Cdr_Zeta Posted February 11, 2015 Author Share Posted February 11, 2015 Hello,I am making great gains on BioMass...setting up for minimum of 2 Kerbalnauts to run it for sustanance with a food surplus for 2 more Kerbals; neat stuff !They have to make snacks to survive though along with finding other resources like ICE, Oxygen, Nitrogen...Streamin for a bit ...Cmdr Zeta Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cdr_Zeta Posted February 11, 2015 Author Share Posted February 11, 2015 Hello,Streamin this mornin...making more changes for more efficient BioMass operations...still problems to fix with it ...Cmdr Zeta Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cdr_Zeta Posted February 12, 2015 Author Share Posted February 12, 2015 Hello,After an interesting visit this morning by about 40 or so visiters to my stream, I thought well everything in BioMass was going so good why change anything...thats when epiphany struck (!); I finally figured out daily input process requirements for any resource - harr !!Streamin tonite for an hour or so....Cmdr Zeta Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cdr_Zeta Posted February 12, 2015 Author Share Posted February 12, 2015 Howdi,More resource fun this morning...I gonna add Kethane to the mix...I got an idea since explanatary isnt mining?Cmdr Zeta Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cdr_Zeta Posted February 13, 2015 Author Share Posted February 13, 2015 Hello,I been having major problems scanning for resources ... watch as I figure it out ... I may be deciding to use Open Resources and dropping Community Resource as Scanning doesnt seem to work from it however does Community Resource used for mining for them?ORS seems to work nothing else does I dunno - Kerbals need to find resources to live out there in the depths of space and we gonna get them !Streamin this mornin ...Cmdr Zeta Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cdr_Zeta Posted February 14, 2015 Author Share Posted February 14, 2015 Hello,I have been finding a few 'modder errors' and as such correcting them to get resource scanners to work ! I cant get ScanSat to work yet so I am working on Kethane mod with existing 'technologies' ... !I figuerd out how 'grid scan' worked to look for 'ORE' as long as Extraplanetary Launchpads was added...using what is called Legacy Resource Generator (probly in the Kethane DLL as a declaration), I added Substrate to the scan; tonite I am trying ICE and some other resources.I still want ICE to be discovered at the poles or in frozen oceans and am not sure if I can do that yet so I will be working on Kethane additions.I will be streaming for about an hour then I am outside to look at real stars thru my 10inch CST and CCD to take pictures of Jupitor's moons (harr). I cant take good color pictures tho but it is a sensitive scope/ccd combo; I will be lettin ya'll know about a special treat later if I can still stream.Cmdr Zeta Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cdr_Zeta Posted February 15, 2015 Author Share Posted February 15, 2015 Hello,Tonite I am fine tuning resource storage and streamin for a bit...I seem to have made some errors but the job is getting done. We also noe have an atmosphere scoop that gets our Nitrogen for us but so far no compression storage - gonna add that back and sort the TacLife Support modules... Life Support has been changed from food/water/oxy to storage of perishable, liquid, and gaseous goods.I am doing the best I can to keep the weights but drymass/wetmass seems to be an issue.Need to find uses for Minerals besides helping to purify water...Good Schtuff ..Cmdr Zeta Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cdr_Zeta Posted February 16, 2015 Author Share Posted February 16, 2015 Hello,I have made several streams talking about how I am managing and detecting resources both atmospheric and crust.Ice, substrate, minerals re-added I need to find uses for them.Still more work needs to be done with Interstellar...Karbonite is now a 'Legacy Resource' will just have to watch my streams to find out about that trick !Karborundum needs a name change; it's only use would be in the heat shield and I dont use deadly re-entry...yet...probly wont as my Kerbals dont die coming into the atmosphere as they have good ships !I have sources for water - ICE (!) and it is now also a 'Legacy Resource !All I need left to do is find sources for Oxygen...some can be gained from the Carbon Filter...this area needs tweaking...rates for water and O2 are done; need to insure food is correct and all resources for survival are done !While it is true resources can be added by modules; long term as in years it is not practical to store food stuffs for more than a year - my Kerbalnauts dont live on BioCake alone !! Food production is in place but I want to add resources besides wasteproducts and BioMass.Biomass goes into Microflora which goes into nutrients for hydroponics to grow food from seeds. Seeds are a rare commodity and valuable resource, and are also produced when food is grown.Water is used at a 5-times rate, and Ice supplies this rate - we hope (!) ... only trime will tell !Tonite I am recycling thru the last changes for resource management; one more stream or so for food production checks and resource useage and I will be long-term mission ready.I still cant get