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[YouTube] Re-launching the Laythe Interplanetary Ferry


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So, a couple of you skimmed through my 93 minute video (yes, too long, extremely boring stuff) and saw that I am building the interplanetary stage in orbit for delivering my Mining heavy crawler.

I decided to change the docking port configuration a couple of times, and this is the version I'm keeping from now on!

I will be releasing the videos in 5-15min pieces rather than the longer ones, and cutting more of the "middle bits" out that can make it seem to drag on.

I will continue to upload in 1600p, it even looks better in 1600p on a 1080p display since it will be less compressed. (to download the 1600p version, click the little setting button on the bottom right corner of the video, at the top of the list of available resolutions there is one called Original, that's the one!)

Part 1: Launching the Propulsion section of the interplanetary ferry

Part 2: Launching the first and second Fuel modules for the Ferry

Part 3: Launching the LKO Tractor to move the two fuel sections to the Ferry

Part 4: Launching a Second LKO Tractor because of poor planning lol

Part 5: Using the LKO Tractor to collect the two fuel modules and dock them to the Interplanetary Ferry

Edited by HoY
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Ok the 8 parts are uploaded, as well as a quick bonus video. Limit is 5 videos per post it seems, so had to make a new one.

I Really want some names for these ships. Specifically the Ferry itself, and the Tractor. they are the ones that will be sticking around!

Let me know what you think :)

I have temporarily named the ferry "The 797" after Catarpillar's largest truck capable of hauling 400 tonnes (overloading at around 430) at 42mph. http://m.cat.com/product_groups/715/products/18093014

This is just temporary unless its also given as a suggestion by the viewers ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just a heads up, I'm on hold with the next module because fusty (the maker of the common berthing mechanism mod) is updating his docking ports and they won't be reverse compatible with the ones I've installed.

In the mean time I have started launching and testing satellites for Kethane scanning as well as ISA mapping. Expect a video in the next couple of days with that as well as their very functional SSTO launch platform!

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