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Are there tutorials to learn how to mod KSP?


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The best way to learn is to read code from other mods. Adding a sound is quite common, you should find plenty of examples on spaceport.

You would think, but it doesn't seem like many mods have their code released. I really wish open source (any "license" as long as source is available) was a requirement to upload anything.

Are there any good open source mods which demonstrate custom GUI functionality? (But how did they learn the API originally?)

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You would think, but it doesn't seem like many mods have their code released. I really wish open source (any "license" as long as source is available) was a requirement to upload anything.

It is, at least on the forum. The spaceport submission rules do need an overhaul as they don't match the forum rules and have a nasty 'we can change the rules on you at with effectively no notice' clause.

If you see any plugins on the forum without source code point it out to the authors, and if they don't respond you could let a mod know.

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Great! (forum rules) (I was wondering about closed-source security issues...) I haven't checked them all yet, but it seems like every mod I've gotten off Spaceport so far doesn't include source. :( Hopefully that'll change with time, because the more chances to allow others to build on prior work, the more everyone will benefit.

Will check out Unity docs.

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  • 3 years later...

Step 3 is vague on that wiki article. This is where I have a problem: 

"Open up your KSP folder (look for how to do it in another tutorial)"  What tutorial? Where? Everything I search for online leads back to that article! I have not found any such folder when searching on my computer. 


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