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Hawkinator's almost-multiplayer pass along the save file challenge thingy.

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Interesting. I wont be able to mess with this until tomorrow, but things randomly exploding sure isn't fun. Had a couple docked ships do this to me on my totally pure .20 install actually. Maybe a bug?

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The Valkyrie was fine when i left it. Its a bug that awoke the Kraken! im going to see if i can replicate it and find a work around with the ship on laythe that one was exploding on me when i tried to fly it last patch. Try enablng no crash dmg and unbreakable joints and maybe after you move the ship around it might fix it for you.

Edited by Actzoltan
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Challenge #64 Complete!

Total Kerbals lost: 1

Vessels recycled: 7

Extra-Kerbin Landings: 5

I got the Act Corp Valkyrie Fuel Core up into orbit, and docked to the Valkyrie. No fuel from the fuel cores was used as requested. I couldn't line up the Valkyrie for an easy docking, because the Kraken awoke as soon as I switched to it (with the fuel cores nearby). So I had to do a fly-around to get to the docking port I wanted. As a result, I used a little more RCS to rendezvous and dock than I would have liked.


After docking was performed, it was time for the booster core to be disconnected and de-orbited. Dilney happily hit the staging button, thereby disconnecting the booster. He waited for the booster to fly away, but then he noticed something didn't quite go according to plan.


He soon discovered that disaster had struck! As it turned out, someone forgot to fit the remote control module to the booster, making it impossible to fly away from the Valkyrie and de-orbit. To make matters worse, the separation motors malfunctioned, causing the vehicles to separate much too slowly for Dinley's liking.

Unwilling to spend any of Valkyrie's fuel for an evasive manoeuvre, the engineers on the ground quickly put together a vehicle with remote control, to serve as the booster's brain, so to speak. The rocket is a little overbuilt, as the Kerbals didn't have time to test the vehicle. It's up on the launch pad right now, waiting for someone to grab the remote.


Challenge #65:

1. Get the "Brains" on the launch pad into orbit

2. Reach the discarded Fuel Core Booster, named "Valkyrie Debris" and dock to it.

3. De-orbit the discarded booster with the Brains module(s).


- It may be necessary to launch a second, identical "Brains" vehicle, to balance the the stack before it is de-orbited.

- The second action group opens the solar panels.

- The separation motors on the discarded booster can still fire.

- Think about your attitude and which engine you use to de-orbit.


Edited by Dappa
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Challenge #65 Accepted!

I shall deorbit that booster.

EDIT: Why are there so much ships in orbit that are not in KAC, it seems most of them are now useless since no challanges are made for them.

Edit 2: De-orbited the booster, i will now make a new challange.

Edited by TomatedRaven
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Challenge #65 Complete!

Total Kerbals lost: 1


After the tedious task of docking Brain to the booster, I managed the preform even harder task of pointing the engine of the booster to prograde and use the fuel from Brain to deorbit it.


Now that the Valkyre station has its fuel core attached and is saved from the danger of an loose fuel tank, it is time to fit on its engine cluster.

The next challange is to fly the Act corp_ Valkyre Engine cluster to the station and dock it somewhere in the main stack.

Challenge #66

1- Lauch the Act corp_ Valkyre Engine cluster to orbit.

2- Rendezvous with the Valkyre station.

3- Dock the engine cluster somewhere in the main stack, preferably not at the back.

4- Deorbit whatever is left of the launch vehicle.


- The rocket may look rediculous, but it works.

- The rocket uses aspergus staging, just hit space when an engine stops and you should be fine.

- For the engine cluster, 9 toggles the lower engines and 8 the upper ones.

Download link: Save File

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Challenge #66 Complete!

Total Kerbals lost: 1

Vessels recycled: 7

Extra-Kerbin landings: 5

The engine cluster has been docked to the side of the Valkyrie.


Bill and Jeb journeyed north through the night, stopping on the top of a mountain for a view of the sunrise. I have time-accelerated 24 hours.



1. The Act_Corp Geosync Refuel has 911 units of fuel aboard. Pilot the Charon at Shiva station over and retrieve what you can of that. The Charon's large tank will hold 720 units, so that should be the minimum (be sure to move what it has to the storage tank on the Shiva before you leave.) Deorbit the tank when you're done, but obviously leave the Charon in orbit. You don't have to bring it back to Shiva, however.

2. 0.20's addition of Flags has caught the eye of one bold Kerbal entrepreneur. Sir Kenrim Kerman has used his vast wealth and resources to privately fund his own space mission! He's decided to begin by claiming territory on the Mun. Launch Sir Kenrim's Lander into orbit.


I'd like this to be the beginning of an ongoing challenge to get this single kerbal to plant his flag on each planet he visits. This rocket should have plenty of fuel to get to the Mun, Minmus and return home where Sir Kenrim can begin planning his long-distance planetary takeover strategies.


Edited by Jenkinz
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  TomatedRaven said:

EDIT: Why are there so much ships in orbit that are not in KAC, it seems most of them are now useless since no challanges are made for them.

