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Live Stream: The Kerbin Mission, Kerbin Academy...and other stuff !


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I am not feeling so great the past few days so I am gonna take a break from KSP; not sure if I will be back on tonite...gettin kinda burnt out.

I hope to run a livestream tonite but I dunno...

The website was updated to reflect Memorial Day - a page in the menu was added - each year we will add one or more to be remembered - these will be worldwide entries.

I think the transwarp trip I made last nite gave me a headache !

I look forward to V20; have it downloaded; read the quips about the mods; I see no problems; I havnt started long missions yet; I can see where people who have had long missions running might be in a fix...

Trust me I can sympathesize. I have started many a game more than once. Since I roleplay; I can modify my gameplay as such...Good Luck V 20 !

Cdr Zeta

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Roleplay aside abit...I am setting up 20 mods...looks like its gonna be a long nite...hop on over and see how I do setting up these buggers...

I already tried vanilla - needs some adjustment - I am doin all that and more livestream.


Wish me luck...

Mission-wise, Cdr Zeta is now orbiting Kerbin awaiting his return to the LC.

Cdr Zeta

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  • 4 weeks later...

from the ksc offloaded files...

Sigfrey Kerman is currently in command.

He will be supervising the launch of a second probe around Kerbin for his remoe comms studies.

This will be tests of the various comms systems...expect unual amounts of high level noise as the comms systems have not yet been correctly configured...

ksc offloaded files...

Launch in about 10 minutes...

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from the offices of the KSC

so far Sigfrey has launched up 3 comm sats; he doesnt have auto command or main engineering abilities yet so he is just learnin...

he has decided to modify a current lifter tonite...I wonder what he has in store for us...

launch and tests stream expected at about 20min from the time of this post


Sigfrey Kerman is the first space engineer running launches; a new engineer will erport later maybe to look for any anamolies on Kerbin or interesting places to explore later

the various voices you may hear are from various Kerbal activities...(remember - this is roleplay !)

from the KSC...

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This is a little update...not the best place to put it but...

Our Kerbal Space Engineers have launched 4 probes around Kerbin - kind of a small beginning.

The KerbolX was tried - the APS version was a fail for us; the modded version was okay.

Thye voices you here are the actual, or sort of actual til I get things sorted out (!), voices of the Kerbals in charge of the various operations:

Jeb, Bill, Bob - in Mobile Command at the LC

Sigfrey Kerman - Probe and small lifter launch specialist

Lolle Kerman - I think I got his/her name right...Exploration Specialist for Kerbin Ops: Currently tryin to get a telescope operational. We ran into some issues and we hope to get them solved tonite - nice since I forgot what they were already; notepads are nice...


We may bring up a new launch specialist tonite - Launch and Recovery Operations of small to midsize Rocketry. We want to drop down some fuel depot equipment, and fuel for our jets; as we dont have flight operations available yet, we will be sending up small fuel and data payloads to a few various locations of interest around Kerbin, but we dont know anything about payload deployment yet; I think that is a good topic to get into tonite as well.

Normally one would fly equipment and fuel to the various locations around the home planet.

The KCS has authorized low altitude orbital drops; along with this, the, or a, new space engineer will be doing some testing (ya I know boring) of verification of some basic astrophysics tonite as well.

As always....let's fly KSP ! http://www.twitch.tv/cdr_zeta

Wish Us Luck !

Operations to commence around 2030 EST...

The Offices Of The KSC - Kerbin Space Council

Edited by Cdr_Zeta
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from the KSC offices...

NOTE: Please see Mission Report for current status

Building a comms tower; testing telemachus and remote satellites again; possible payload launcher build;...


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I had some major issues and learning the MODS was also part of it all !

I am finally now reloading the game - altho I may have to do a complete restart of the mission(s) - luckily I wasnt that far into the game and has taught me a valuable lesson:


There was only one MOD that messed the game up so far in this area: HYPEREDIT...

I had other means to an end but had to use this program to do what I wanted; then the persistant file went awry...

I am restarting now; may have to do one more restart even then and redo 6 or so launches back to back it the file-fix I did doesnt work.

Hop on over ... Starts at 2100EST ...


Cdr Zeta

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From the KSP News:

We have been given an exclusive to follow the Delta Team on their search for a new and ancient find...we cannot devulge any further information, except that the operations will begin around 2030EST hours

A recap may occur to verify findings...THIS IS A KERBIN SPOILER ALERT...


KSP News

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Due to some tech problems at the main MC, we will be troubleshooting the vertex shader issue - LIVE ! The session should last about an hour or less...

A few Plugins tests will also be done to verify operations and check the various data streaming anamolies....

Ops to begin approx 8PM EST...

At 9PM EST ALL data will be reloaded into the system, and the mission will continue.

With a successful landing of a probe in the so-called 'Abzu' area, a suitable flight strip area was not found. We are ot sure where to go from here; possible VTOL aircraft or finding a more suitable site for a landing strip; thus we will probly send out another probe to the area tonite.

