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[Android App][KSP .20]KSP Backup v1.0.7 - Quicksave manager in the palm of your hand.

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KSP Backup is a free Android app that can be used to back up your quicksave files on the fly. It allows you to step back and forth through time restoring quicksaves to try new ideas. You have the option to restore the quicksave to the original folder, or you can copy that save folder to a new name and start a new timeline. If you choose to copy it just exit to your main menu in KSP and load it up, no need to restart the game.

WiFi connection required.


  • Store multiple quicksave files for all of your game saves.
  • Add a searchable note to each quicksave allowing you to see at a glance why you saved it at that point.
  • Restore previous quicksaves to test new ideas without losing what progress you have made, unless you like the new idea better :wink:.
    But the other save will still be there allowing you to go back to it if you want.
  • Create a new save folder as an exact copy of the folder or create it then restore a selected quicksave.

In Development

  • Adding the ability to view flight information, ship name and part list stored in the quicksave.
  • Adding the ability to back up your save folder to your android device.
  • Adding a delete button to the "Saved Games" list so you can delete ones you no longer use.
  • Adding the ability to move selected ships to another game folder or to the main ships folder before you delete the saved game folder.


Scan the barcode with your phone to install the app from Google Play or click the link below.



Change Log


  • Updated for KSP .20.
  • Added a parts list refresh button to the menu.


  • Added @Parts to the view list. Selecting this will show you a complete list of installed parts.
  • Added an item count to show how many items are display in the current list.
  • Optimized some of the code to make it more efficient when the list grows larger.


  • Fixed a bug causing the one time messages to repeat.
  • Updated some graphics and button text.


  • Added a one time message about the shared folder change in 1.0.2
  • Added a button in the menu options linked to the official forum on kerbalspaceprogram.com.


  • Fixed a bug causing the app to crash when the shared folder is wrong.


  • Updated some graphics.
  • Added a status bar.
  • Added quicksave scanning during the restore to check for missing parts.
    (NOTE: This change requires you to change the shared folder to your main KSP folder.)


  • Updated the launcher icon.

1.0 Initial Release

Here is the source code for the project. It is an Android Eclipse project file. I am terrible about commenting during development so nothing is commented and it needs some optimization. If anyone has any questions feel free to ask. I am by no means an expert but I will try to help however I can.

1.0.6 source

1.0.7 source

Edited by Soulshifter
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PC Setup

I don't have a way to test it on Mac or Linux atm but it should work.

If anyone could test it let me know how it works it would be greatly appreciated

Windows 7

ATTENTION!! The changes in version 1.0.2 require you to change the shared folder to the main KSP folder not the saves folder. If you had a previous version installed you need to make that adjustment before you can log on. New users just share your main KSP folder not the saves folder. I haven't updated the images below but the text has been changed.

Login and Password

The easiest way to set your Windows log in password is press Ctrl-Alt-Del from your desktop. On the next screen click "Change a Password" then enter your password in the last two boxes. Leave the old password box blank. Make note of the name in the first box, that will be the log in name for KSP Backup.

If you don't want to enter a password every time you start Windows follow the directions below to enable the auto log in feature.

  • Click on Start and then enter netplwiz in the search box:
  • Press the ENTER key to load the Advanced User Accounts Control Panel applet.
  • In the Users tab, uncheck the box next to Users must enter a user name and password to use this computer.
  • Click on the Apply button at the bottom of the User Accounts window.
  • When the Automatically Log On dialog box appears, enter the user name you wish to automatically login to Windows 7 with. Then enter your account password in the two fields where it's asked.
  • Click the OK button.
  • Click OK on the User Accounts window to complete the process.

Shared Saves Folder

  • Browse to your KSP folder. If you installed KSP through steam then it should be C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Kerbal Space Program/. No (x86) if you are running a 32bit version of Windows.
  • Right click the Kerbal Space Program folder and pick "Share With" then "Advanced Sharing"
  • On the "Sharing" tab click the "Advanced Sharing" button.
  • Click the "Share This Folder" check box.
  • Enter the name that you want to use for sharing the folder.
  • Click the "permissions" button.
  • On the permissions screen click the "Full Control" check box.
  • Press OK
  • Press OK
  • Press Close

Your PC is now set up to allow KSP Backup to manage your quicksaves.

KSP Backup Setup

  • Enter your PC setup information in the appropriate boxes.
    1. Name - Your Windows log in name.
    2. Password - Your Windows password.
    3. Shared Saves Folder - The name you used to share your KSP saves folder. Do not include any path information.
    4. Lan IP Address - The local IP address of your pc running KSP.
      • To get the local IP address for your pc Click "Start" in Windows(lower left corner if your task bar is in the default location) and type in CMD and press Enter.
      • In the CMD window type IPCONFIG and press Enter.
      • Look for the IPv4 line, that will be the IP you need.

