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Recreating the Reusable Space Program booster

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I'm trying to recreate the booster in Scot's videos and can't do it. I've looked at the screenshots very closely and I think I've got all the right parts, but the eight turbojets just aren't powerful enough to maintain velocity. I can see he's using the mainsail to get up to speed at launch, and occasionally during the flight but even doing that I can't get a moderate payload even close to orbit.

Here's my .craft file: Booster Core X1

I'm using Custom03 to toggle the main engine. It's not an ideal control setup, but should be good enough. Also my parachute setup needs tweaking, but before worrying about any of that I need to get this thing viable as a launcher.

Without a payload it can make it into orbit ok, but with as little as a hitchhiker module, some RCS and a probe core there's no way I can get it to orbit.

Any ideas? I wanted to do this myself, but can't get anywhere with it. I've looked for a .craft of the original but no luck. Any help appreciated.

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Something you want to also look out for, after I created a launcher loosely based on Mr Manley's and made the same mistake: When you're starting your assent he stays at 100m/s vertical rather than the usual 200m/s vertical that most people use. As long as you pulse that mainsail when you reach about 95m/s vertical, and switch off the jets at around 20,000 ASL to avoid flameout and thereby inducing a spin, you should be fine.

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Thanks for the tips. I've got it sort of working. I can see the attraction of using the jet engines as they're pretty efficient for gaining altitude, but it's a bit of a nightmare to steer and manage the two types of engine. He used some solid boosters on one launch, I think I'll try that config when I've got some time. It might help even out the atmosphere stage without needing to mess with the mainsail.

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  • 4 months later...
  • 10 months later...

I used a reusable jet booster in .23 but unfortunately those records are lost. I remember using both basic and turbojets mounted on each chuted jet fuel tank with cub.oct. struts in turn mounted on the asparagus tanks. Main engine toggle 1. Basic jet toggle 2. High altitude jet toggle 3. Air intake toggle 4.

Good grief... I sound like a code talker...

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