Scansat to work but now I dont need it...Cmdr Zeta Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cdr_Zeta Posted February 16, 2015 Author Share Posted February 16, 2015 Hello,I am streamin this afternoon...working on more tweaks for resources...seems like it never ends but there is a road there !With resource location and availability out of the way for the most part I am tweaking things...Karborundum being one of them...not sure if I will get to that today though...I am porting mining modules into Karbonite drills; Karbonite modules into Kethane drills...haha !In the end I didnt like Extraplanatary drills...but they was a start...I still have to mine for things like deuterium, thorium, uranium, etc...stuff that is similarly named to Earth-like materials...Karborundum should be like Carborundum in real life - it's only use may be in heat shields (for DR); havnt been there not sure I will either but maybe later.There are things like quantum vapor and exotic material names that would better suit the 'karborundum-style' engines...that is a slightly major change.Community resources DO NOT seem to work for me; when I get survival resources ironed out hopefully today, that is the next project - weeding out CRS as that seems to be what is going on; I could be wrong; problem is, community resources may be used for resource definitions, and cfg files for Scansat use which just isnt working for me.I need to know what is going on here.Nuclear resources seem to work we still have to mine for them; that is on tap, but I cant get the scanner to locate other materials; probly cause it is in the Interstellar DLL...not a problem; I now have to types of scanners to locate ground materials - pretty kool (except Scansat of course) another seems to locate everything so that is later on as well.I am wnjoying creating the KSP SIM that I feel it was meant to be !Cmdr Zeta Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cdr_Zeta Posted February 17, 2015 Author Share Posted February 17, 2015 Hello,Still lots of behind the scenes tweaking going on...tonite I hopefully have actually finished mining resource generation !!MODS are Kethane, Extrplanatary, Interstellar, Umbra(MKS/OKS)...problems are being sorted out with mining efficiency rates - you wont wanna miss !I still have not set nor do I totally understand legacy resource; the placement of resources on planetary bodies; I have left most all intact using Kethane as a template; it should be ok.I have made some changes reflecting what should be normal - ie more ore on crusty planets...more ice on frozen worlds...I suppose one world could have wastewater altho that has not been confirmed; heck why spoil things haha !! Now that we know resource generation we can change and adapt on the fly - IE real missions !It was noted that mining resources seem to be around 12-18Mil / 360day - using this guideline I am expecting a goal of 40,000/day of ORE...some tweaking of drills will be done tonite...containers should be done...comparison of original eff. rates with Extraplanatary will be done !!I use what I call daily resource rate generation - my secret recipe harr !This number is used by a mod probly unkowingly and indirectly !The pod resources are NOT used as they may be bugged !More survival resource tweaking needs to be done but here is the idea:1 Kerb: 30days+2 Kerbs: 100days+4 Kerbs: 360days+Food/Water/Oxygen Rates: As above...but/and F/W/O2 production is at a 5x resource rate useage (of water); CO2 reduction is of 50-75% (needs tweaking); O2 production at around 50-75% (needs tweaking); water is found from ICE on planetary bodies; the rest of the CO2 is filtered (needs tweaking)...water will be in excess; O2 will always be at most 10% missing with filters and other means of producing it...our illustrious Kerbalnauts will figure this out later...we hope !Cmdr Zeta Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cdr_Zeta Posted February 17, 2015 Author Share Posted February 17, 2015 Hello,Still have to tweak resource management areas...working on mining tweaks...Scansat is done for my purposes: anamoly detection and biome mapping...Romfarer Lazer adds to this data...Streaming this morning...tweaking Legacy Resource Detection !Cmdr Zeta Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cdr_Zeta Posted February 18, 2015 Author Share Posted February 18, 2015 Hello,I will be going over resource generation in the atmospheres of planetary bodies...I already did a few demos but I did some tweaking and still need to work on it...building ships in space is still a no-go ie Extraplanetary aint workin yet for that far we have resource production done; mining done; resource generation and power useage in work.Some parts are using excessive amounts of power - I happen to be an electrical engineering techy so I know a little about this schtuff...I dont like the current modle for atmospheric resource generation so I am trying another one in the list of mods I have; join me and watch as I perserveer in this KSP adventure !I am running all SIMULATIONS Testing ... no Kerbals are actually harmed in these SIMULATIONS as the real missions arent running.I will also be running 'Simulations' during the real missions once I get back to them but they will be less frequent.Cmdr Zeta Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cdr_Zeta Posted