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Live Stream: The Kerbin Mission, Kerbin Academy...and other stuff !


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Looks like I will be streamin for abit tonite - moving the 650 and 1500 engines and tanks up a node really helped my funds and contraacts ALOT ! I didnt really feel like grinding thru contracts which became few and far between; with the new 650 engine and tank it open up a 4-engine cluster contract which netted me over 500K funds !

I will be doin up contracts tonite; redesigining the orbiter and reachin for the stars !

Cmdr Zeta

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I am hoping to stream for an hour or so - I am stuck with v24.2 and dang it I lost v24.0 and I cant download it because it isnt in the store; I was doin good with memory; downloaded a mod to try cause it looked kool and lo and behold it may have cranked my memory up and possibly ruined the game master; v24 of which I deleted. I am tryin to get support to get it back in the store.

I know mods are an issue and I may go to OpenGlide for a test run to see where it ends up as I know where that stood when I quit using it.

I lost a good 3 hours today - lesson be told dont add mods half way thru yer game - and always save a Master KSP directory somewhere - I did that right along except this time - UGH !!!

If I get on I will be workin on a Kerbal rescue around Kerbin and the Mun missions.

Only on for an hour from 9-10PM EST if I get the game workin ... it is reudated to v24.2 and it is eating memory again - I think. I do know the mode I downloaded corrupted somethin so I got rid of it sadly - it was Asteroid Cities. Too bad too - I will comment in there after I run more tests to get my game memory managed again.

Cmdr Zeta

Cmdr Zeta

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I will be streamin this mornin for abit - goin back to normal mode v24.2 - argh... I believe I had a couple hundred megs of gameplay last nite using Open Glide but WOW Open Glide makes the game UNPLAYABLE - took me a couple time to figure that out - at least on game start it tells me where my game memory is like 1.6gigs; it usually crashes around 1.9 so thats about 3oo megs of gameplay.

I hope this gets sorted out - I still want v24 back I hope I get it; that gave me less memory I really think why I changed I dunno...today we rescue a Kerbal we hope and continue our Munar Missions.

Cmdr Zeta

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I will be streaming for an hour or so then a short break - I anticiapte a few hours more tonite as well ! I am having to find out why my game suddenly is going too slow.

The extended action keys was added so I am gonna drop that to see what transpires; there may be a few more odd mods I added I am gonna drop them as well.

I also dropped antialiasing - this could have been a major problem - I am gonna retest that all other things being equal.

Tonite I hope to land on Mun ! YAY !

Cmdr Zeta

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Yesterday I found what I thought was a glitch - ie a whole bunch of new Kerbals in my complex; maybe after a certain number of contracts they appear? I have 'missingcrews' set to not respawn and none showed up for awhile; then I peaked in the complex and had 10 or so for some reason - maybe a contract like rescue gave me extra Kerbals?

Also I made a seemingly critical error and lost one of my top Kerbals - well I am blaming the extra Kerbal glitch in the computer system and replaying the Mun landing - with explanation ...

Cmdr Zeta

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I will be streamin for a bit momentarily - v24.2 is working so far but has laggy glitches on occasoion; its kinda wierd but I am able to recover just quitting the mission without going back into the game.

I also guess Ironman mode harr is no Kerbal respawn, no revert, and no quicksave - well I quicksave if there are game issues like for one when the Kerbalnaut comes flying out of his hatch and it causes a major problem for me - so far that hasnt happened.

Today I am runnin contracts and checkin on my Kerbalnaut around Mun.

Cmdr Zeta

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Stream will be up shortly - I may do a quick contract or 2 but I am lookin at a Minmus Fly by - maybe I will setup for that first then run the contracts to pass time !

PS: This is a tribute post to Robin Williams - who forever will be dear to my heart and the hearts of millions - we will never forget his happiness that he bestowed upon us ... :(

Edit: On a lighter note - thankfully we have reruns ... :) PS You should check out his stand-ups - very funny ...