Time permitting, the Minmus Lifter Design must be rebuilt; it doesnt need to be retested but we may send out a long range probe...Our communications Engineers are still learning remote probes and are having considerable difficulty; we may have to learn remote ops on the ground.

The Delta Team is still awaiting a Command Pod to get them to the Abzu area.


From the offices of the KSC ...

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I think our problem was with what is called fallback shaders crashing the system - they have since been disabled - other graphics enhancements seem to be ok so far - we will see again tonite.

A major error was created and we lost our satellites - no biggy - we start again - however with a twist!

We will just consider our 1st 4 comsats to have been launched - as the streams have proved this - and returned to Kerbin.

Our launch engineers are getting better.

We will be restarting tho - for the 4th time to prevent any previous tech glitches from messin anything up.

Cant overstate the reason to save the persistent save files !

We will have sent out a probe or 2 at the anamolies area.

We must resent another probe there; but again we have to go thru the process of picking out our commanders and setting them up in their mobile command vehicles..

This process alone can take as much as an hour.

By the time we get comsats relaunched, and space telescope relaunched, the anamoly area will be in the dark; but we may try again; this is where we had game glitches.

I think we will be good to go this round - and from Alpha to Bravo to Charlie - we now are in Kerbin Mission Delta - and how appropriate a the team to send out to the anamoly area and setup a new Mission Control is called the Delta Team.

They will be a diff team tho; or new.

We may have a thunderstorm here so may have to ditch; but we will save these streams!

Operations to start at 2000hrs EST


There is a slight spoiler in the beginning for Kerbin...

Cdr Zeta

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Accident reports on last nites missions...

It seems as thought the first accident was no accident at all - Sigfrey, who of course is our launch coordinator and commander, was not aware that the first 2 launches with Kerbals in them, were in fact simulations.

It was a test administered by the KSC to see how the new launch commander would react under dire circumstances. He kept the mission going as planned and eventually landed Tom, the Delta Team leader, close to the MC2 site.

Simulation results revealed however some structural anamolies on the landers.

The first one occured when 'going IVA' during decent may have disallowed proper chute deployment at the proper time.

The second one of which was manually lowering the landing gear either cut the chutes or deployed them too early; thus crashing the LEM while on decent.

The last one, unfortunately, not a simulation, was the result of poor evac rocket design; we dont know who designed the escape system as it was simply added and not tested thoroughly enough prior to live launches.

We regret the losses of Desfrod, Chadzor, and an unnamed pilot...

We will be running SIMULATIONS to test the problems for recurrance, and redesign an escape system; somehow; someday !

Tonite maybe...SIM etsts and Mission COntrol Center 2 Support amongst other things...


OPS Live Now...

From the offices of the KSC Kerbin Space Council...

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from the KSC offices ...

Mission COntrol Center 2 delayed support due to time - need daylight over there...

we will be sending out probes, somewhere, out there...

from the KS offices ...

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What a fine time to ask...

It seems that we are on Commander Zeta's Special Ops Missions...

Last nite he applied the first magneto to the correct antenna tower in a location possibly on Earth circa late 60's in some jungle...

Well tonite the GSC has him located again - same era, different area - on some jungle island - he thinks his name is Jason Brody - the fall from the last TSCDW (TSC body displacement warp) has him shaken and with amnesia - this is a mild occurance that resolves itself over time.

His missions are to place special miniature magneto devices on radio towers - he only has 5 and has to place them right if he is to get back to the Kerbin system.

As you now his jet trip out of the Bermuda Triangle went awry; the GSC was able to track him; all good TSCDW pilots carry the necessary 5 magnetos to get them back and the GSC only gets updated information as to the next magneto placement on the list as he places them.

After a successful placement, a short radio burst of Kerbin origin is recieved signifying correct placement and to report to extraction within 1 hour.

He is on mission number 2 of 5...shall we join him and wish him luck !


GSC/KSC Offices...

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Commander Zeta on his lost journey to find his way back to the Kerbin system...The 3rd nano-mag deploy mission is underway...

Setting up to deploy the 3rd nano-mag device - probly wont happen tonite tho...

He has incurred a TSC TW reversion and is back on the jungle island needing to recover some sensitive data that somehow got retrieved on the local radio - that data must be destroyed with no trace left. He will encounter heavy resistance and must upgrade his equipment to survive and complete the mission - thus NOT SUITABLE FOR YOUNGER VIEWERS - then it is off to Terran Space to continue his 3rd nano-mag deploy mission.

Mission outcomes affect the Kerbin System Missions in the future - there must be no evidence of alien culture in earth past history !


from the offices of the GSC !

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from the offices of the GSC ...

Commander Zeta is on mission 3 of 5 deploying a special device to repair something...details elswhere...

the mission(s) continue ...

will he make it back to Kerbin ...?

he is in it for the long haul ... are you? can you aide him in his quest for .....


... --- ...

-.. . --- .... -- --- .. ... --- -. .-.. -.-- - .... . -... . --. .. -. -. .. -. --.