February 18, 2015 Author Share Posted February 18, 2015 Hello,Continuing on with my resource generation...I guess Regolith (?!) uses community resources (cfg files not the main communityresource.cfg but that is also used to control resource 'flowability', densities, etc I guess)...I still need to check Interstellar resources...hopefully I can do that this morning.I had an exploding part; what I mean by that...for example the smelter parts were exploding in the parts display (getting big) solution was to seperate out the part files from one file into their respective original files. This other exploding part is a new one so the problem may be different but I will investigate it on stream !KSP is creating it's own challenges for me as I progress...perty kool !Part connectivity is also a problem; I seem to have a refinery (or 2!) that doesnt connect...I suppose these are bugs but we will adapt...Cmdr Zeta Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cdr_Zeta Posted February 19, 2015 Author Share Posted February 19, 2015 Hello,Tryin to get a Kerbal Time Clock to work ... kool schtuff ! The Kerbalnauts at KSC here are on salary - they work (well I thought they did...) 12 hour shifts with 3 on and 3 off...then I thought wait - this is SPACE how can you take time off to enjoy a view?The other problem was that many missions were completed in like the first 12 hours (!); not even a full day's worth of work!In the long run maybe they will get some time off !If I can get the clock to work that is !Other musings include rechecking resource useage for survival...the return of real missions are getting near...Cmdr Zeta Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cdr_Zeta Posted February 20, 2015 Author Share Posted February 20, 2015 Hello,I made some changes to ore resources...(!)I need to work on providing a heat source for our it was written that 1 wasteheat = 1 megajoules ans 1 megajoule = 1000 EC (electric charge) we will go from there.I made a part resize so I am checking part resizing...kool schtuff !I have made an 'addition' to a scannable resource; one that can be scanned by Legacy Resource Kethan mod: Aluminum !Alumina comes from Bauxite (an ore); and Aluminum from Alumina so I added Bauxite as a specific ore to scan and am using a smelting process to make Alumina (to which I will add another process to create Aluminum or just add it in the same part - ie 2 processes in one part) - in fact I gonna check that now before I stream !.Next week I will look at the various nuclear engines...I am streamin for a bit this afternoon - not tonite tho.Cmdr Zeta Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cdr_Zeta Posted February 24, 2015 Author Share Posted February 24, 2015 Greetings,I have a pleasant surprise for ought to hang out with me and see what happens when they show up !I had a terrible experience last night I wasnt too I have a BAN HAMMER.So if any of you innocent bystanders get banned just msg me here...there is also a chat dely now of 10 seconds; I never have that many people askin alot of stuff anyways and there is about a 30 second delay from text to voice answer.Tonite I am gonna fix Kerbalnaut Time Management; it is like a time card they punch in for 12 hours etc...The Kerbalnauts here work 12 hour shifts 24/7; they provide time to the robotic manufacturing plants at a 2 to 1 ratio; when they are at the plant there is no time lost; when they leave the plant (and I will show how that is done !!), the plant can only run on accrued Kerbalnaut work time.Each Kerbalnaut is responsible for their own manufacturing plants !I need to fix a few things so there will be a few game restarts...Cmdr Zeta Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cdr_Zeta Posted February 24, 2015 Author Share Posted February 24, 2015 (edited) Hello,Stream will be up in a few...working on resources, Kerbal Time Clock, a heating system, solar panels management, and getting modules to work...I am making good that I have the MULTI-BAN HAMMER trollers will get a pleasant surprise; I AM Baaaack ...Edit: Wow I had to work on resources and some mods this morning...Draft Viewers aint workin yet I need help setting it up (asked in forum already) but when it does there will be tests for it and in the real missions I may use it to launch donators or other special VIP's !I will do a few quick test runs and stream more this afternoon !Cmdr Zeta Edited February 24, 2015 by Cdr_Zeta Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cdr_Zeta Posted February 25, 2015 Author Share Posted February 25, 2015 Greets,I am still workin on just trying to get my Kerbal time to produce !!I got some modules working last night finally ! It is a very slow process and getting a little more complicated; in fact it will be another challenge just to play KSP again !I still need to go over heat and waste management; I now have a working heat supply (!) used to melt ice (that was also tweaked); I will try to get all my gas compressors fixed; none of em seem to work !Cmdr Zeta Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cdr_Zeta Posted February 26, 2015 Author Share Posted February 26, 2015 Hello,I been havin such a great time workin with the MODS I am using ... well sort of anyways... I am finally getting them to work but I still have some weird problems; check out my short stream tonite I