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The Explorer - a NTR-powered heavy lander, with refueling orbiter and two rovers!

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So, I started playing KSP to learn the Unity game engine, so I've mostly been doing mod work so far.

Today, I decided to re-install a fresh, completely stock version of the game, and actually play.

This was my first vessel: a three-man heavy lander with emergency berthing for four additional crew, capable of reaching Duna and back.

For my first mission, I'm shooting for the Mun. Expeditions to further planets will launch in pairs, so that if one vehicle suffers a catastrophic failure on landing, the remaining vehicle can provide rescue and return service.

But for its maiden voyage, the Explorer-1 will launch alone, fly to the Mun, orbit, land, deploy its three astronauts, then return them safely to Kerbin. Bill, Jeb and Bob will be the first three Kerbals to set foot on another world.

This is their story.

(I will attach the .CRAFT file to this thread, as soon as the mods enable my ability to post attachments.)

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