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The Kerbin Mission - Commander Zeta


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It seems as though we now have the capabilities to monitor various close encounter asteroids; we have catalogued over 50 of these asteroids ranging from 5 to several meters in diameter; in fact we now have 2 of them on a collision course with Kerbin...

I, Cdr Zeta, have informed the KSC that there seems to be glitches in the new software; some of the NEAs have already seemingly collided with Kerbin; we have developed seismic technologies for recording the impacts; however we have yet to train any of our estute spave engineers to take on the task of this project.

Perhaps tonite we can gleen some clues as to what is going on with our Science teams...will they ever get it right...!?

I have good faith in our Space Engineers...watch them live in action on the Cdr_zeta streams...if yer lucky !

Cdr Zeta

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  • 2 weeks later...

From the KSC Offices ...

Cmdr Neilbritt approaches Mun in 24 hours and has requested an emergency resxue so he land on Mun...it seems as tho we have complied and have raced a ship to him.

There is a decision to rendezvous Cmdr Neilbrit with the lander rescue whip...quite the lucky for him if you ask me...

It seems as tho his rescue will be on live stream ...see the live stream thread for details...


Cdr Zeta

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Neilbritt desperately said he wants to land on Mun; well he misjudged a few things so we at KSC have worked up a solution or 2...

We are sending what we are calling a Command Ship which will act as a Taxi service between Kerbin, and Mun; or whereever...we then refuel it when it comes back to Kerbin for more missions ! Piece of cake right?

We are not really sure...but we are giving it a try...in the mean time the Command Ship will transfer Neilbritt to a supply ship, or something of that nature, land it on Mun and return to the Command Ship to make it back to Kerbin - or so we hope...

These glorious events will take place live tonite on live stream - we hope...

KSC Offices

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  • 3 weeks later...

From the GSC offices...

...from a recent press conference..."and we are back on track now then?"...

Bob Kerman: Track? What do you think this is a train simulator? We realize that Commander Zeta has been derailed a few times but rest assured he is in communications with KSC at all times when needed...in fact he has signed new contracts to send prototype TAC Life support systems in orbit...some greenhouse things...live video feeds of this are on going I hear...

End Of Message...

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  • 1 month later...

From the GSC offices...

...from a recent press conference..."and we are back on track now then?"...

Famous last words from Bill Kerman...as it turns out, we are back on track...

Catch us on the stream ... not for fishin ...

Cdr Zeta

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From the KSC Office:

All is going well altho the shortage of Science is looming ... while we have attained orbit there is much to do... we have discovered a copper shaped moon around Kerbin and have called it "Yukon".

Live streams of KSC activities are working ...

EOM <= This is the end of message symbol !

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From the KSC Office:

The Science sure is dwindling around here ... we seem to be working on improving our payload rocket...

We mourn the loss of our first Kerbalnaut Mission Specialist Nelzon Kerman. Mission specialists wernt supposed to fly initial flights - UGH ... Luckily Phil is back ...

Live streams of KSC activities are working ...

EOM <= This is the end of message symbol !

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Greetings from KSC:

All is going well...well sort of. We are trying to get a few space stations setup; working on mining, sending fuel to Mun to get a ship back home...slow process but going well...

Live streams are active tonite ...

Thank you !


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KSC Offices:

It seems as tho someone leaked some science ahead of schedule; sumthin about rocket parts and building rockets in space?

Well, we are tryin...still no luck...BillyBob was found sleepin on the job in the warehouse on top of a crate and things are, well, slow...now we have to retrieve some debris too...


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From KSC Offices:

There will be upgrades to the KSC Facilities in a couple weeks it seems; many business entrepeneurs are acquiring vested interests in the various mining programs that the KSC Space Center is working on.

There may also be a glitch in the space engineers computer systems; we seems to have acquired certain knowledge of sciences heretofor unkown; somthing about kuargs, work tickets, building rockets in space, kethane and ion power...certain non authorized flights are being scheduled in anticipation of contracts from these vested investors; ugh!

So the next couple of weeks will be interesting for sure...we are currently landing several 'landers' on the various moons around Kerbin tonite; should be interesting. Also planning various interplanetary exploration missions as well.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Greetings From KSC:

While Planet Factory Simulations have thus far been unsuccessful, the memory allocation units have been upgraded seemingly to grant almost 1 Gigs of extra space for stuff; someone in computer sciences really knows there stuff ! Simulations have us running at 1.4Gigs with a potential max of 2.4Gigs and possibly more with many optimizations already included.

The researchers are busy categorizing the many Science Nodes for better streamlined efficiency this adding more challenge to our Kerbal Space Engineers; we here that upwards of 50% more Science is now required.

Funding allocations may also be cut in half due to a small worker strike; they want cleaner rockets taking off...ugh...