made some additions earlier today to resources: I now have a Heating Supply Unit and a Coolant Unit; both will provide a temperature controlled environment (sort of) for the Kerbals ! There are other uses for them though which I am working on; I now will have Waste Heat ported over; making Liquid CO2 for refridgerant; amd 220 units short of CO2 even to provide for the Greenhouse !! I need to find ways to make up the diff; part of it will come from the atmosphere.I may be taking a little longer to simulate this stuff out but it will be worth it in the long run for KSP; at least 'my' KSP !I got Draft a Twitch Viewer to work but am still needing to check a few things out.Cmdr Zeta Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cdr_Zeta Posted February 27, 2015 Author Share Posted February 27, 2015 Greetings,After several days of painstaking progress I am getting ever so closer to real Kerbin mission status !Tonite I test Kerbalnaut long term survival modules for self-sufficiency.The model is thus: Greenhouses produce food and help to produce air; Ice is mined for long term water resources; atmospherics used to collect high density gasses (in that certain gasses exist more than others on certain bodies in the Kerbin system); rocket building resources need work but can now be detected and mined.The Kerbal Time Clock is now working. Kerbalnauts work 12 hour days 7 days a week; their time is accounted for and they must keep track of it as it is used to operate machinery both on station and remotely.One Kerbalnaut can run one greenhouse to provide for food for him/herself plus 1 extra day; the next day can be used for running processes which use various Kerbalnaut time requirements (25% of a day; a whole day; etc); the Kerbalnaut also accrues 12 hours of time while he/she is not working; this sleep time is needed and used to run remote machinery like mining stations.In general 1 Kerbalnaut wouldnt run the greenhouse; but it is set up that way; the greehouse provides for 4 Kerbalnauts and doesnt start producing until after 90-100 days into it's growing cycle after which it remains running 24/7; an initial amount of supplies is sent up (100 days); after that they are on their own !A safety light for each Kerbalnaut is used as a punch clock.Higher amounts of resources are currently setup for simulations which I am running tonite!I have been at this for almost 2 weeks and it is looking very good; Kethane, Interstellar, Extraplanatary, and BioMass are the key MODS in use; several modifications have been made and 'discovered' (!) to make this a fun and challenging venture for the Kerbalnauts; Kudos to these MODDERS ! I have fixed a few bugs here and there but am NOT uploading...Tonite the tests begin ... please be patient as I restart KSP on occasion to tweak MODS...Cmdr Zeta Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cdr_Zeta Posted February 27, 2015 Author Share Posted February 27, 2015 Hello KSP Fans !I am making great headway on module building; but slow... I am wanting to get into power management...I still have to work on my compressors; probly getting some containers sorted out today; really need to get the numbers down on the containers for life support that will be the goal.I still cant get my compressors to work so that'll be up first; the numbers are getting close on the entire food production chain; water is not a problem altho in the beginning it is (survival-wise).There are a few module terms I will be trying to figure out; expect several game restarts; I dont have all my MODS in so it wont be bad; consider when my game is fully loaded MOD Manager handles 3000+ patches; right now I am at 90 patches !I may be adding FAR however I am seeing it may affect the entire Unity Engine on a permanent basis; I am not wanting to go there yet altho it is an easy matter to reinstall KSP; I will do comparison flights with it etc...I am gonna do a stream once and for all on getting into orbit; I contend that burning fuel in the atmosphere is worse than it is in space (TWR???!!!); I have watched many streamers follow a convention and I think I can do better (!); but I DO need to understand TWR better; that is Thrust To Weight Ratio; you do want 'GOOD' numbers for an efficient launch vehicle.The other issues: DryMass/WetMass useage and proofs/modelling (filled in later for my stream ideas)Cmdr Zeta Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cdr_Zeta Posted February 28, 2015 Author Share Posted February 28, 2015 Hello,With the loss of Leonard Nimoy my heart is duely saddened; I had heard he was on oxygen ... RIP and may you know..."Mr. Spock Shall LLAP"There sposed to be a SquadCast Tnite ...? I will check it out ...As for me I may do up a stream later...rechecking my greenhouse - food production is done !!! The O2/CO2 balance is DONE !!! What fitting it is to be able to send the Kerbalnauts ... "To Boldly Go ... "I will have 2 streams in honor of Leonard Nimoy; one to get a satellite into orbit; the second one to send that satellite outwards ...Almost forgot: I added Leonard Nimoy to my Space Obituary pages... Zeta Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cdr_Zeta Posted March 1, 2015 Author Share Posted March 1, 2015 Hello,I am DONE with tryin to figure out one stupid part in a MOD - WOW what a major headache its been almost 2 days in the running