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Live Stream: The Kerbin Mission, Kerbin Academy...and other stuff !


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So far it looks like I have my MKS parts sorted as to which ones I am using; now I will be working on tweaking them for Kethane MOD use; IE Legacy Resources as I dont use Regolith; we need to find out what the recycle bin does; I will setting that to eat scrap metal maybe.

MKS makes a rocket a day; we will be changing that to 5-7 days but I dont know if it is based on the number of parts etc; we can check that maybe as we need to test and figure out our launchpads!

Some parts dont work; I will be restarting KSP a few times after tweaks...

Checking out some smelters as well for aesthetics and operations...

Cmdr Zeta

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I am still tryin to get gas conversions to work; tonite's the nite...I have given up on BIOMASS to do this job but it is still using conversion code; I may have to use Kethane Conversion...I am also using Universal Storage now as the models; they look kool and I can color code them !

There may be several game restarts tonite ...

Cmdr Zeta

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I am not a very happy camper even though I have made great progress on resource detection, mining, and now refining; I got great looking MODS but what good are they if their functionality is limited; Scansat and BioMass, my main MODS are cases in point; BIOMASS or...let me explain it this way....

It really may be boiling down to one MOD (!!!); The KETHANE MOD ! This MOD now is looking like the BEST MOD is KSP; why, because everyone has used it or taken code from it; there is however a MAJOR problem: Exploding Parts In The VAB; meaning as you hover over them they get bigger and go off the screen.

This happens when resources are added in a list under the MOD; removing the resources is fine; but then you cant transfer them (even though you dont need to because resources can be pooled out of a container which in the long run may be the way to go; however then the part doesnt either function or the switches just are not there; I feel I am close to a break thru on this, but I am restarting this problem from scratch; and NO I am NOT using REGOLITH RESOURCES; WHY; because I cannot detect them with ScanSat; if other people can find every resource besides Karbonite more power to them; I also dont want unlimited resources as it seems that this is the case...

I doubt my Kerbalnauts will ever run out of resources; I figured that just on one year they have enough to survive for 3-4 years pooling resources from about 3 bodies in the system; it is a matter finding little gold mines and what to do with them that is fun and exciting.

If and whenever I get my cellphone, I may be streaming on Google+; I am getting sick of having trollers spam garbage on my stream chat and I have to take time to BAN them; I am getting quicker at it though; and better at catching them; that in itself is sometimes fun to see them go bye bye.

So that is the scoop today I will be explaining Resource Conversion and trying to get it to work both correctly and aesthetically; there may be several game restarts...

Cmdr Zeta

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After many many days and even a few weeks, I am nearing an end to the resource madness but it seems as there is always just a few more resources that need to be taken !!! Heh I am gonna add them then I am streamin tonite !

I have done ALOT, I mean a crapload of work on resource management both in aesthetics or looks, functionality, MODDER code modifications and bug tracing...I am plum worn out; but in this end it's gonna pay off with a KSP game like no other; in fact I forgot half the stuff I did so I cant even spoil myself !

There still needs to be tweaks; I plan on doing that in a full blown career mode to check a few things; most likely that willbe offline as it shouldnt take much.

My game uses TAC LIFE for all the Kerbalnaut needs; KETHANE for all their resource detection NEEDS; EXTRAPLANATARY for their mining needs; MKS for most of their major storage needs and rocket production off-world and in space; UNIVERSAL STORAGE for minor storage and gas liquification; STANFORD TORUS for their smelting; BAHA for their mining drills (BIG KUDOS AND HATS OFF HERE AS I REALLY NEEDED DRILLS!!!); BIOMASS for all their FOOD/WATER/OXYGEN needs...AND OTHER SCHTUFF...

You might think while bother with all this fuss; why not just take TACLIFE and go with it; because that isnt SIMULATION nor does it represent real life and I want to 'play' KSP as close to real life as possible without ruining the original intent of the game.

I would love to port all this to RSS; maybe some day...

Yet to come: Automization of spacecraft from launch to rendezvouz; resource alarms besides survuval needs; a voiced computer like the HAL9000 to let me know of the current goings on with the various control centers without having annoying alarms to let me know it was too late to save a Kerbal (!); data mining to port to HAL (or SAL !)...