While it has taken a few days to organize the new systems, we also have been informed the 64-bit processing has been put on hold for several days, probly even months; we have found the 32-bit-force-openglide seems to be working wonders; as well as cutting down graphics to 50% half rez on our monitor boards.

The Science Tree is in work and will take several hours to complete; we hope to start the new missions tonite for Live Viewing !


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Greetings From KSC:

Tech Tree Progress: Nearing Completion ! Final stages of monetary assessments and contractual agreements being completed. There's room for more ... ! Ugh !

Commander Zeta will be advising Jeb, Bill, and Bob Kerman on the new protocols; Kerbalnauts salaries have been pre-determined; the Prime Directive is in force however Kerbin has been in contact with Earth for some time and agreements have been made to accelerate their Space Program to enhance the future of our systems.

We can expect missions to roll out 'LIVE' soon !


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Greetings From KSC:

Communique just in...

Bill: Cmdr Zeta your status update ...?

Zeta: The Tech Tree is, well, was done, but we found some other designs for some old bio-resource labs floating around and thought to give them a try in the simulation which is starting as I speak.

Bill: So we are looking at a possible go for mission launch tonite? The investors are getting antsy; those venus flytraps didnt go over so good at the luncheon.

Zeta; Oh sorry to hear that. We had a conflict in the attachment system but gave that a go for launch. The planetary systems simulation runs are also being put on final test run; as I speak; we are not hopeful but give it a 50-50 chance of working.

To continue, 64bit processing in the main simulations core was not stable so we opted for the 32bit giving us room for our old designs as well as some new stuff which as I am told may be a bit on the explosive side; Jeb said to give it a go; they know the risks but the gain is worth it with the Science and all.

I explained that Science acquistions would be on the high side; the designs are somewhat archaic and is necessary for the Kerbal Space Engineers to come up with their own solutions; one investor I spoke with said that ground operations were at an all time high and opted in for frequent vessel recoveries; something about the transferrance of bacteria on the pod skins; there is a company called MKS Systems that opted in and will be doing extensive studies on these vessel recoveries. There will be ample funds and some portion, I believe a whopping 50% is having to go to a 'greener Kerbin'; we had to keep them environmentalists happy so there will be a 50% cut in funds as I am sure you are aware.

Bill: Yes Yes ... At least the vessel recoveries experts give us assurance of some offset in this area; that problem was solved; we hope; unfortunately there will not be time for any more trial runs.

Zeta: Another glitch in a Science container again...had to go with the original desing maybe we can fix that later it is a minor issue; the planetary simulator didnt crash on it's first run; second run now going. If all goes well we are looking at mission launch at 1900 hours local (EST Earth) time; the simulator is on it's final run we hope...


Edited by Cdr_Zeta
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Greetings From KSC:

Communique Alert:

The final simulations run stalled near it's completion; we thought that the planetary addition was the cause but upon further inspection we did find some part anomolies; in the end the sim ran out of memory which was a good thing; we didnt catch the memory at which it stalled however but am making adjustments...


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Greetings From KSC:

Planetary simulations failed; we think; as such it was removed along with a few other 'mods' to make room as we did incur a memory loss; therefore there is still a memory leak and we will use the work around of 1 hour mission runs and restarts.

Kerbin Contracts Missions Launch is imminent and will be live streamed at the site below.


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Greetings from KSC,

All is going to plan now the funding allocations have been defaulted it seems as tho the environmentalists are looking for voluntary payments on occasion.

Science rates are at an all time high and down right nearly impossible we hear.

Contracts are bumbling and out of sync but there is money to be had - let's hope the Commander uses it wisely.


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KSC Blurb...

Bill: Jeb is concerned about the funding...any news?

Zeta: Err, we may be losing money and am not sure how to correct the situation; we are hoping for more lucrative contracts as the upgraded Science allocations are desperate for activity; of which there seems to be alot going on in the Construction side of the house; Science itself has been put on the backburner but we are hopeful it will pick up. Biome studies are being done; with the advent of decouplers no thanks to one investor the Science is there for the taking but investors are picky at the moment so we have to go where the money is.

Some investors though have a keen interest in Science as well; fortunately; the board of trustees is on the hotseat for sure and we are not certain how long it will last...

Bill: Not very good news but aside from that all is well?

Zeta: Yessir acquirement of new construction is slated for this morning.


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KSP Offices:

Bill: There is a glitch in the Science Tech Tree ...

Zeta: Ya - I see that - What I guess we may have to spend the delicate Science on researching and testing jet engines before we can get into the bigger and better Science gathering equipment...ARGHH!!!

Jeb: Jeb here...We suggest consolidating Science before using it as much as possible.

Zeta: Good idea we will max out our contracts; there is also a glitch in the REP reporting system; trying to do a workaround today.

Jeb: Good Luck.


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