Using KSP Backup

  • Enter the PC information as shown above and click the Log In button. If you entered everything correctly the check next to the button will turn green and the Log In window will close.
  • The first time you log on the screen will look like the following image, click the "@All Saves" to open up the KSP saved games list.
  • Click "@All Saves" again and select a name.
  • After selecting a name you can open it or copy it to a new name. If you select copy it makes an exact copy of that game save under the new name.

Edited by Soulshifter
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Cool. But how does it work with your PC? Do you have to install some software on your PC for this work? I would assume yes, but I don't see it mentioned anywhere.

If not, how does it work then?

No software is needed on your pc(other then KSP of course). To use you need to have WiFi access to your pc from your android device and share your KSP saves folder. Then just put in your log in name, password and IP address for your pc. There is detailed instructions in the help section of the app. I will add more detailed instructions here when I get home from work tonight.

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So if I'm understanding this correctly. A mobile app, Android in this case, can actually modify a computers files remotely? Assuming they are on the same network?

And Login & Password is to log in to the PC? So a normal home computer with no password or login doesn't require the login & password in your App, just the IP, right?

Sorry if I ask too many questions... The app does look really great. I'm just curious of the technical aspect.

Up till now I had no idea an Android app could somewhat even remotely modify a PC's files. Without some sort of installed software on the targeted PC.

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So if I'm understanding this correctly. A mobile app, Android in this case, can actually modify a computers files remotely? Assuming they are on the same network?

And Login & Password is to log in to the PC? So a normal home computer with no password or login doesn't require the login & password in your App, just the IP, right?

Sorry if I ask too many questions... The app does look really great. I'm just curious of the technical aspect.

Up till now I had no idea an Android app could somewhat even remotely modify a PC's files. Without some sort of installed software on the targeted PC.

Your computer has a log in name you just need to set the password. You might not have seen it since you set up your pc but it's required for windows to function. All of your user documents are saved under that name. If you don't want to have to enter a password when you log on to your computer you can make it automatically log in to a specific user without having to enter the password. It then just uses the password for other things like lan access authorization. Then you just share your saves folder and anything that can access your pc through the lan with proper authorization will see that folder and access it just like you are doing it from the pc. I will post a very detailed setup later. I wanted to do it after work but unfortunately I got called back for a hot job and it's going to be a long night. I will work on a full setup with screenshots tomorrow.

I think he meant that you copy the files from the PC to the andriod using the PC.

But, I have been able to replicate the process of moving files remotely on an iPhone with WinSCP.

Nope, no interaction from the pc is required, you can continue playing Kerbal as normal. As stated in my first post "backup your quicksave files on the fly", literally, you can press your quicksave button and back it up within seconds, all before you finish your burn. Once everything is set up you have full control from your phone.

Edited by Soulshifter
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Ahh...!! It makes sense now. After reading the updated part. Very clever.

Just some feedback, how about making password optional if it's not already? Setting up a password and making it automatically log in seems like an awful a lot of work for one app.

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Ahh...!! It makes sense now. After reading the updated part. Very clever.

Just some feedback, how about making password optional if it's not already? Setting up a password and making it automatically log in seems like an awful a lot of work for one app.

I wish I could but this is the safest of the options and all of them will require some setup on the PC end. Even if you make a home group in Windows it still gives you a password for file and print sharing. The network wants some sort of authentication, it wants to know that you are supposed to be there. It only takes a couple minutes to set up auto log in so it's really not that big of a deal considering what the app lets you do.

I will be posting a new version tomorrow. It's scanning your part folder and verifying you have all the parts installed before you restore a quicksave so you don't end up with a broken ship in space. I am working on making the database rows expandable to show more detail on the quicksave, crew, ships, complete part list. I am also adding the ability to back up the entire save folder to your phone in case of catastrophic PC failure, or you want to take it over to a friends house.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Everything is working fine in .20 except for the missing parts check on restore. For now it will show all parts as missing but you can restore it just fine as long as you know the parts are installed in KSP. I should have an update posted later tonight or in the morning.

EDIT Version 1.0.7 is up on Google Play. It takes a bit to show up on there so if you can't get it check back later. The missing parts check has been fixed. It now scans the new folders as well as the legacy folder so it will work with any previously installed mods.

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  • 1 month later...

Is anyone using this app? I know it is still installed on 120 devices at the time of this post but is anyone using it? I don't receive any information from Google other then active installs not actual activity. I don't send any information back to me unlike what this person thinks. badfeedback.png

A little feedback on how that app is working/not working would be greatly appreciated so I don't end up with a page full of these.

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