Cmdr Zeta

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Stream will be up shortly...Contracts - new ones we hope ! New Science Nodes ! Testing MKS/OKS wat the heck is this schtuff anyways !

Also be aware Nightbot is now Moderator - NO CAPS PLZ ! Reserved Words Soon: AWESOME, GREAT, HELLO, OH CRAP, ...

Cmdr Zeta

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  • 2 weeks later...


You know yer hooked on KSP when you memorized the passwords ... I am having stream production problems both at home and with Twitch; they are being a real pain with music copyright so I am trying to get definitive answers and tryin to explain to them new creative commons policies under Youtube.

I am gonna work on my own music anyways soon so they cant say crap but even still I read they are using a program called Magic Audio or something to find the copyrighted music and are flagging people who have not violated any of these terms; some of my music may have been recently flagged on Youtube so I lost more streams again. Many people are complaining and having issues.

I am finding solutions to my own problems and trying to find common grounds here. I play background music which is very similar all across the web and even radio stations so this copyright crap is bull sometimes; nevertheless we have to be more careful and I am working with them to resolve my own issues.

My stream production is at a temporary halt I will be back as soon as I can but it may be a week or more.

Cmdr Zeta :cool:

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Ugh ... well I wont be streaming 'often' for a week or so due to the fact that on this particular computer I am using KSP is loading slowly - ...

So I will miss KSP for awhile ... in the mean time I will be lookin at doing up the real solar system with deadly re-entry etc for the next round of KSP re-start. I am 2/3s way thru Science in my modded career mode with about 3 times more science required and it worked out well - with a few more tweaks KSP Kerbin Asteroids will be a real challenge.

Back in a few weeks I hope - I will keep tabs in the forums and watch out for my ' non-KSP ' thread in ... elsewhere in here ... :cool:

(Edit: Wow My Dual core with 2 gigs of RAM and 512 GeF9500 - and the tons of mods I have - wow forget it - takes way too long. I may drop a crapload of mods so I can work on my planetary SIM<<< practice muah...mwah?! I will see what I can do later...No Stream Test tonite! (actually lemme see what I co do - maybe Sandbox SIM Practice !!)

Cmdr Zeta

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  • 1 month later...


So I havnt been around for awhile due to issues - I also didnt think KSP would evolve 0.25 and are now looking at 0.90 - the end of Alpha and the begining of Beta.

I am not too dissappointed; does this mean there isnt much future left for KSP; well for some that may be the case; those who have spent hours of gaming KSP with no sleep; thankfully that isnt me and isnt how I roll !

I think that KSP will continue to evolve a little and run better as time goes on; meaning the game engine will improve (and KSP was looking for this) to give more to the game; allow for more mods, better memory management, smoother gameplay; I think KSP still suffers from not being able to have alot of things going on at the same time; like several bases on planets and on orbit without literally burning up one's CPU; this is sad; now of KSP takes the idea and rolls with a different game engine, say Crysis, and replaces our beloved Kerbals with a few factional alien critters multiplayer an all...whew one can only dream...then we have 'other' 'games' out there to fill in the voids.

KSP is a 'One Of A Kind' game and sim; I will be back streaming again soon with 2 options - Regular Mode and Realism Mode (the realism mods).

For me, with the MODS, there awaits many hours of space exploration, discovery, and challenge in KSP - they will always be there for me...Thank You KSP and Modders !

I wanted to let you all know...Commander Zeta...is still here !

(EDIT: Wow almost 500 posts !! That is the most I have posted in forums on any game !! For the 500th...we begin again...to go where few Kerbals have gone before...)

(EDIT: It was said that Realism Overhaul (RO) will not allow Career Mode - This is unfortunate as Career Mode is a mainstay of the game in my opinion; I cant live without Career Mode sorry ! Maybe there are other MODS to simulate RO without losing Career Mode I will have to look into it; and I see MODS for 0.25 are catching up nicely !)

Cmdr Zeta :cool:

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