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Dragon Rider Capsule [0.23 (2/14/14)

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ok so this is what im getting. i load KSP and grab the Dragon and that's is far as i get. i can not move it add any thing to it. nothing it will highlight when i mouse over it but thats it......it wount let me use the Dragon

Edited by Big_Ron
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ok so this is what im getting. i load KSP and grab the Dragon and that's is far as i get. i can not move it add any thing to it. nothing it will highlight when i mouse over it but thats it......it wount let me use the Dragon

Are you running .21???

I don't believe cBBp has update the zip file yet...

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Sooooo... now you can remove the Dragon Brain ASAS part... can you make the top flat so we can fit different docking ports? Include the existing one as a separate part by all means, but I'd like tobe able to swap em out depending where I'm docking.

Pretty please? Sugar on top? :D

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Does anyone know what all the 'Status: Locked' items are on the context menu? This item has a lot of context items on it and there are about 5 or 6 'Status: locked' items on the menu that force the useful stuff down and some of it is off the bottom of the screen?

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Just doing a straight-up launch from the pad, the capsule alone burned until an altitude of over 30km... which gave it an apoapsis of 164 km! It's a great looking pod, very versatile, I love the passenger room, lots of nifty features... but something honestly doesn't seem right, there.

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One of the big thing that SpaceX did was to make the Dragon self contained. you can go in to the .cfg file and turn down the fuel. i think that CBBP did a great job.

Edited by shadowsutekh
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people whine aobut it being OP but offer no tested balanced solutions. I need balnacers and beta testers. Starting to do so is a great way to apply :D i need them for Kosmos too.

That TEl 0_O http://www.spacex.com/media-gallery/detail/1660/956

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cBBp, if you manage to get the Dragon's Falcon lifters working.... You and LazursLuan will be dragon-based competitors.

Please do it! IT WILL BE EPIC!

EDIT: Oh, and I am trying not to sound entitled or anything, but it would be EPIC anyway.

You do amazing work.

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Wouldn't it be better if they pooled resources and worked together? Duplicating the work twice over is pointless. You just end up with 2 identical add-ons with bugs and some missing features in onet and other missing features in the other and a lot of frustration. I know I'm a hopeless optimist, but seriously, it'd be nice to see co-operation on a big SpaceX project. You both have excellent components of a larger puzzle here.

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Engineer Redux reports it's dV at just over 4000m/s. So yeah, that might be a bit OP. On the other hand how much dV is the real Dragon suppose to have?

The real Dragon is about 3.7m across at 4.2t dry weight. This one is about the same size but only 2.5t. Adjusting the weight would decrease the total dV and TWR. But would it really balance it. Would it still be able to do a powered landing on Kerbin? One of it's key features is to be able to make a powered landing on anything but Jool. I think Tylo is the benchmark as the heaviest non-atmo body to land on.

The scale of Kerbin's solar system really makes it hard to balance real-world vehicles into KSP.

I suppose my real point is, if you don't like it, don't use it. If you have constructive comments to make, make them. If you just want to tweak it to better suit your playstyle, do that. (Module manager is great for this because your tweaks will persist even if the mod gets updated since MM tweaks are in a different cfg file).

But please don't just troll the thread with snide comments. They don't do anything useful. At least that is my opinion.

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Assume that the SuperDraco thrusters have a vacuum Isp of about 310 m/s, which reference here says is typical for MMH/N2O4 engines. (I have no idea whether this is accurate.) The

for powered landings all show the thrusters firing at really shallow angles (~45 degrees), but we don't know what the final design will look like. The dry mass of the Dragon capsule is 4,200 kg, and it carries about 1,300 kg of fuel. (Reference) Add 2,500 kg of human weight and cargo and your total delta-V is, at most, about 540 m/s.

Each of the SuperDraco thrusters generates about 67,000N of thrust, and there will be 8 of them, so your TWR with full tanks on Kerbin wouldl be about 6.8.