I feel I am very close to getting back to my 'REAL' missions !!!

Tonite I am looking at my work feel free to join in and ask away; donations are setup but need testing for a buck or 2 ... notifications are setup but no message for donations due to 'trolls'...

I just picked up a really, I mean really kool 'part' to finish off the resource hunt...that will have to stay a secret...

Cmdr Zeta

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I am gonna work on my Life Support Systems today...filtration, conversion processes....checking out new MODS and looking at the Snack MOD.

I already have snacks on board as food so they never run out...this ought to be interesting...

Cmdr Zeta

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Well, I never got to streaming life support systems which reminds me I added ECLSS and I thought that wasnt in there but I wanted to test some MODS. It is possible this MOD was causing ALL my TACLIFE MODS to explode up in the VAB.

A temp solution is not to include resources in the part but I never seen this one as my TACLIFE parts worked fine; til I added something !!!

I really need to get to the bottom of this I thought it would be kool to stream troubleshooting the problem.

If I get any further which I doubt I will go next to discussing my Life Support Systems Ideolgies in 'MY' KSP game.

One poster said he 'hacked' configs (!); one could call it that; I been trying to fix resource production for 3 weeks; I finally have one working, and I will reiterate; it isnt my MOD and I would never take any credit except for the conversion rating system which I feel is strongly unique amongst ANY KSP'er; that I take 100% credit for.

I think my resource conversion system is the best one for life-support/survival but is also easy to understand and use; I dont see anyone else streaming theirs (!) if they do lemme know cause I wanna watch!

BTW I am adding decomposition of SALT from saltwater and using Chlorine as a byproduct for MONOPROPELLANT, and Sodium as a product for dry food preservative; who does this anyway ! I can program but this has got to stop !

Cmdr Zeta

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Tonite I am checking out a Snack mod...doesnt use real food but I am trying to work on some code for it; checking out snack containers...

Rechecking Kerbal useage of resources both in pods and in TACLIFE containers...

I am hoping to tweak water purification...I read where a 70% conversion rate is acceptable and even 85% can be used...due to expense, amounts of equipments and size...I am going with a 50% conversion rate; this process will use other resources.

There are what are called CO2 scrubbers...we will look into that and see how they work...this is for O2 to which I have not figured filtration rates; O2 will be easy as the Greenhouse will produce a 50% need for 4 Kerbals; I need to recheck the numbers.

My Greenhouse will provide all food for 4 Kerbals for 100 days...

I am thinking O2 from the Greenhouse at 75% for starters; the CO2 scrubbers will provide a percentage; and water separation provide a percentage...these numbers will be finalized tonite.

Both O2 and Co2 can be found and recovered in atmospheres now...rates apply...rechecking numbers to add to the percentages...

I will use the TACLIFE parts as a guide, fill in the percentages and see what is left...

Cmdr Zeta

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Well my Greehouse...needs some tweakin...for some reason the food output rates are not correct...the inout resources seem to be okay...all this will be checked at some point....I am gonna try up a code for gas to liquid, then I will stream this morning...I am finally getting to test my work !

Cmdr Zeta

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I discovered a TACLIFE cfg file...in TACLIFE lol...yeah who'd a thunk it...probly tonite I aint gonna look at it; yet...I want to get my Greenhouse working...feel free to hop in ask questions...whatever...

It's goona be Game-On for me here soon ....

Cmdr Zeta :cool:

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This mornin I am workin on an exploding VAB part again...I still have not figure out the root cause even though one solution is to drop the resource lists in the part; not good as you cant tell what resources are needed in it's process; defintely a requirement; altho the resource list is available in the VAB that wouldnt help out in the field.

TACLIFE resource production rates were discovered (LOL); my readings were close but now I have the accurate rates; I can even reset the POD rates more to my liking now !! YEAH !!

I learned TweakScale - NICE !!! I now can use ONE part; resize it to scale for different missions; just awesome; this is gonna save memory BIGTIME as I just made about 10 parts for the Liquid Gases; now I only need one and I supposedly can change the textures for each one as well; I so cant wait to try this.