Pretty much everything is waiting on the Jool/Duna transfer window in ~35 days. Hopefully the making each mission time warp a bit will prevent this from happening again.

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I would attempt it, but I'm not exactly sure how to get the files from Google Docs. Also, I'm having trouble interpreting the objective for this bit. Could you please clarify?

Also, I'm not sure if you're supposed to have 2 challenges in one post either. I'd rather stick to challenge 1 and go from there. Challenge 2 seems to be something for it's own thread.

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The first bit is a reasonably simple task and is just some routine maintenance. There are tons of things going on in this save, and it's nice to keep things as clean as possible. If you don't want to or feel it's asking too much then go ahead and take the second part. Someone will take care of the debris at some point, no worries.

As for the second part, I'm not asking the next person to do anything outrageous. Just put the ship that's on the pad into (a 90 degree) orbit around Kerbin. One simple step towards a greater goal. I was simply suggesting that another ongoing challenge within this "Almost Multiplayer" game we've got going should be to start putting flags on the places we've been. Having to figure out how to do this, collectively, using a single Kerbal adds an extra bit of difficulty.

Does this help you see how to download the save? Click the link provided to get to this page, then File>Download.


Extract the save folder "Almost Multiplayer" to your KSP saves directory.

Edited by Jenkinz
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yeah that certainly helps, I'll attempt both challenges(or try rather as I attempted the cupcake VTOL challenge and hurt myself and one of my keyboards in the process... awkward controls and me don't mix well). Anyway wish me luck, I'll record my progress and probably post it in video form along with screenshots for those who don't want to sit through an entire video.

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Challenge #67 and #68 COMPLETE

Total Challenges Personally Completed: 2

So 2 tasks have been set on my shoulders and I intend to deliver!

For your convenience, here is a video I put together at the very early morning hours.

(More problems, yey.... mixcraft won't render my commentary. keeps saying I need to register even though I paid for the bloody thing. I'll upload the video with text commentary and some good music since I don't want to hold you guys up for too much longer)

If you don't care to watch a video, here's the typical screenshot skinny of the adventure!

Mission 1 consisted of me piloting the Charon to take as much fuel as possible from a Refueling probe in low Kerbin orbit and then put it on a de-orbiting trajectory!

The Charon un-docking from Shiva Station


Successfully docked onto the Refueling Probe after a decent struggle. Added note, put docking ports toward the center of the tanks, it too me a few tries to wedge my ship under that Av package and beam.


De-orbited the probe and sent it down into the dirt! hope that the folks living nearby don't mind another chunk of debris in their land!


Stabilized Charon's orbit to keep Neward Kermin from suffering so similar fate as the probe as we move on the the second mission!


Mission 2 Was simply to put Sir Kemrin Kerman into orbit to begin his intersolar quest of placing his flag on every celestial body!

Unfortunately, I forgot to take screens of this mission and the video editor crashed, corrupting all of the files related to the video! I did successfully get him into orbit though!

Challenge#69 will be a nostalgic mission. Send Sir Kemrin Kermin into Munar orbit to begin his conquest!

Note: The vessel is still on it's final launch stage in Kerbin orbit with about half fuel. It's set on an orange Jumbo tank and it's gimbal is locked so exercise caution when accelerating as excessive thrust may cause the stage to fall apart and possibly kill our rich entrepreneur!

Save file download: http://www.4shared.com/archive/aMKLjXAC/Almost_Multiplayer.html

Just save it to your saves folder!

Good luck!

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  Reavermyst said:

I see you have trouble with your Kerbal Alarm Clock (or crew manifest).

In order to fix this, make sure to install the PluginData folder into the correct place.

So for Crew Manifest it is in Kerbal Space Program\GameData\CrewManifest\Plugins\PluginData,

and for Kerbal alarm Clock in Kerbal Space Program\Plugins\PluginData.

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  TomatedRaven said:
I see you have trouble with your Kerbal Alarm Clock (or crew manifest).

In order to fix this, make sure to install the PluginData folder into the correct place.

So for Crew Manifest it is in Kerbal Space Program\GameData\CrewManifest\Plugins\PluginData,

and for Kerbal alarm Clock in Kerbal Space Program\Plugins\PluginData.

It's crew manifest, and it works fine, just the symbol isn't working properly xD

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I accept Challenge 69!


anyways Challenge complete

Link: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B3n4DeVt5YlMcjQ1cUFNbHd3akk/edit?usp=sharing

just extract it to your saves file :]

Challenge 70- Stabilize Munar orbit then eject large fuel tank

P.S. I have no idea how you are supposed to land this thing :]

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  Domesicabbage said:

P.S. I have no idea how you are supposed to land this thing :]

The LM decouples from the command module and redocks Apollo style. There's no RCS on the LM tho and since it's only one kerb, he's gotta Eva between ships to dock again. Although I have docked using the LM's engines alone :P

Also, good to see you around again Hawk

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