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Avoid Tumbling: A Rocket Stability Tutorial

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Hi everyone,

I understand this may be understood by some of you, but I figured it was an essential enough topic that anyone who makes a rocket in KSP could benefit from understanding it. So I made a quick video tutorial on rocket dynamics and stability, located here.

I wanted to post it to this forum to have a place to record feedback - if you have any suggestion, questions, or comments, please feel free to let me know and I'll try to respond as quickly as possible. I will also soon be doing a brief tutorial on more advanced rocket/aircraft dynamics and control theory (in a nutshell, how to make the most out of your SAS/ASAS).

Hope this helps!

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As mentioned, I have done a quick tutorial on aircraft stability as well - here a look

I'll be doing a few more videos on some more complex flight concepts - let me know if these are useful. Thanks!

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