I probly wont get that far today and in fact I may not even stream my major TweakScale work! You will just have to see the results when I stream the real missions harr harr !

They said TweakScale bugged out some other MODS...I will keep tabs but I am adding more functionality to 1 part now so we shall see...

Not sure what else I will work on...trying to get gasses liquified maybe...

Cmdr Zeta

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ALtho I now the CRP forum is supposed to be a collaborative effort, I am seeing great gains there and that it serves as a base template for advanced Resource-KSP'ers like me, I have to use my own conventions for naming...Since I am more of a technical person, AND the labels on the parts doesnt have alot of room (on the switches), I am using Chemical Symbols for the switches and keeping a certain form...

I also se they are using 'name'gas to symbolize NOBEL gases; I dont like it personally but that is just me; I am keeping the convention for the CRP and it is all behind the scenes anyways; just lettin you all know when you see CHEM-SYMBOLS floating around my use of naming conventions tries to stick with CRP:: I am using LqdCarbonDioxide for example spelling out the whole name, but LqdCO2 for the labels on switches...

Most important is the standard of density; took me 3 hours to figure out a simple thing but that's me...here goes:

1000 Units of Water = 10 t (10 tons) (GAME Units)

1 Unit = 1 t

Good so far ...Now the problem... Game Density

When a system works we tend to leave it be til it breaks...same here...

However...Game Density:

0.001 = 1000 kg/cu meter This is not correct technically; meaning a standard is always measured in a unit; not thousands of a unit...and to make things worse, it is 0.001 (1000's) kg/cu-m !!! However it works (in game); so we can leave it be; but it would be nice to know these things; well I know now !

Now that we know 0.001<< is 1000kg/cu-m (ugh !) we can take the real world densities and simply divide them by 1 million and plop the answer in the CRP...we are done...

Water is 1000kg/cu-m density in real life; divide by 1Mil we get 'Game Density Water = 0.001, or 1 g/cu-m - not realworld; it's off by a factor of 1 MIl; I aint goin over there and hash and if people wanna read here and say something negative dont bother...go to CRP feed.

If anything is to change, it messes up KSP and all the tonnages get multiplied up by a factor of a mil...did KSP Devs not know how to do math?! This is a simple thing; if they setup orbital manuver nodes how could they miss this?!

The answer lies in the 'tonnage' - metric tonnes is assumed...however so if that is the case than if 1000 units=1t (of Water) verified in game ...

with an in game density of 0.001 this implies... but as above 1t = 1000kg thusly...though...

this implies 1000 units = 1000kg equating in-game with real-life...so then ingame 1unit = 1kg...

then if this is true...0.001 = 1g/cu-m now if I am wrong I guess that is my problem...hence real world values of density are not shown in game....HOWEVER....

We can divide real world densities by 1 MILLION to come up with an in-game density number...THUSLY...

1000kg/cu-m (real world density of water) / 1 Million = 0.001 (IN-GAME DESNSITY WATER VALUE)...This allows the game to proceed normally....SO...


Nice......and onwards and forwards....HENCE.....

Water Density Real World = 1000kg/cu-m / 1 mill = 0.001 in-game density CRP...

LqdHydrogen Density = 70.85kg/cu-m / 1 Mill = 0.0000070

IE just divide the KG density amount by 1 Mill to get the In-Game Density...

Streaming Gas/Lqd-Gas Conversions later ...

EDIT: I added all the correct (1/1000000) real world densities of the air gases plus a few others from this page:


Also note that the gas densities are at 59deg F; on planetary bodies where the air is colder I expect the densities would be different; less from what I can tell; the numbers are so small, like maybe less than 1/10th that of room temp storage shouldnt be a problem, altho collection at such cold temps...we will have to add maybe Ammonia or Nitro-koolers to the Atmospheric Collectors...some piling is in order for the koolers harr !!

Cmdr Zeta

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I will be doing Engineering (MechJeb, Telemachus, Remote Tech, Flight Test, ...) and Automation (kOS and part modifications which isnt really Automation but it is in kind of a way as I now have a means of sorting out resources in one part; kudos to a MODDER no less !