just to get one part to work; mostly ALOT of trial and error but I am making progress...I think LOOKS is IMPORTANT in KSP and as such I may also check out a few 'drills' !!Join me for an hour or so of schtuff ...Cmdr Zeta Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cdr_Zeta Posted March 1, 2015 Author Share Posted March 1, 2015 Hello,Stream will be up in a few minutes ... today I continue to find a way to get gas liquified (kool looking containers needed !!); MKS called Modular Kolonization (Umbra SI) is on board for testing and review; it looks pretty kool and now that I looked at it I do recall using parts out of it.In most MODS I only use what parts I deem essential (and look kool) but MUST have functionality. KSP game memory is at a premium; so far I was only at 90 patches...when my MODS are all in I have upwards of 3000 patches.I will also be looking at alot of TECHNICAL schtuff later or ASAP; probly not this morning; it depends on how quick I can solve my gas problem - ya haha !Honestly, I dont like REGO Resource module conventions; but for the gas to liquid conversions it looks easy enough.I would like to see a grammatic convention used in declaring gas chemical resources; IE for liquid gasses please use:Lqd(name) not Liquid(name) as it is longer...Also gas names like KethaneGas, ArgonGas, etc, shouldnt be used; they are already defined as a gas (!); IE Kethane is a gas.Geologic and chemical naming conventions have a norm; something like Karbonite is really not a gas altho 'solid' type materials are used in boosters (?); I never looked at the makeup of a solid rocket booster; thusly I am taking Karbonite out as a resource (yep just cause I dont like the name if it is used as a gas !!).These are just my own personal preferences as I treat KSP as much as a real life SIM as possible in the end; Karborundum was another; I may use that resource for heat shields when and if I get deadly re-entry.So today I am checking out: MKS and some other tech-MODS; resizeability of parts; tweaking attempts of BioMass parts and just getting them to work period. I updated the DLL only to see if it will help; I got new drill models; they need resizing (!!!); ie TweakScale but I prefer to do my own rescaling I DONT want MODS to do it for me.Cmdr Zeta Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cdr_Zeta Posted March 2, 2015 Author Share Posted March 2, 2015 Greetings,I have hit a major milestone last night...I can now successfully build rockets in space...the only problems now are the kool-lookingness of it all, the functionality of it all, and the ease of use.I dont fully understand the MODDERS' relationships with each other and licensing issues; it is really not my if you see things in my stream that look like licenses are messed up, you would never know the diff...thing is this...>>>Some models look really kool but have no or limited functionality; some have functionality but look horrible; it is my job to mix and match this mumbo jumbo to make a kool looking working is essentially 'MY' KSP and I CANNOT redistribute anything.While I try to do my best to keep things same and in the same boat, that is hard to do when everything is in little skiffs I plan to iron out these things.MKS has some kool looking models; but I use KETHANE exclusively for detecting and Extraplanatary for mining.Now while MKS has refinery abilities, I dont like the module code; it is too cumbersome for me. Extraplanetary module coding however is easy to use but the models look, well...not so good.There are a few other MODDERS out there who have made refinery models and workshops...I gonna be looking around abit but I dont really have alot of time; I have to use what I got cause this is taking way too long; afterall I want to get back to playing KSP Career (!!!) but I cant play it if it doesnt work !Looks of things in this game may be more of a part of the game than it's functionality; looks and impressions are everything these days but there are limits, such as game memory.Not many people can code; I am okay at it just a bit slow these days.I try to keep some model aspects of each MOD I use; this exemplifies the hard work MODDERS have done to show their work; the KETHANE MOD is probly the best MOD out there in it's day, and still ranks high on the list because of functionality and even most of the model work goes far above and beyond; I wouldnt be playing career mode without it.ALSO many other MODDERS out there are using KETHANE functionality; some are even stealing it and calling it their own most likely but I havnt a clue and I dont really care it's not my problem; people like myself can do whatever we want with MODS as long as we dont redistribute any work and call it our own; that would be aweful let alone illegal.Granted this stuff is freeware but it is still copyrighted material; if I see this stuff happening dont be surprised if I contact the original authors.That said it is time for me to go to work...did I say I built my first rocket in space last night !!!?? After a few explosions and that first one scared the crap out of me, I can now make things look good and be consistent.Thank you MODDERS for making KSP what it should be - a resource SIM as well as exploration !Cmdr Zeta Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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