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Engineer Redux reports it's dV at just over 4000m/s. So yeah, that might be a bit OP. On the other hand how much dV is the real Dragon suppose to have?

The real Dragon is about 3.7m across at 4.2t dry weight. This one is about the same size but only 2.5t. Adjusting the weight would decrease the total dV and TWR. But would it really balance it. Would it still be able to do a powered landing on Kerbin? One of it's key features is to be able to make a powered landing on anything but Jool. I think Tylo is the benchmark as the heaviest non-atmo body to land on.

The scale of Kerbin's solar system really makes it hard to balance real-world vehicles into KSP.

I suppose my real point is, if you don't like it, don't use it. If you have constructive comments to make, make them. If you just want to tweak it to better suit your playstyle, do that. (Module manager is great for this because your tweaks will persist even if the mod gets updated since MM tweaks are in a different cfg file).

But please don't just troll the thread with snide comments. They don't do anything useful. At least that is my opinion.

In general I agree with this but otherwise this is what I was referring to. Realism ;.;. I guess before you balance anything CardBoardBoxProcessor would have to decide - Is this a copy of the real world Dragon spacecraft. Or something extremely similar that works for KSP?

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In general I agree with this but otherwise this is what I was referring to. Realism ;.;. I guess before you balance anything CardBoardBoxProcessor would have to decide - Is this a copy of the real world Dragon spacecraft. Or something extremely similar that works for KSP?

Well considering he is modeling a RL object he might go for realism, but I wasn't arguing for realism. I was arguing for constructive posts but was ninja'd and someone beat me to it.

I like it the way it is except for a few items which I suppose I ought to mention since i've not seen it mentioned yet.

The only issue I have is that there are so many toggleable modules on this that the right-click menu in-flight goes off the bottom of the screen. A screen shot may help. I'll edit this when i get home to add a screenie. Short of spliting it into multiple parts I don't see how to fix that. It almost needs a little GUI window to operate.

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IMO this is one of the best mods out there.. it is my primary Space Craft

people whine about it being OP but offer no tested balanced solutions. I need balnacers and beta testers. Starting to do so is a great way to apply :D i need them for Kosmos too.

ill test for you any time KBBP, i guess my question is are you going for realism? if so there is a bunch of us that will gladly roll up are sleeves for you

Remember the KW thread was closed because of bickering Please don't let that happen here.

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ill test for you any time KBBP, i guess my question is are you going for realism? if so there is a bunch of us that will gladly roll up are sleeves for you

I am not sure. i really am just the artist lol. I don't even fly the thing other than to hack gravity and test the RCS thrusters even work lol. I have not flown it for the past two updates ha.

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people whine aobut it being OP but offer no tested balanced solutions. I need balnacers and beta testers. Starting to do so is a great way to apply :D i need them for Kosmos too.

I offer to do both, as I'm an avid user of both the Dragon and the Kosmos pack.

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Whoa :D C7 or someone fixed pod only craft RCs :D rcs now work really well for Dragon ^^

as per posts/whining I have done some simple simple "balacing" and made it so dragon can only escape speed up to about 2 miles or something like that.

small update I am sure people will be happy with the panels and landing legs. besure to send a thank you to sumghai who recommended it.


Band-aided Solar and Landing leg animation problem. only real fix is a DEV fix.

removed Dragon Brain as it is pointless now.

Changed some engine power and the like.

added Reaction Wheels to Capsule.

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Cool, looking forward to D/Ling it tonight. I've been playing with this awhile now and noticed the trunk has a case of wobbles something fierce. Struts fix this but if you add breakingForce = 200 and breakingTorque = 200, that will help quite a bit as well. You'd need to add that to the dragon, trunk and adapter for best effect.

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I've cleaned up the recent off topic posts, next time keep in mind that everyone is entitled to their opinion, and further harassment in any direction will not be tolerated.

Edit: this is a WIP stay calm.

Edited by shadowsutekh
More eloquent phrasing
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