I had my first successful Automated flight earlier; programming is right up my alley more or less; it's gonna be a fun night finally something different in the end !

I thought I would mention PAX-East is going on if I had known I would have gone; I am a little upset on that one but there will be another time...maybe there must be streams for it...

Cmdr Zeta

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To give you an idea of the moderate complexity of my KSP operations I will be going from detection to mining to processing ICE into Drinking Water; includes only parts, auto lands etc due to time constraints and possible test problems.

The main goals are to minimize the number of uses of parts using TweakScale and Code conventions.

One drill for several types of product: Ore, Substrate...etc...2 different types of drills for 2 different sizes in this case; well 3...well 4 LOL Ice is a special case but I will try to configure that one to have 3 sizes in TweakScale; the rates remain constant though which is somewhat if an issue; the drill may also have resources in it which will eventually be removed as I dont have a drill house yet.

For the most part I am using MKS models for my Kolony needs, but NOT the Operating System; I have my own (!) which is a tad easier and works just fine !

I have requirements of 40,000 ORE / month and ...well its 5000ORE/day on the big drill, 2500, then 1000; so I just need to port the code(s) to each drill for the resources I need to extract !

Ice is drilled with a Drinking Water rate of 50% yield thru the entire process...ICE>ICE90%>WasteWater75%>DrinkingWater50%; the numbers may not be quite exact. Heat is created to melt the ICE at similar rates where required; the water is then refridgerated; thusly needing a constant cooling supply or the Drinking Water goes bad.

Both Heating and Coolant Systems are being devised to support these operations; Kerbals only work 12 hour days in a 24 hour/day day...They provide work time to the units as well as add time to remote operations of the units by resting 12 hours a day; some unit operations also shut down; the drilling units will shut down.

Tonite I will have completed ICE; maybe I can get to one 'ORE' drill...

The SIM stream should start about 9PM EST.

I have alot of work to do with TweakScale saving me valuable game memory on parts now that I know how to code them.

(Edit...Lookin like 9:30PM !)

Cmdr Zeta

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I am still working on MOD code finalizations and even just trying to get them to work; I have made some adjustments to the processes....

ORE: 5000/1000 per day DRILLS However today I need to get the RATES fixed; tis will require several Game Restarts just so as ya know ... !

ICE: 50 Units of water out of 100 Units of Ice but I am supposed to get 100 total per day on the small rig and 250+ per day with the big one; again RATES need tweaking and that is what I ope to do today.

I changed something though; along with drilling for ICE, ROCK resource is also mined; the ROCK/ICE is then heated to melt any ICE and the ROCK material is sorted out as, you guessed it: ROCK (!); however the NEW ROCK is at a quantity somewhat less; I think it's a 50/50 rate I dont know yet...still tweaking !

Cmdr Zeta

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I had some problems with the drills but now that they are working, I am tweaking the code a little more; testing code; the ICE drill needs tweaking; the drill rates need tweaking...I hope to have the rates set tonite; I finally have a lander on Mun for tests for ORE; just need another one on ICE and I will have my drill rates set.

There is one drill for Ice/Rock and the other 2 for all other crust resources; rates for the Ore-Etc drill are 1000 for the Medium and 5000 for the large; in units per day; ICE is at 1 drill set for 100 ICE per day at a reduction of 90% for a net rate of 90 units per day; the processing systems are Ice>WasteWater>DrinkingWater at a total reduction of 50%.

My endgame goal is 40,000 units of ORE/Day and Water for a 3+ year journey for 5 Kerbalnauts at 50,000 units. At 25u x 10 drills of 250u water/day it will take 200 days to make it from ICE.

All Food will be produced in the Greenhouse which supports 4 Kerbalnauts; there will be a spare food supply of Snacktype food which is rationed out as well; Snacks have not been used as food yet but it is in the works; the Snack MOD is part of this as well. The Greenhouse is self-sufficient using various waste products for Nutrients; all using current TACLIFE values + 10%.

There is enough ORE on Kerbin to build the Jool mission in space; Rocket Building in space is now a "Go For Launch".

