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The Lander Megathread!


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Yet another MEGATHREAD!

I'm having lots of fun with probes and rovers, but I always find my way back to landing Kerbals on moons & planets, It's just more fun for me. Let see some lander designs you guys have!

I'll post some of my as soon as I get home in a few days :)

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Hey why not..

A lander I made with a kind of skycrane on top of it.


Well... Not officially a lander yet ^^'


Eve (and Duna) µLander


I think this was my very first lander


And this was the second one. I can't remember if it has landed anywhere.


Edited by macbernick
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My Mun Shuttle, with Kerbin return capability. The whole lander will arrive at Mun with delta-v to spare, so it actually takes off as a whole, then separates before Mun orbital insertion and crashes while the rest of the lander keeps climbing. It's the main kerbal-ferrying option for my Mun base, for crew transfers.

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Hah, this one is easy for me since I landed... FOUR different designs. I didn't crash a single manned one yet, though that probably means that I missed out on a lot of fun to save the crews...

My Number One to drop on something else than Kerbin. Also my numbers 2 (Minmus again) and 3 (Mun).


My first manned mission to Minmus.


My second manned mission to Minmus. It didn't do any refining, so I'm somewhere between: "Whoa, something big on Minmus!" and "Meh, major failure..."


And my third manned mission to Minmus. Major success. The ship landed, it did mining... and I forgot to add a ladder, so you need some jetpack acrobatics to get back into the cockpit.


Now I'm planning for a manned base on Minmus.

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