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Hawkinator's almost-multiplayer pass along the save file challenge thingy.

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Challange #75 Complete!

Total Kerbals lost: 1

The Cabbage has been docked with Kenrim Kerman's ship and he is now ready for an extraterestial landing.


Other tasks completed:

- Fixed Kenrims flags being default.

- Fixed the Laythe lander exploding.


- Made sure all flights on Mün are ok now 20.1 is out.

- Jeb and Bill continued their journey and stopped on the highest nearby peak to watch the sunset.


In the meantime, Phillock became very upset about just being left to die on the launchpad, and he dicided to do something.

He tuned out to be a natural thief, and he managed to steal a prototype gouvernement rocket.


Notes about the rocket: (please include this in all futere challanges involving this rocket:

- Be carefull landing since it lands on the tail things.

- NEVER press G, they are supposed to look like guns, not to be functional.

- In order to use the rover, drop it and the move the rocket away.

- The rocket is desinged to go to the Mün or Minmus, and return.

- In order to return, manually decouple the docking port of the top section, and fire the engine.

- The engine of the return bit is above the docking port, but it works fine.

Challange #76 get Phillock into orbit.

+ Extra task: It would be nice if someone redocked the Charon to the Shiva station.

Save File: Almost Multiplayer

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Challenge Complete

To begin with Phillock was unsure of his craft as it had numerous notes in it documenting that the staging was malfunctioning but he launched anyway :0.0:


Phillock then had to steal about 200 tonnes of fuel. He did this by drinking the fuel and then regurgitating it inside his rocket:confused:

He fixed the rocket and then launched it



He also unwittingly passed quite close to another space shuttle but he hopes they did not notice him in his stolen space craft


Because he also didn't want to be detected he renamed his craft to a more subtle name


Finally he corrected his orbit


Your Challenge(77):

get Kenrim's New ship (undock it etc.. he wants the rover ship) to intersect with a planet of your choice (has enough fuel for any planet) If you have time I also think there is a ship about to go into a SOI change and bad things will happen if we miss it


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[table=width: 900, class: outer_border, align: center]



Challenge #77 Completed

Total Kerbals lost: 1

Total Extra-Kerbin Landings: 8

Sir Kenrim has to wait for the nearest transfer window for Moho in 15 days in the meantime he watches the sun.

I also set the Mantacore two onto a encounter with Moho which will be last for a hour there is a alarm clock set for both Sir Kenrim and the Mantacore two.


This is your next challenge the Cerebus OctodecaThruster




My Challenge:

1. Get the Cerebus OctodecaThruster into low orbit

2. Dock with the Valkyre

3. Deorbit the launch vehicle.

There is a new Alarms-Hampatsfct (Sandbox).txt file included with this save file add it to your GameData\TriggerTech\PluginData folder. this is the new directory for the kerbal alarm clock mod.


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Challenge #78 Completed

Total Kerbals lost: 1

Total Extra-Kerbin landings: 8

Next event: Kenrim to Moho in a fortnight

The Cerberus OctoDecaThruster has been added to the Valkyrie, and the RavenCorp Engine Cluster has been given its own computer so that it can be used to transfer medium-sized interplanetary payloads.

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The RavenCorp Engine Cluster has 48T of fuel, a total mass of 93T, ASAS, RTG power, and lots of RCS. The action group controlling the eight forward engines didn't work properly, but that of the reverse engines does.

The orbital module was detached, though it still has quite a bit of fuel remaining (I used the LV-N cluster during the launch, which saved a bunch of fuel); as such it may serve to resupply other vessels for a while.


Jenlorf has completed his hike to the Gestein Atoll, and is searching for a reasonable landing site for resupply missions. Meanwhile, Bill and Jeb take a short break on their road trip.

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The next challenge shall be to return Herory from Minmus to Kerbin (closer to KSC is better, but don't sweat it too much). Optional objective: The crew aboard Shiva Station are due for rotation, so we need you to design a two-stage vessel capable of taking 4-6 kerbals from KSC to Shiva Station and back.