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let's watch and see if Commander Zeta has the 'right stuff' to deploy nano-mag number 3

last nite cdr zeta ran a few missions and had problems with the Terran Forces, since been resolved but keeping the prime directive in force by the GSC - they seem to have more counterparts out there than we are led to believe?...

Cdr Zeta re-supplies and sets off for space unkown...as it turns out, he has sent clones out there it seems, not risking his own life until the right target is found...will he succeed tonite?!

no - this is not KSP per se, but the storyline is; the plots are deep within the KSC and GSC, extending beyond time and space, to an ancient alien intelligence that even the GSC is unaware of - or are they?

the time for the 'ARG' is growing near, and altho the clues are far and few between, the 'chaos' of it all is there nevertheless...


the moon is on the rise ...

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Hi !

Not sure about KSP stream but the KSP storyline is on...

As the story goes, nano-magnetos must be installed into various radio antenna of the past and possible future timelines for transwarping to occur within the Milky Way and for Cdr Zeta to get back to the Kerbin System.

There was a report of nano-mag 4 install (!?); we dont know the extent of this deploy, and have yet to reveal a video; but the GSC has assured us that the deploy was successful.

Unfortunately there was a reversion and/or rift stress/fracture and nano-mag #2 must be placed again...there were incidences of time continuum stresses so we are redoing the mission, but this time with more minimal loss of life to any local species.

Data stream will be up to view the event live...it should be easier this go around...just lengthy, about an hour if we are lucky.

If the test passes, there needs to be some rocket tests in the KSC SIM, and SIM-Tests of Delta Team supplies deployment.


From the GSC offices...

PS: There was a leaked video - possible Zeta-Clone gone awry; lost? It seems as tho ...ya...there will be a live stream of this event at some point; only info - wild wild west? securing an ancient gold piece to avert some loss of life which then saves a butterfly species that ultimately saves humankind?...something of the PD gone awry ? Something from the future interfering? no further data available

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I will be streamin for an hour or so - yes this time KSP haha I know I been streamin other storyline stuff but hey thats the way the story goes...I need to work on that a little; for now the storyline mode is back to Kerbin, and we need to send support items to 'The Delta Team' near a Kerbin secret location - spoiler so beware...

I still havnt found all the artifacts on Kerbin - these 2 I found using my spy satellite - not ISA Mapsat which BTW is deployable but my engineers have not produced nor researched it yet; I am slow and thats how I like it cause this is one game I am not spoiling for myself !!

So today for an hout or so I need to get my spaceplane, well plane, its not technically a space plane, launched into low orbit to, well not really an orbit, but launched farther than it would normally go using just the jet fuel.

Watch me as I figure out how to balance my load; I have not tried this yet technically, but I know what I am in for; there will be many tests 'AND' I wont be actually flying the plane after launch for any long period cause I know how to fly 'AND' land it; it is my rescue plane.

I have the controller but I dont need to use it.

SO hop on over and check out my fails til I get it right (I hope!). All Tests Done In SIMULATION Mode !


Cdr Zeta, still lost in space somewhere - NOT In The Kerbin System Yet - In fact I dont really know where I am yet ! And one of my clones went haywire; I it messed up a nano-mag and the extraction sent him to some place in the wild wild west...this storyline will be reported soon; I need to find the game I have not even played yet !

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from the KSC offices ...

Delta Team needs support equipment...it is night so the mission will be difficult ... there will be SIM modes to test flights then the mission will begin...

a discovery was made regarding time... it seems that current mission exits do not change or revert times of other ongoing missions....

a discovery was made regarding space...well we are not sure yet on this one, but the orbital data does not correlate



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The first part of the ARG was a timed launch of Kerbin Space Station Module along with the "Progress 52' launch to resupply the ISS.

I had originally planned to get the KJSS hub launched, then launch s similsr 'Progress 52' launch support rocket at the same time but I had too much preparation; I was lucky to do the launch simultaneously.

So the first part of the ARG went okay.

The second part was to time the docking and do a docking on KSP as well tonite; well my main computer suffered s msjor breakdown and I cant boot on it due to a logitech uninstall not working and crashing it; I am gonna try to repair it other wise I have to do a clean install - it was due for it anyways.

I was very excited to do this docking ARG and everything went haywire - I tried desperately to get a livestream up on another computer (the one I am on now) - that failed, then I tried to get a desktop vid capture going - that failed - this backup computer didnt have much on it so just as I was ready to record (which I did get a recording but just the aud - ) what ever that computer crashed too - just froze and the blue screen of death came up - so upstairs I went to watch the docking on tv - 20 million viewers watchin it or more.

It was a learning experience I dont want to go thru again; I was installing a few things and shouldnt have hours before a planned event; NO INSTALLS the day of events !!!!!

I will be getting the recording of the 'Progress 52' docking, and play it back when I am ready to dock the support module to our new KSP KJSS or Kerbin Joint Space Station - it will be a 'partial' live ARG event - at least I got the launch vid down!


Msybe I can get my computer up and running again and do the ARG feed tomorrow nite...

Cdr Zeta

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