won't ask a moderator to lock this thread, in case someone does want to resurrect the progress I've made. I'd love to see my mods at a version 1.0 state, and it would be even more amazing if they made it to KSP 1.0. :)

Again, I am very sad that I won't be able to continue my production of Frameshift 2 and Thermostabilizers, especially after it's started to gain attention here on the forums. I've learned a lot about modeling, programming, and a little bit about how KSP works, so I have no regrets about actually doing what I did in the time that I had here. :D

I won't be dead on the forums after this, I'll still be here, posting away. Heck, I might even sign up to be a moderator once I graduate! We'll see what the future holds once it comes around, but for now we'll have to live and move forward.

I'll see you all on the forums!


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Since I am the only one left in PuffinTech, I am going to keep working on this... Slowly, I will admit, as I need to learn alot still. Hopefully the plugin work is still around, But I will continue working (slowly) on this project. If anyone who is good at plugin writing wants to assist, I would be grateful.

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I think most of what I'd be doing is providing models for him. Since his plugin is at a mostly-complete state I think helping him would be more productive in the end. I'll see what I can do.

I'll have to do the model over again anyway, so I may as well get some design input from him.

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