As a side-note, the Dionysus rescue plane has been repaired and refitted. It has been reborn as a lean, mean, flying machine; a single turbojet propels the 7T vessel anywhere on Kerbin, with enough seats to rescue half a dozen brave kerbals. It lifts off at 75m/s, has a cruising altitude above 30km, can reach orbit, has RCS ports and some docking capability, as well as an emergency abort/eject system in the (unlikely) event of a catastrophic failure. She has been parked in the air staging grounds west of KSC. (action goups: 1=jet, 2=rockets, 3=lowest intakes, 4=engine protection gear, 0=ladder)


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Challange #79 Accepted!

No, bad Kraken, stop eating Herory.

Ok, the Kraken keeps eating Herory when I load the quiksave, what to do ?

EDIT2: The Kraken ate my KSP, it took some time to fix it.

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Reload KSP, Try reloading enableing no crash damage, unbreakable joints in the cheat menu, and then go to Herory.

Tried it, but it did not work. I had to end flight the lander to stop Herory spazzing out.

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Challenge #79 somewhat complete :( !

Total Kerbals lost: 2

The sad tale of Herory the brave:

After a few days on the moon, Herory decided it was time to return home. He walked to his tipped lander, boarded it, and easily flipped it back up due to the low gravity on Minmus. After that, he took of, fiddling with the odd controls of his RCS powered craft. Nevertheless, he managed to get into orbit, and later he escaped Minmus's SOI. At his apokee, he managed to fire retrograde in order to get his perikee low enough for an earobreak, but then disaster struck. From the darkness of outer space, the space Kraken came, and before Herory could react, the physics of his ship were already devoured by it. Whilst his ship was spinning out of control and spazzing all over the place, he managed to leave his craft, and fly away. He could see his craft for a few more seconds, before the Kraken returned it disappeared. Herory tried to adjust his orbit so he could later be saved by another ship, but is was too late, and he was on a collision course with Kerbin. After a few painfully long hours, he hit the atmosphere of Kerbin, where the heat of the re-entry penetrated his suit and scourged his body. The last minutes of his life Herory only felt an agonising pain, before the ground put him out of his misery.




Bill and Jeb continued their journey through the mountains, but the bad news had lowered their concentration and they slipped, after which they needed to do some repairs. Eventually, they made it off the mountain, and despite the bad news Jeb wanted to continue their panned picnic.


This sad event stimulated Act corp to hasten the replacement of crew on board the Shiva station. They have build a more robust and safer ship for this mission, capable of replacing all the crew and then landing safely back on Kerbin.


Challenge #80:

Fly the Act corp_ Crew Rotation Ship into orbit, and dock with the Shiva station.

After that is done, replace ALL the crew in the station with the crew in the Ship.

Finally you should make sure the Ship lands safely back on Kerbin, allowing the crew to return to their families.

Save File: Almost Multiplayer

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Poor Herory, at least he went doing what he loved... lithobraking that is. I think the rotation was caused by the landing gear somehow, since extending them seemed to stop it when I was landing the thing. Ah well, bugs happen. The ship looks good, but it seems like it has a quantum strut core instead of ASAS somewhere, so that might be why no one has claimed it yet.

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Challenge Accepted (My first challenge, so bear with me if I screw something up ^_^;)


Installed the technology of quantum struts, which seem to screw with some standard kerbal orbital software, so we're relying on flying this one by eye!

Orbit achieved! Waiting for a good maneuver to rendezvous.

Docking Achieved. Attempting to transfer new kerbals!

Critical problem! Ladder is blocking the EVA port of both of the hitchhiker storage containers!

Four Kerbals are all looking to get home after being trapped on the spaceship, but they're all stuck on the staging ladder.

Aha! Success! It looks like something was wrong with the doors! I managed to get them all out after a big reload!

Kerbals landed, compiling a report and creating a new challenge!