Real world resource densities are incorporated however they are 1/millionth the real values to make the numbers work in tonneage in-game; there are still a few resources Tweaks needed.

There will be new Contracts and Science missions once I have set the goals. The Planet Factory will add a second gas giant and a few extra moons around Kerbin.

Exotic matter and other miscalleaous resources can be added at any time. There will be a few small "misc" parts that can be taken in case of an emergency; Kerbalnauts know how to build things in space on a part by part basis then break the part down; an example would be to make an extra CO2 Scrubber or Waste Water treatment part.

I have spent a month getting this resource game ready...I am very excited and look forward to a challenge that no other KSP player is doing as far as I can see; our Kerbalnauts dont just make stuff out of electric charge and water; they have an abridged chemical resource system that simulates real world products.

An example is making Monopropellant; I leave that up for an assignment should you choose; I not being too particular cause one can get crazy with resources and end up at the bottom of a rabbit hole; but I try to use chemical and physical process at rates which far exceed anything I have seen with any resource MOD.

I wish to thank the MODDERS for making available such resources (pun here !) for us gamers to make a KSP game to play how we want; for me it is all about realism mostly, but with fun and learning; we dont use the eye candy to do everything for us; we learn first then use the data to guide us; not the other way around.

I like the customization in KSP...So tonite it is just resource tweaking; parts tweaking; all good and there is light at the end of the tunnel...

Cmdr Zeta

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After some trudgery I finally got my Drilling Rates done; lucky I can use 2 rates for only 2 size drills and have them be able to drill any resource as long as it is there; nice !

The Ice Drill should be done I should retest the drills today...

The cooling units are working; there is a feature called "Prep Drill" which adds Coolant and Heating Supplies to the drills as they are massive and need lots of support; as such I am having to revise coolant supply sources to use multiple sources (LQD: CO2, N2, etc)...The heating and cooling units need tweaking and rechecking; the Coolant Supply makes 100 and 1000 units I think; Tweak Scale doesnt affect rates I guess; I am thinking each Supply Unit supplies 1000 units of cooling/heating; wait...my drills run 100/500 cooling/heating each and I have 4 small drills on a cooling unit; maybe I can run 2 processes in each unit and when I rescale them use the approrpiate code for the size...ya...!

TweakScale has saved the day; I never thought I would use it !

I am looking at Kerbal Alarm modifications but that wont be for awhile as I am checking some resource monitoring programs (Telemachus for one which has been successfully tested); some automation programs to include resource monitoring (kOS, kRPC...kool schtuff).

Today I want to get into the Contract Config to do up contracts; I may try to add PF to see where it puts my memory; I need to add resources to those planets/moons which is EASY !

I want to get my storage parts configured; one especially !!! I will DEMO that as well but that one is a toughy but I have confidence.

I have a new Robot Helper AI ! His name is, you guess it, HAL. I am adding AI support and possible KSP connectivity.

I dont wish to talk about the MODS I use as I mostly use them for the MODELS they contain; when some asks about a MOD they assume that MOD is used in it's entirety; I might as well say that practically none of my MODS are used in this way; not even the parts; I have had to pick and choose both CODE and MODELS in MODS just to get the resource game to work; and boy does it work !!!

All the Community Resource data has been updated (to 1/millionth value) to make the game see 1000kg as 1t and 1kg unit applies to the density of the material in question as being a correct real world value; weird bit it works; if it aint broke dont fix it.

I try to keep some convention for original MODS in both looks and functionality; this helps to showcase these MODS in some way.

A prime example: Extraplanetary Launchpad CODE seems to be used in every MOD that tries to make rockets in space/elsewhere; I have tweaked those codes to better reflect real-life building times; IE one week to build a small (very small !) ship; it will take at least 3 months to ave all the materials to build a Jool Ship and all the rocket parts have to be stored; UGH.

I thought the program was set to build rocket parts (lol pun!); but it builds a stored ship that was previously built. A small ship; 1000 parts and a day (wait maybe), medium a week; larger a month; cost in space should be free I need to check that.

