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boat challenge!

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Hi. just knowing there is a boat part mod, i want to challenge you all talented people to create a boat that can drive the fastest with stock parts (if it falls apart when driving normally, you usually get a low rank. ) good luck! (MUST BE STOCK OR DISQUALIFY!!!)

Edited by dennislinux
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Sadly, it seems that the forum have lost most of old threads.

There once was the thread called "Boat race to the South Pole".

The goal was to reach ice shelf by water, get on ice and then roll to South Pole.

I've done this in 3 hours.

Fastest speed achieved was over 200 m/s. It very fuel ineffective, though. Optimal speed in water is about 100 m/s.

And yes, is was 0.17, so all tanks had only fuel in them, and I've used three 3200L tanks of fuel and one 400L on strap-on rover.

Edited by koshelenkovv
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