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Looking for a part (or replacement for said part) from old Pre-17


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I'm looking to recreate one of my older designs from the old days of Pre version 17. I suffered some file corruption of my older game folders and game saves and even screenshots. Lost most everything Pre-17 that I hadn't already uploaded to Photo-bucket. I'm including some of the few images I have of the craft.

The "Falcon XLS" was a design which used mostly stock parts. But I did add MechJeb to it in it's final version. I also used an old set of parts that I -think- were part of the Silesko pack or something similar. Specifically they were part of a pack that allowed you to recreate a sort of "Von-Braun" style rocket (like the 50's/early 60s concept art from before they finalized the Saturn designs).

I originally used the old Mark 1 command pod. But when that was no longer available the ship became a one-man ship with one of the airplane cockpits. This was cool with me, as the IVA is fantastic on it.

So here's the pics -





As you can see - I was going for that "old-fashioned" look. (That cage affair in the above pic is a de-coupler. One of two - and they'd be really nice to have as well.)

Anyway - the one bit of kit I cannot seem to find are those cone-shaped tanks you see in the above pics. Everything else I can find or their are good equivalents for. But not those.


I'd love to find the original craft part files for those. They'll likely use the old fuel system so they won't be compatible. But I think some editing of the CFG file would take care of that.

Does anyone recognize the bits I'm talking about? She was a good reliable ship capable of getting all the way to Duna. I'd like to get her back.

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I also think there are some cone tanks in either KW rocketry or Novapunch as well as the N1 rocket of course.

The adapters, yes. I think they have only a small amount of fuel in them, though. Not sure... They DO look a we bit N1ish though...

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The parts you are looking for are right there. Cheers! :)

On nice! But I downloaded it and... aw... The parts have been re-sized! I can't recreate the Falcon XLS like she was after all. :(


I recently downloaded the B-9 Aerospace pack, and I started dinking around and came up with THIS...

Falcon XLS Mk 2






I think I'll be doing all right. :D

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