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Hello, again.


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Hiya Kerbals,

It's good to be back. I have had KSP for a while and just love it.

I havnt had many, if any actual problems with the software so i haven't posted much in the past.

Of course I have had plenty of problems with rockets and those darn plane things but thats all part of KSP I feel.

Those "problems" have had me giggling at the screen so they're fun but there's nothing like a sucsessfull mission.

I have spent a bit of time on these forums in the past as they are a great resource.

The community is fantastic and reading about there experiences has had me trying many things myself to see if i could replicate the experiencce in some fashion, great fun.

The mods are huge and you gotta love those modders for all their ninja skills and input.

Squad have done a great job all round in my opinion.

The only posative I can think of to take away from the past events, as drastic as they were is that a clean out may give the community to start fresh,

some of the old possibly now irellevant posts arent going to be there to confuse the, more easily confused among the community.If that can be a posative.

Anyway it's great to have the forums and spaceport back.

Happy Kerbaling everyone.

Mick :)

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