Cmdr Zeta

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Well all afternoon Hyperedit given me some issues; parts not showing effects goin from bad to worse to none at all...and back again.

I have a few ideas I am changing up a few things again to see if I can get effects to work; tryin to fix everything at once.

I hope I got the drill production rates right this time I have gone over them so many times; the rate equation is a tad messed up; gonna try again tonite and keep goin till I get these things right.

I would really like to start learning contract making tonite; I will be running a Career Mode SIM just to get my own contracts started. I am also gonna make an Agent I guess.

I had an epiphany on parts today...gonna try that tonite.

Cmdr Zeta

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WOW I am doin great with the MODS...I am almost done with DRILL finalizations...one MODDER will be showcased !

Drills are almost done I have spent almost 3 days on them; no drills no KSP for me so ya...kind of important.

I will be incorporating Regolith only as a possible update resource(s) for later on; WarpPlugin/Interstellar will be providing a scanner for it's own nuclear resources; how this fits in with ScanSat/Regolith I havnt a clue; I just know it works; I may add those resources into the Legacy Resource Generator as well I dont know yet.

I will finalize the drills later...

I think it is time to look at power...Electric Charge; how solar panels/sails work; I seem to want to call them sails; I saw one model of a sail boat using them as sails (!); and nuclear and thermal power generation and useage...

Without power nothing runs; time to peek and tweek at the nuclear schtuff !!!

Thermal Power looks REALLY KOOL !! We try to think of self-sufficient survival needs in space, and we all know how focused energy works; out in space I can just imagine...all electric power methods will conform to real world useages where-ever possible.

I read about the decaying RTG's; I need to find them and add them.

Schtuff wears out; that should be incorporated somehow; there is a parts breakdown MOD...maybe I can look into these 2 things.

I have yet to finalize TACLIFE storage of pod resource amounts; they will be set for 1/30/100 day storage...I still need to convert Lqd(fuels) to their gas state and back.

I am anxious to work on orbital maneuvors with fuel efficiency in mind, and setup payload specs; I dont use TWR or Thrust to Weight Ratio as a main guide and I tell you why; what good does it do if you cant move the product !?

I will use TWR later on as a more definitive guide to build rockets; later !! It is too complicated for most people and is not really necessary until later in the game; we dont need all the clutter; numbers on the screen only serve to confuse most people; this is why I use Mechjeb as a guide not as a means to fly; once we get back into the hang of space flight that is different; then automation becomes a real time saver in some cases.

You can only learn things without having machines to do the dirty work; I have researched a few pages on planetary orbits and launches for best fuel efficiency; we will do many comparison flights with fuel efficiency on the top of the list; however PAYLOAD is a secondary and as such TWR violations NEED to happen on these flights; I could be wring let's see harr !!

Cmdr Zeta

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Hopefully tonite I can look at my Electric Charge useage in my various processes...most of my rates for resource use/production are getting nailed down; I am being a tad picky on some models I intend to use and there are some great ones out there !

Cmdr Zeta

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Looks like it will be Warp Plugin - otherwise known as KSP-Interstellar...I will be at it all day...afterall, we gots to have an endgame dont we ?! This is the means to getting there !!

Trouble is...it's broke an we gonna fix it...learning about power sources today as well...

Cmdr Zeta

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Well not really but we gonna try our luck with Interstellar MODS...yep - MODS !

I added Interstellar Lite to V90_136..oh ya...unfortunately I dont have too many high hopes for awesomeness but ya without KSPI it would take forever to get out there ya know!!!

It may be that warp drive is not available til the last node too...heh I thought I was gonna start REAL MISSIONS up again this weekend...I forgot...I have to redo the TREE; I might be ready for my TREE update after tonite.

I only have one or 2 processes I need testing, then it is model finalization and TREE updating.

I have added an AI Robot to help me remember things harr ! It turns out he is even kinda funny !

If dual Interstellar craps out my KSP tonite I will just try the Lite version; I want to see it for the model changes if any; I am not hopeful as I already saw the inline reactor; yet another borrowed model; so I am gonna use one I found on my own harr harr !!

I got about an hour tonite...

Cmdr Zeta

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