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I'm sorry, i did not mean to put the quantum strut core on the ship, but is has the same texture as the asas. As you are not allowed to use s part mods, could you make sure to end the flight after you landed?

I would have fixed the save file if no one attempted this challenge yet, but apparently someone was very eager to.

EDIT: How weird, nothing seems to be obstructing the hatches.

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Challenge 80 Completed!

Total Kerbals Lost: 0

The Mission started seamlessly!

After a beautiful launch, things went a little haywire and without a SAS module, the kerbals had a bit of trouble lining up with Shiva!


Fortunately with some clever wait-and-cross-your-fingers math, our intrepid kerbals managed to set up a relatively close rendezvous. And with that, our kerbals were able to get their first look at their new home!


Then, a few clever alignments and the new crew was able to initiate a successful docking process!


But then disaster struck! Half way through transferring crews, one of the doors got stuck, and it looked for a minute like the new crew wouldn't be able to get out of their ship! Fortunately on board the space station, they had a handy crowbar, and with a few manic swings and cries of "LET ME IN!", our new crew was able to take over Shiva.



Then the old crew was off to return to Kerbin!


A beautiful sunrise greeted the kerbals as they returned, safe and sound.




Challenge #81:

With hopes of avoiding situations like poor Herory's in the future, a new low-orbit refueling station has been developed for the mun. The hope being that future missions to the mun will have an extra safeguard of a highly mobile refueling station capable of rendezvous and refuel of small craft in low-munar orbits. Your mission is to take the Low Orbit Fuel Depo and put it into a roughly 5km orbit around the mun. The staging has been setup to provide an excess of fuel at each step in the hope that each stage will be able to either burn up in orbit, or crash into the mun. All that should remain in orbit are the fuel pod stage and the final command module stage which will eventually allow Orbart Kerman, our brave volunteer for this long-term mission, to return to Kerbin without assistance so long as he keeps a small reserve of fuel for a return trip.

Save File: Here!

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Anyone want to update the original post with the number of all of the types of missions completed so far?(doesn't have to be super descriptive) Would help avoid too much repetition


EDIT: ohgod I have no idea how to use google docs

Some help would be cool, right now I think I have the option to download each file individually, but I've never used G Docs before.

There's an option to "move" it to my drive, will that take it away from everyone else? what is my google drive anyway?

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I think if you do a File - Download it will give you the whole zip file, but if it doesn't let me know, I haven't ever uploaded one of these before so its possible i messed it up somehow 0-0; It would definitely be cool to have an abbreviated accomplishments list or something, as just skimming through the pages, there's alot to take in!

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yeah I made it to page 17 before my iPod started dying >_>

ok file>download definitely worked, now I just put all of this in the ships folder? or do I sort it manually?

nevermind I'm a nub, got it

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welp, got the thing in a 4,900 by 4,700 orbit, with no RCS left (it's so damn wiggly, ran out before I even made it to the mun, and I only used it during engine-off maneuvering, sometimes putting the engine on at 0.5% to steer a bit) and the skipper engine with just a sliver of fuel still on it. Everything above the stack separator under the nuke engine is untouched

now, do I do anything special or do I just make a quicksave, then copy that and the persistent file to the multiplayer folder with the ships and send my challenge?

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Haha, yeah I probably didn't design that well for RCS usage, I had planned for the skipper stage to be ditched before even reaching orbit so that it didn't leave space junk, and then it doesn't really need RCS to get anywhere on the nuclear. I'm sure Orbart will make due ^_^ (Or he may be getting a resupply drone :D). From what I gather you've got it all, just do a quickie report on whats going on, any shots you took, and a challenge. Also as a note, I think there's still about a 10-15 day window before any of the major openings that people wanted to hit start coming, so probably shortish missions.

Edit: Oh, I think I just realized what you asked about Drive, you don't need to reupload it to that spot. That's just one I threw up, and I don't think there really is a centralized place to put the files, just throw it into a zip and upload it wherever you find easiest.

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